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Air Con not working

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Guest meanman

Hello my fellow friends.

The air cond does not work properly in the 1993 R33 gtst.

Set the temp to the coldest (18) A/C is turned on and fan speed on high. It seems to work for 30 seconds then does not work for 2 minutes or so. Then works for 30 secs then stops. ETC. Whilest the fan still going. Upon idle you can tell that the revs go up for the air conditioner cold air comes out then revs die down air conditioner stops. Get the drift. While it does push out some cold air this is not anywhere enough to cool the inside air down.

MY thorey seems the exact air conditiong unit works just not calibrated properly or something. coz cold air does come out but only for a short amount of time.

Any ideas? :confused: Any thoughts very helpful as you all are just so smart with these cars.

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Guest meanman

Dam mechanic said it was the resperator and that it is working properly. We go to pick it up and "Ohh I believe we know what it is, i think it is the control panel, i will order it in a few weeks then i will swop it over hopefully that will solve it."

That's why i want to be a qualified mechanic so i can do most of this stuff my self.

Any way i ran that Diagnostic my self and yep there is a problem where it should have 20 for normal was 25 indicating the sensor on the left side of the dash near the window. Is this hard to replace, should i tell the mechanic what i found out and see what he does then. What kind of sensor is it are they expensive?

Just when he said it is working it is not it is the exactly the same.

Any help is of most importance.


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