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Late night cruise sessions - Friday Feb 11th - Pizza and coffee


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... So we are all in the beachside carpark at Newport eating pizza when this posse of sub 15 year old skanks appear, drooling at everyones cars and they come over and beg for someone to turn their car on, then begin telling us some dribble about how some other local skank crew wants to bash them, blah blah blah.

Cliff notes: Skanks admired cars, wanted a ride, got barred, got the absolute piss taken out of them, we laughed, we laughed some more, they got so desperate they offered Benm $2 for a lift home, they got barred again, then we left.

The pizza was good though :P

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I saw you guys at Newport, - I live over at Avalon.

I don't own a skyline though =( or any car atm for that matter. So I didn't come up and say hi or anything... I might be picking up an S14a later in the year after I go to court tho, so maybe another time you guys are up here :cheers:

Nice cars tho, who's the P plater with the R34 GT-T? :)

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