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Pulled over in the driveway... long story


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Got pulled over in my driveway tonight.

I live off Burwod Hwy. I was at the ANZ on crn. of Warrigal and Burwood Hwy. coming back from my basketball game tonight. Down the road about 150m is a set of traffic lights that a persuit car was held up at, I saw him as I finished with the ATM and knew straight away once I pull away and he catches up he will most probably get me. Anyway I have about 600m head start caus he is still at the lights by the time I pull away... but get stoped at the lights near Audi and the graveyard on Burwood Hwy. By the time I get away from the lights (doing the speed limit) my head start is reduced to only 100m. I turn off to my street not far from the lights and sure enough he follows me, I make another turn and I'm in my driveway...20 seconds later he is at my house and asks me to come over to his car.

Cop: "Do you know the speed limit around these streets"

Me: "50"

Cop: "Be nice if you could do it"

Me: Blank look????

Cop: "Have a nice night" or something like that and speeds off.

I'm not upset about it at all, but I bet if he got me 20m B4 my driveway I would have been given the whole treatment (anal probe)

So, I know that the persuit cars love to nab people up the road from my joint @ REECE plumbing (they get cars coming up the hill just B4 the BP) so me and the girlfriend take the dog for a walk and sure enough there he is. I did not want to walk past him so I cross the road to give the dog a run @ PLC. He speeds of down the road chasing???

Hope I dont get an EPA notice.

My rant.

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be carefull guys im not sayin you were speeding, but you may notice little boxes on in the middle on top of the roof of cop car's. They are speed camera's I found out because a mate of mine got done for 5k's over and he was on the other side of the road heading in the opposite direction.

Take it easy


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Will keep thread alive once it drops to page 2 if I get the EPA notice.

Speeking to a EX-COP this morning @ work, it does not matter if you are in your driveway. They can still ask to have a look at your licence and check out the car? I guess I was lucky...but then again, I did nothing wrong.

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Damn!! Can a cop actually come into your driveway & inspect the car? Do they have the right to do that?

I hope someone can start a thread about the rights we owners have. We should start reading some law books!

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there must be a lawyer that surfs these forums with us to save us the pain of reading law books!!!

Question the All Mighty PranK, he has a few solicitors in his family, he's quite a hadsom fella also

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Damn!! Can a cop actually come into your driveway & inspect the car? Do they have the right to do that?

Don't quote me, but apparently, if you have gates and you close them it would be considered tresspasing in this case. BUT if there are no gates or they are open, it's not trespassing...????

Sounds dumb, but I read it somewhere...

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If you are pulled over the police you will be asked question like "why are you speeding in this 60km zone?" or "Do you know how fast you were travelling?"

Your natural reponse to the question would be

"Sorry Officer I didn't realise I was speeding" or

"I was a little over 65kmh" or

"I was in a hurry to pick up my girlfriend" etc etc.

By answering this question you are admitting guilt and if you fight it in court they will repeat your answer to this question.

The best thing to do is say nothing or say

"I believe I was travelling 60kmh"

You also have the right to view the speed camera in their car. In fact they have to invite you to view it. Out of 2 speeding fines that I have had over 4 years only one has invited me back to the patrol car to view my recorded speed.

You should also request the officers names and write them down even if they are polite. This will keep them from being arse holes as complaints about police officers sit on their permanent record.

There you go! Some advice from the Lawyers at my work. Dept Education- You have just got some valuable advice for all of the tax dollars you guys give us!

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If you are pulled over the police you will be asked question like "why are you speeding in this 60km zone?" or "Do you know how fast you were travelling?"

Your natural reponse to the question would be  

"Sorry Officer I didn't realise I was speeding" or  

"I was a little over 65kmh" or  

"I was in a hurry to pick up my girlfriend" etc etc.

By answering this question you are admitting guilt and if you fight it in court they will repeat your answer to this question.

The best thing to do is say nothing or say  

"I believe I was travelling 60kmh"

You also have the right to view the speed camera in their car.  In fact they have to invite you to view it.  Out of 2 speeding fines that I have had over 4 years only one has invited me back to the patrol car to view my recorded speed.

You should also request the officers names and write them down even if they are polite.  This will keep them from being arse holes as complaints about police officers sit on their permanent record.

There you go! Some advice from the Lawyers at my work.  Dept Education- You have just got some valuable advice for all of the tax dollars you guys give us!

I have gates, but they were not open and I was kind'a on the footpath bit of my driveway.

I don't know about you but I get all weak in the knees when confronted by a COP and everything I know I should say is replaced with : YES SIR, TWO BAGS FULL SIR.... so I guess I would never of asked him in for that F***ing Coffee...

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actually no a cop cannot come on to ur property without permission if ur gates are closed... BUT if u invite them in or they are open they can come into ur property

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i used to be like that... I'm still polite (b/c I choose to be), but not weak at the knees...

I had a friend who used to draw a lot of attention from cops, and his answer to every question was either:

- yes KUNTstable

- No KUNTstable

- Fcuk you PIG, etc

- (The few times they hit him): Your mother slaps harder and i like it

So I got pretty desensitised by being around him. Don't think I would have the nerve to talk back like that though....

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do u guys reckon theyll go easier on girls driving a skyline??

since i got my skyline [NYE that just past] ive driven past a quite a few cop cars and no1 has pulled me over yet....my hubby says its cuz they werent going the same direction as me, otherwise i wouldve been pulled over.

if i ever get pulled over i think i'll start crying

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