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Another D&#@head


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If the guy is speeding, let him pass - do everything you can to let them by - two reasons.  1. there could be an emergency (not likely, but it may happen) and if you were in a similar situation, you would appreciate people getting out of the way.  

Word.. for some reason people in Perth can't handle the fact that someone might want to go a bit faster than they are on a freeway.

I challenge any right hand lane hog to go drive in the UK or Europe for a while and see how long it takes before either a cop fines them for obstructing traffic or someone rams them off the road...

(guess who's just witnessed crappy Perth driving after a month driving round the UK:D)


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nudey, you are a bloody criminal, and you deserve to get locked up for what you did.

You're not wrong. my little brother still has the scars on his face from when it happened

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Well, yesterday I saw my skyline's life flash before my eyes as I encountered my dickhead perth driver story. Driving through suburbia, doin 50km/h, just commuting along between my parents place and my house. Passing an oval where footy is being played and as I come up to a corner, I see a white camry waiting to pull out. He's stopped so I continue at 50 up the hill. No more than 10-15m from the corner now, he applies the gas and pulls out in front of me. No time. I lock it up and start sliding on wet road. Fortunatley, instinct doesn't overrule my brain and i take my foot off the brake, furiously steer to the other side of the road to swerve around this bloke, reapply the brakes, now heading for opposite curb on wrong side of road, trying to take in where other cars are (oncoming, camry driver, my car), manage to again release my locked up brakes and steer away from curb as i complete my severe swerve around this dickhead. I come to a stop safely on my side of the road, in the original direction i was heading, check that i haven't shat/pissed myself and check rear vision mirror only to see this clown simply drive off in the opposite direction like nothing had happened. Meanwhile, I'm having heart pulputations.

Fortuantley, both myself and my car are all in one piece and without a single scratch. Time to go buy lotto ticket.


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I've had that happen a few times around Subi Dave - it sucks working there when your trying to get home when there's a footy game on. People are oblivous to everything except an empty parking space :(

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