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Cya All....Goodbye....RedLineGTR

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Well….think I’m going say “bye” to the forums, over the past couple of months I have been on the forums less and less…why?...just trying not to spend so much time on the computer :) work & study are the main reason and I have wasted too much time on the forums trying to contribute over the past couple of years with informative posts, photos of cruises etc & just trying to help new users etc. recently my account somehow got deleted/disappeared losing all my achieved messages, rating, threads, pm’s etc. Just starting up a new account is just a waste of time as all I had linked to my account is gone and it’s like your starting from scratch, after this long time as a contributing member.

In general I’m not happy with accounts going missing; not just mine other members in the Victoria section, as well as the whole Vic section somehow disappearing in the past and other events. The Victoria club which had been in the plans for ages had finally seen light after dragging on for months…close to a year, though it’s still getting organised etc, I don’t see it being so successful for the factor that most people I believe are just in it for them selves when suggesting ideas or options, not looking out for the paying members for the club. A lot of the committee members are committed to what they want to achieve but it is useless without the whole group being on the same wave length.

If you had the time to read my post & have met me before, I thank you for your time and the conversations had throughout all the cruises, meets, bbq’s.

Judge this post as you may, you may find it whiney and childish. But I don’t mind I’m just sick of putting effort into things that get erased easily, the negative attitude and selfish ways of some users.

Best of luck with the forums and the Victoria section.

See you on the forums in the future, if not then on the roads…

Thanks For Your Time. Cheers Rob

If you have something to say about my post feel free to email me at [email protected]

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noooooooooo... your a good man rob and i wanna wish u the best for ur future.

ur always willing to help out in anyway and always trying to help others without any reward being wanted and thats something that isnt that easily found these days.

take it easy man and best of luck!

a minute of silence for Rob [well his old account anyhow]...







...we're back on the air!

I really need to check-in to "forum users anonymous"

*sigh* we are working on it Rob. If you wanna leave before you give us time to fix it, then so be it. I'm still trying to find your old user ID so that I can try to recover your old account.

As for the Vic club being organised... its been on the cards since 2002/2003 when me, dox and meggala thought it was worthwhile. Its been a long time coming and its finally falling into place, the guys in the comittee have put a lot of time and effort into it, and as we find more people who are willing to make that dedication and sacrifice of time we try to involve them as much as possible... eg the addition of bass junky, clarkey and scotsman into the organisational group.

The club is run by its members, and if there is a paying member who needs his opinion voiced, all they have to do is attend a monthly meeting and bring it up. We run a democratic club, not a dictatorship. If you don't want a certain committee member in the committee, then all you have to do is vote to throw them out.

One thing we don't need which dosen't help the club go forward is politics, bickering and cheap stabs... be proactive, and not reactive.

Take care Rob! you're a champ, dont let the forums get you down.. Everyone needs to take a break sometimes. btw, are you still gonna detail my car? :) we can go chaddy and perve on some hot euro chicks :) haha. See u around dude.


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