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First of all it is a bad thing to list the rest of the defects on your vehicle on a public forum, as its been known that they actually "trawl" forums. See NS about a guy got nailed for a FCON V a/m computer which he proudly declared and then got defected by a cop later.

Yeah I know... I'm going to edit it out eventually... I miss Fight Club :cheers:

Windscreen... I would ask for a clarification ? IE. why is it not ADR? do you have stickers or something on the windscreen? or have you got a big crack on it?

No stickers, a smallish crack that is not visible from the drivers seat...

About the wing.. If it is within the body of the car (not from one side mirror to the next but the actual body of the car) then you can get it cleared very easily from a good DOT. I said good DOT coz the one that is near me is useless. The one at Zilmere was the best I found, if its close to you. The 5mm radius is the nasty one which most of the people will get nailed for, as alot of alumium type wing dont have 5mm end plates..

It is well within the actual body of the car... And the carbon end plates are easily 5mm thick, they just aren't rounded...

As to what you have mentioned about the self cleared defect when you didnt do anything about... if you did do something about it, you would have receipts to prove that it was fixed. :)

Good point... Thanks for the info mate!

Mind you If you come around a corner sideways at 100 kp/h and there are 3 cop cars, and 3 cops point at your car and 2 run to there's and jump in, it maybe better to turn off your lights, drop it to second hit HI on the EBC and disaper.

It is going to start happening a lot more often i reckon. I know a lot of people who would tempt fate if the circumstances were greatly in their favour to avoid loss of car/license/money etc.

It's a shame how i used to view the police as a sign of help, now i see them all as the enemy as they cause me hassle, financial loss and stop me from enjoying my hobbies.

I can just tell when we go out clubbing and i don't drink, if i take my mum's corolla i don't have any hassles, i haven't managed to get home once in the s13 without being pulled over or defected!!! :bs!:

:cheers: you miss fight club? wasn't it your idea to shut it down?  

there is always a reason for fightclub..

Pfft stop kidding yourself guys, you know they had a force dedicated to hacking into forums for the purpose of obtaining potentialy illegal modifications to our cars :)

strutto: wooosah :cheers: bs defects...

pred: with the tape recording thing, don't you have to state to them that you are recording the conversation for it to be valid in court, etc?

i will double check but im pretty sure that in that situation you dont have too. as they dont have tell you when they record....ill check

I got pulled over once. I got a speeding fine. But whats worse, my car got called a skyline! You people are making me lose money damn it!

But seriously, weekends arent bad if you are not stupid, and dont go to the hot spots, and be cool. Like our group if you will goes to the same 'hot spots' and we dont even get looked at twice. This group is say a few skylines, my car, sometimes Andrews VL, sometimes a 400hp gemini or some other insane sleeper.

You lot saying 'thats why I dont go out weekends' get ya hand off it :rofl: just dont be silly. Espeically you James, you got the most stock looking car out of everyone!

Sundays however are another thing, thats just asking for it.



You crack me up Daveo...

He also called it an RB25, I HAD to correct him on that. But they had no idea hey, I though it was great. When I think about it I should have run it. I mean they would have been looking for a red R33 skyline sedan!

BTW I just remembered my mate (girl mate) who was in the car at the time. She got out and slightly hit the door on the stop your car going over the edge of a cliff railing. And well they had a bit of a go at her. Had they pushed it we were thinking about sexual harrasment. They basically called her a stupid girl. I really dont like them at all.

You lot saying 'thats why I dont go out weekends' get ya hand off it :)  just dont be silly.  Espeically you James, you got the most stock looking car out of everyone!

Sundays however are another thing, thats just asking for it.

i have other reasons to why i dont go out on weekends but they are my reasons. my car isnt worth taking out on the weekends anymore. Its not worth the hassle of dealing with police.

We got defected once coming out of Milton. Copped it sweet coz we had to. Drive away quietly. Next we hear this flapping noise coming from the front of the car. The stupid cop has left the book of defect stickers on the window wiper.

We spent the next 2 hours defecting all the local parked police cars. lol.

Nearly got caught once but when he saw what we were doing he just laughed as we ran off.

write a letter to the DOT or the police commisioner of qld stating your reasons that you dont think the fine is right. If you have a complaint about the officer himself send it the the police commisioner and then it gets dealt with from there. They will send you another letter back saying they are "investigating" it, then about a month or so later they will most likely send you another letter saying "we think the fine was justified given the circumstances" or some other bs like that and then you can send another letter back stating you dont give a sh*t what they say and that you wish to take it to court. This process is awfully handy if you need your licence for a few months (if your going to lose if from the fines) as it takes ages to go through. For you adrian it doesnt matter because its no points, so id just send the first letter and see what they say.

I did exactly this. The coppa was totally against the law. I had DOT read it exactly word for word over the phone to me and I was in the right. They still sent the letter back saying they are proceding with the penalty. The reason for the fine was failure to fit number plates supplied. I have 24 hours. However, because I am a mechanic the coppa said that I had ample opportunity to fit them beforehand. When I questioned why he gets the right to judge whether I have ample time or not, or in fact, where he gets the right to add his little clause, the Senior Srgnt says that it is up to the officer who writes the ticket. DOT said he is full of sh1t and it will get thrown out of court. However, they still persue it coz they know it is an inconvenience for me to get a day off work to go to court. Well screw them coz I'm sueing for loss of pay.

Legal Definition of Discrimination: Any distinction, exlcusion, restriction or preferance made on a particular basis, such as race, sex, religion, national origin, maritial status, pregnancy or disability, (CAR DRIVEN) which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or excersise on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, or any other field of life (Australian Legal Dictionary, 3rd ed, 2004)

Sounds just like discrimination to me.....there is also direct discrimination which goes even deeper about being excluded or preferenced because of a specific feature, ie: our cars. It was all made illegal back in 1986, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commision Act :P

If a cop is being an ass and is fining me for something and they are only pulling over imports im going to ask him if he thinks that he could be in violation of that act and also under what authority has he been told to target particular types of cars. Im almost positive he'll just tell me im a smartass and to move on, but the look on his face when i say it will be priceless and if hes goin to give me the fine anyway i dont care....

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