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hey every1,

well im thinking about getting a FMIC and i just talked to my m8 who's an engineer and he said he will make the piping for me for free (i dont evan have to pay for the pipe) :wassup: so what i need to know is does n e one have instructions on like where to bend n shit?!?!

n e help would be greatly appreciated!!!

- Greg

(i didnt know where to post this so i just did it in vic)

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be best to work it out from the engine bay...

you have a couple of options... 120 degree bend from the plenum across the top of the engine and down to drivers side of the engine bay.... less piping... BUT it has a 90 degree bend which shouldnt be a major issue seeing as i have seen shiteloads done like that on HiPo cars.


the std way.... across the engine the way the std piping goes then a 90 degree bend to the front of the engine bay and another 90 degree bend to go across the front between the engine and the radiator and down to the front.

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