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hey guys tonight i was giving the car abit of a boot to see how my water cooler spray thingo was going and in second gear full throttle at about 4000rpm-4500rpm the car was backfiring and lugging but when i put it in 3rd gear it was all fine i tryed it again in 2nd did the same shit im scareddddd if i blew the turbo could i get sum advice plz thankz

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nah i dont know if there was smoke cumin out when it happend but deffenetly not when it idels or driving normal and there is no sign of oil in the exuaghst or metal....

what would it of been :S any more ideas

this is what i have done to my car... its got 10psi, GFB boost controler, supra twin turbo fuel pump.... stock ecu... n stock everything else i think it might of been the ecu???? what ya think

not sure, might be justt be mising in that gear, shitty fuel dont really know.

If it happens again or if your really worried then let your mechanic look at it or something...

oh and if its spiking at 12psi maybe you should put your boost back to standard until you get a full exhuast and fmic so your turbo isnt working harder than it should.

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