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She's not charging!

Belt is good and tight, got no battery light on the dash at start up/ignition on or when running.

Is there a warning lamp on the dash that is part of the charging circuit - ie if the bulb goes, the charge goes too?

Or is it deffo just my alternator (only just past 100,000 km)?

Cheers for any feedback!

Well mate, grab your multimeter and check the voltage at the battery when the car is running the voltage should be around 14.2 volts.

The battery light should come on when you go to ignition then go out once started and the alt starts producing charge. The r32 would have a hitachi alt on it? they would be fairly pricey to get a regulator for I would say.

Pull the alt off if you cannot determin it and get a auto elec to put it in his test bench and test it, should only cost $5 and he should be able to give you a good idea on whats going on.



Thanks for the reply mate.

Obviously she's at 12V when running, so there's no charge.

Like I said, my dash light is never on, so I guess it's been like that for a while in Japan (fresh import) and the bulb's burnt out.

I was going to pull the alternator and get it tested to be sure it's dead, though wanted to check first if anyone here had any other ideas.

Thanks again Sumo.

well, if you know what your doing and have a test lightyou should be able to pull the plug out of the back of the altenator and turn the key to ignition - and probe the pins in the plug.... Get a mate to sit in the car whilst you do this to see if the battery light comes on - if it does, you know that the regulator is screwed - if it doesnt you know the bulb is screwed.

Saves you pulling out the dash, but use just a normal test light with a 4watt globe, not an LED one, and the test light will come on dull and the battery light should nearly be as bright as it normally is.



  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Sumo,

I got the alternator bench tested and he said all is fine and it charges good. He says the regulator is OK.

So the problem must lie with the bulb and/or wiring? Apparently if the bulb goes, you get no charge as it's part of the circuit? The fuses under the rhs dash are all OK.

I will try the test light method... the two plug terminals are marked L and S (light and sensor I'm told). I have a test light, but it's not powered. Do I just connect each pin of the plug to earth in turn?

Thanks again mate - it looks like you're the only one on here who knows anything about the charging circuit!!


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