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Let me start by saying the STTF (State Traffic Task Force) are ghey... As ghey as they come actually... I got my first defect... Well Trina did actually... Story goes like this:

Friday night, Trina is driving along the M1 at the speed limit minding her own business... A marked car on the side of the road doing LIDAR sees her go past, get in their car, speed along the highway to catch her, and pull her over... They approach the car and inform her that she has been pulled over for a "Random" Breath Test... Which she passes fine... They then ask her where she is going and where she has been... And then let her on her way... At no point do they ask to see her license, or ask if she is the owner of the vehicle (which she isn't)... Doesn't seem very random to me... :( Actually sounds like discrimination against Skyline owners...

Sunday arvo, Trina is driving along the M1 at the speed limit minding her own business... She notices a late model Falcon station wagon pull in behind her... Falcon decides to tailgate her for a few k's.. She pays no attention to them assuming that they are tailgating because they want to overtake but cant because the RHL is full... After a few minutes of tailgating, said Falcon turns on the blues and directs Trina to pull over...

They defected her for the following... In their words:

- Ensure windscreen complies with ADRs ie replace windscreen.

- Ensure rear wing complies ie shorten width so fits within boot line and has rounded edges on all surfaces.

They didn't defect her for the following:

EDIT: Many other possible defects...

So they lose and I win :D

They missed booking people for the following unsafe acts on the roads today:

- A 4WD with a large trailer performing a 3 point U-Turn over double lines on a blind corner...

- A 75yr old pop driving at 60kph on the freeway in the middle lane with his right indicator on - for many, many kilometres...

- A VN Commodore swerving across 3 lanes of 110kph traffic and then over a traffic island to get to his exit...

- Numerous drivers using mobile phones...

But I did see a brand new Mercedes Benz with many airbags and a bucketload of active and passive safety features get flashed by a speed camera for doing 125 odd in a 110 zone... So they are "trying" to keep us safe :)

Anyway, it's a self clearance defect so basically all I have to do is sign the form and send it away saying the defects have been cleared... Nobody has to look at it... Weird huh?

I was already going to replace the windscreen due to the smallish crack that happened a few weeks ago... But it's on the passenger side, and not visible from the drivers seat (due to the rear view mirror) and all I can find on windscreens and ADR's says:

No material or other object is to be located on the windscreen or windows which will interfere with the driver’s vision.
If I can't see it when I'm driving how is it interfering with my vision :confused:

But the wing is a different story...

Side skirts, flares, front and rear spoilers may be fitted, provided road clearance and air flow for brake cooling is not adversely affected. All exposed edges must have a radius of at least 5 mm.

Radiused edges, fine... Stupid rule but whatever... But nowhere there does it say wings must fit within boot lines... WTF are boot lines anyway? The wing is well within the boundarys of the car (IE it doesn't hang out over the edge of the body) so I have NFI what they are on about... Sounds like a "quick make something up" rule to me... But that couldn't be right could it?

The other thing I don't understand is that they told Trina that after I sign the form and send it away, if I get caught with the same defects again, it's a $275 fine... Which is dumb... Cause if I get a new windscreen, and then it gets cracked by some rock thrown up by an unregistered, rusted out, no brakes, sigma, driving through a massive pothole on an unmaintained, poorly signed, backroad... And then the cops see me immediately afterwards, I'm screwed... Same goes for the wing... I take it off, sign the form, send it away, and put on a "different" wing, how can they tell?

So there you have it... My first defect, my first defect thread... Can a mod please move this to the VIC section? :rofl:

PS: STTF are teh ghey...

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I guess I got off lightly all things considered, and it won't be a hassle to clear it...

It just gives me the irrits when all they bloody do is target import driver's when there are much more serious traffic offences out there, as well as plenty of DANGEROUSLY unroadworthy cars on the roads...

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I hate STTF, and too the clown who got me! Get me agian, and you wont be working for Qld police agian. (don't ask)

I found they also love to free rev your motor, and when the BOV still doesnt go off at 4000rpm, they'll find somthing else to bitch about.

discrimination against Skyline owners...

I tried that one in court... It doesn't work, as much as it's true.

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bahahaha i love it :(

"The other thing I don't understand is that they told Trina that after I sign the form and send it away, if I get caught with the same defects again, it's a $275 fine... Which is dumb... Cause if I get a new windscreen, and then it gets cracked by some rock thrown up by an unregistered, rusted out, no brakes, sigma, driving through a massive pothole on an unmaintained, poorly signed, backroad... And then the cops see me immediately afterwards, I'm screwed... Same goes for the wing... I take it off, sign the form, send it away, and put on a "different" wing, how can they tell?"


bloody cops, what the hell is going on, is george bush running our police now too?!

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Also.. I duno if you have to take your car to the nearest station to be "cleared", if you do just put the car in Tina's name.. And the defect clears. As soon as the car is in another name it no longer counts, and you no longer legally have to show them the car to clear.

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Also.. I duno if you have to take your car to the nearest station to be "cleared", if you do just put the car in Tina's name.. And the defect clears. As soon as the car is in another name it no longer counts, and you no longer legally have to show them the car to clear.


ahh the justice of loopholes :kick:

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Also.. I duno if you have to take your car to the nearest station to be "cleared", if you do just put the car in Tina's name.. And the defect clears. As soon as the car is in another name it no longer counts, and you no longer legally have to show them the car to clear.

Nah all I have to do is send the form away with my signature on it, and it's cleared...

But thanks for the hot tip! I'm sure it'll come in handy :(

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In some case’s you might be better off just getting the car cleared, eg; minor defect. In my case I was selling the car anyway, and getting my defects fixed out weighed the cost of the fine - $75 and 1 point (which you cant get out of if you change names).

Lucky you only got away with just signing the paper work!

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can you take these ones to court?

I've always thought having a tape recorder would get you off any defect if it went to court.

"ok officer, so you are defecting me for xxx"

"yes, that is correct"

"under what Australian design rule are you defecting me for, and/or which roadworthy requirement are you defecting me for under the laws of Queensland?"

"um, er.. << b.s. answer >> "

* I'd imagine that would probably get you off in any court case right away. Unless they can state a valid statue, down to the finest letter then its not a valid defect I'd imagine.

"how have you come to the determination that this vehicle is in breach of this requirement?"

Now that is most likely where they'll fall in a heap, with no accurate measure how can they even legally defect you. The more questions you asked here the better you'd be off later on.

As an example, maybe for height if they say "well I have this fancy measuring doovy".. but then you start drilling them on the angle of the road, sprung weight and all sorts of other crap :(

Court case comes, sounds like cop doesn't even know the laws he is enforcing.. you're off the hook.

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Also.. I duno if you have to take your car to the nearest station to be "cleared", if you do just put the car in Tina's name.. And the defect clears. As soon as the car is in another name it no longer counts, and you no longer legally have to show them the car to clear.

wont it cost money to transfer the rego :confused: or can you bannana benders get away with that too - J/K :)

Yeh its good to see the my taxed income being put to bad use!! :(

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can you take these ones to court?  

I've always thought having a tape recorder would get you off any defect if it went to court.  

"ok officer, so you are defecting me for xxx"

"yes, that is correct"

"under what Australian design rule are you defecting me for, and/or which roadworthy requirement are you defecting me for under the laws of Queensland?"

"um, er..  << b.s. answer >> "

* I'd imagine that would probably get you off in any court case right away. Unless they can state a valid statue, down to the finest letter then its not a valid defect I'd imagine.  

"how have you come to the determination that this vehicle is in breach of this requirement?"

Now that is most likely where they'll fall in a heap, with no accurate measure how can they even legally defect you.  

Maybe for height if they say "well I have this fancy measuring doovy".. but then you start drilling them on the angle of the road, sprung weight and all sorts of other crap :(  

Court case comes, sounds like cop doesn't even know the laws he is enforcing.. you're off the hook.

Nah - theyd just pull you out of your ride and bash you for bein a smart ass - specially in Vic!! :wassup:

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wont it cost money to transfer the rego :confused: or can you bannana benders get away with that too - J/K :)  

Yeh its good to see the my taxed income being put to bad use!!  :(

In my case.. it worked out well. as I was selling the car. Yes it would cost money in transfer fee's, but as I said above, in some case's it works out cheaper then clearing major defects. You wouldn't do this if it was somthing minor.

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can you take these ones to court?  

I've always thought having a tape recorder would get you off any defect if it went to court.  

"ok officer, so you are defecting me for xxx"

"yes, that is correct"

"under what Australian design rule are you defecting me for, and/or which roadworthy requirement are you defecting me for under the laws of Queensland?"

"um, er..  << b.s. answer >> "

* I'd imagine that would probably get you off in any court case right away. Unless they can state a valid statue, down to the finest letter then its not a valid defect I'd imagine.  

"how have you come to the determination that this vehicle is in breach of this requirement?"

Now that is most likely where they'll fall in a heap, with no accurate measure how can they even legally defect you. The more questions you asked here the better you'd be off later on.  

As an example, maybe for height if they say "well I have this fancy measuring doovy".. but then you start drilling them on the angle of the road, sprung weight and all sorts of other crap :)  

Court case comes, sounds like cop doesn't even know the laws he is enforcing.. you're off the hook.

exactly, even better get a hold of the book mechanics get when they go through training which states the only "legal" way to test exhasuts, height etc. It's well, pretty much impossible to test anything legally. They are supposed to test the device against something impartial every second test, be in a clear 1km area or something, take into account wind, road angle etc etc...list goes on. In short contest everything, sometimes you just never here back :(, however sometimes it goes to court and costs you money, because the judge thinks your a hoon in a car that goes pssht.

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As for discrimination thats a big YES. Coz im yet to see a force dedicated to getting rid of the old sh*ttas on the road. Or maybe one dedicated to instead of monitoring young drivers, monitor old ones. Even better again a force dedicated to monitoring all the police that do the wrong thing whilst driving???? The amount of times ive seen them break the road laws for no apparent reason, eg stopping on a street for no reason, reversing up a street to talk to a young person who was minding his own business :( (looks to josh), talk on their mobiles.....I thought it was learn by example, clearly im wrong.

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