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What's the Sunshine Coast like ????


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I've just been looking at house prices on the net - there seems to be a fair few 'retirees areas'

Seems to me that Noosa is the most expensive, Then Moololaba, Maroochy and Caloundra - might be wrong though - Kawana sounds nice - Then there is Paradise somethingoraother

Like you said nismo33 - I think the best bet is to come up and take a peek around.

I'm thinking of buying a 2 or 3 bedroom place that needs some work on it - So if I dont' get a job straight away , I'll renovate myself, then sell for a profit and maybe do it again or perhaps by then I will have found a job or started a business.

Anyway - I am quite excited about this. There are lots of pro's and not many con's.

So when I move up, does that mean I have to support Qld in the state of origin ?? he he he he :):D

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your pretty much spot on with the houses with your pricing, kawana island is the newest place on the south end of the coast, close to everything and mooloolaba & maroochydore are all 5 mis drive away, beaches in every suburb, just gota head towards the water. look at all areas before buying, and get info on the particular areas your thinking of buying (i.e. flood zones etc etc) there are heaps of retirees areas but also plenty of new housing areas as well. other places towards caloundra way are pelican waters and bell vista estate, both these areas are new areas but as far as i know pelican waters housing is an expensive area. but if u are looking at secondhane housing to reno, there are plenty around the place ppl are always selling, you will just have to find the rite 1 for you in the rite area.

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Lived in Caloundra (Kings Beach) for 12months, beautiful spot!

Very laid back, plenty of beaches both open and protected, full of retirees, tourists and it gets chocca's during summer which gets a little annoying for parking.

Nightlife is obsolete, you'd head to Mooloolaba/Maroochydore for that.

Only an hour from Brisbane and 45 from Noosa so its in a good spot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i was born and raised on the coast...........

What is the popluation like ?? Old , young, medium ? Old and young, not much in between. places like caloundra and budrim are pastures where old people from the cities down south retire. a mate in caloundra lived in between 3 retirement villages (golden beach)

How is the economy and industry? Economy is black, lots of cash in hand work which helps drive legit business down. industry is hospitality and tourism.

What about Jobs ? what about them? there are none. 2nd worst(?) unemployment in Australia. It's a nice place if you like the dole. Hospitality is good though.......if that's your thing

House Prices ?? too dear cause of people from vic buying up

Are the people nice ?? people too laid back to care, it's indifference not a genuine nice nature.

Transport ? non-existant. that includes sunbus. Shitebus is a better discription. the roads are congested cause everyone has and uses a car. if you dont have a car you're no one important and a write off, hence the crappy transport.

Fishing ? great, i'm not into it, but it's definatly there.

Girls / Women ? Most of the local women will live at home till about 24-26. my 24 yearold sister says that most of the girls from her grade are on their 2nd/3rd kid. most piss up their part time at Wollies wages at Fridays on the weekend. Coolum is the single mum captial of Australia (statistically) which is evident by the number of 4WD's around the place.........the carpark to a school in the area looks like an offroad meet.

Nitelife ? Moolooabah, full of allsorts including a high concentration of VVankers

Things to do ? Places to see ? Smoke drugs, surf, collect dole payments, go to fridays, have kids, laps at moolooabah etc

:cheers: yes i'm quite cynical about the place...............unless you're into surfing and hospitality then it's definatly not the place to be when you're young. i got out and have never looked back.........great place to be raised though and to have a holiday break

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BMan, just do it......the coast is growing, steadily, reflected in housing prices and conditions and the increasing pay packet. Given that the coast is structured to support the retired age group, you'll find a concentration of services designed to supprot. Ladies, tend to be snobbish, ticket on themselves...at least down around mooloolaba way, sorry to whoever I offend, buts thats the cold hard truth! lol

The regional plan calls for light manufacturing type industry south to Caloundra and heavy industry from Caloundra to Pine Rivers/start of Brisbane. New/young home buyers are being pushed further west from Brisbane, heading out towards Ipswich/toowoomba way.

As for entertainment, I reckon you make your own fun, regardless of the places around. As pointed out, its only an hour or two for a run to Brisbane or the Goldy if you forget why you moved to the Sunny coast.......


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i'd be cautious of it....................inital sales of houses are good but the occupancy rates are quite low. a developer will advertise how quickly his flats are selling out but he wont point out that the customers are investors and holiday makers and the resale of them is crap.

have you thought about the hinterland? bigger properties out there, just a bit out the way but some people dont mind that

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just come hear and make your own mind up B-man, u obviously dont like the coast as much as where u are now "the_paladin". compared to sydney he wants a change of pace and the coast is a good place for that life. anyway, he will love it once he stays here for a bit. u make it sound like its the ass end of the world, and il tell you i can think of a million places worse off than here to live thats for sure.

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From what I can gather , after speaking to various people and reading Council Planning docs, etc - The Sunny Coast has just been through a bit of a boom over the last few years. I don't think it is the same as it was say 5 years ago. I don't know when the_paladin last visited the area....

I do plan to come up and sus out the place - see if I like it -

I will probablly reant for 6-12 months to make sure - then buy a place if I think I will stay.

But from the sounds of it - seems ideal

Thanks for all the comments (positive and negative - they all help)

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Sorry, didnt know you were from Sydney............or that you were a bit older than the adverage age on SAU

taking that into account, the coast isnt that bad a place to be. As it was said earlier, you move there with money, not to make money. i've lived in both sydney (ryde) and the coast, they're very different. it's a good change of pace (why i moved to sydney) it's just a bad place to be when you're young.

House prices are going to come down though. they cannot keep climbing, that becomes inflation. they eventually level out and drop in price. lots of people will move to the coast, which will keep them steady, but it's going to run out soon...........they're building em faster than the population is growing.

and the population is growing faster than they're building the infrastructer to cope with it.....

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