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I emailed this to the journalists who wrote that story, and the editor.

Please forward this email to Mr Josh Massoud and Ms Gemma Jones, authors of the aforementioned story.

The way that the media is treating Skyline owners lately is akin to the witch hunts seen in the middle ages. COMPLETELY irrational finger pointing and allocation of blame by the media has put the Nissan Skyline into incredible ill repute.

As a Skyline GTR owner, I shake my head and it gets my blood boiling when hearing about these young kids wrapping themselves around a pole and killing themselves.  Yes, the car has some claim to reason, but the same outcome could have been witnessed in any other powerful car on our roads. Say...... A Commodore V8?

I understand that media is inherently skewed and biased in favour of creating drama and uproar. But when you drop the Nissan Skyline into a story that doesn't involve them, JUST BECAUSE it's a story about street racing, that's completely uncalled for and outright slanderous.  

When is this going to stop? When will this witch hunt on high performance cars (namely Skylines - which truth be told, aren't even very fast. The top of the line GTR makes 206kw. Look at your local Holden dealer and see how much power those cars make) end? Are we going to sit back and continue to report the deaths of our teenagers or are we going to change licencing and driver training laws to send our kids out with a changed paradigm on what driving actually entails?

How about instead of dropping the Skyline into every news story about street racing and high performance car accidents, you start spreading solutions? How about you start offering ways to STOP this carnage on our roads? The problem doesn't lie in the Skyline, it lies in the fact that our licencing requirements are completely inadequate.  

Did you know that I can get a Silver licence, which allows me to drive a manual transmission car, at night, in the rain, at 110km/h.......... without ever having driven a manual, without ever having driven at night or in the rain, and without ever having driven above 60km/h?

Lets attack this problem BEFORE it hits the road. Not after they've killed themselves.

Looking forward to your reply,


just to inform you guys, the runs are on every night of the week, new streets and suburbs are being seached for as we speak, looking for the next ideal place to host the illegal drag meetings every night, theres nothing we can do. the best thing we can do is keep the skylines away that way we cant be blamed for any more accidents.

I wonder what all the campaigners for WSID are thinking now, after jumping up and down so hard to give people a legal place to drag race, and then they see news reports like this :P

It's gotta be quite demoralizing :(

i used to go to the runs, used to love it, now i think it's just unsafe and damn stupid. Showing off your car at the actual meet before they move off to the races is one thing, racing is a completely different thing, so yea.

Now, i can see that the import community and the skyline community is going to get slammed for this, P platers even more so...

You want political (re)action? Well, they have already tried to stop illegal street racing by passing legislation (in NSW back in 99?) that allowed the police to confiscate cars on the spot. The second offence will see the person's vehicle confiscated and sold. Has this stopped or at least reduced people from participating in such activity? No chance.

We need logical and effective solutions, not knee-jerk reactions. However, I highly doubt that this will occur as all I see coming is harsher treatment by the police, a further media propagana frenzy, and an outcry to 'stop our young kids from being killed'. I can think of another much more death-resultant activity than this, but the government doesn't make as much money from it.

I really don't understand why more people don't go to the drags... even the spectator numbers are well down on what I was expecting.

The venue is fantastic, the price is fair and the WSID staff aren't too bad (they are certainly getting better than a year ago when it first opened).

The only thing I can think off is that these illegal drag racers are speeding around in bombs and are too scared to actually take it to a track and get a timeslip, instead they'd rather crash into their mates cars.

You want political (re)action? Well, they have already tried to stop illegal street racing by passing legislation (in NSW back in 99?) that allowed the police to confiscate cars on the spot. The second offence will see the person's vehicle confiscated and sold. Has this stopped or at least reduced people from participating in such activity? No chance.
I think selling the confiscated car is stupid. That would allow someone else the chance to be an idiot on the roads. The cars should be confiscated and scrapped.

Under the law, the cars are sold and the money is reinstated to the owner. I disagree with this as it won't stop the offending driver from going out and buying another car to use, or driving a friend's car. The objective would be to stop the people from street racing, not the cars themselves. If they made it a $10,000 fine, do you think that would curb street racing?

If they made it a $10,000 fine, do you think that would curb street racing?

........... and do you think legislation like that would EVER pass through our parliament? sad2.gif

Lets be realistic here.

Yeah the people who petitioned for WSID to happen must feel like sh*t. They kicked and screamed for it and these tools don't use it.

Honestly, spend $xxxx on modifications but can't afford to take it to WSID. Full of sh*t!

What's more funny about these "street racers" is asking what time can their car pull. They give you some bullsh*t number, ask for time slip and either their dog ate it or they threw it away. :bs!:

The best one I've heard it a guy believing his 89 Mazda 323 turbo can do 10's. His theory is that because he beat a WRX with a ball baring turbo (he est. it's a 12sec car), and that he beat it by 2 or 3 car legnths, his is a 10 sec car.... absolute genius! :bahaha:

these idiots who go around particpating in illegal street races know that the CANNOT drive so dont want the embarrassment of the timeslip at places like WSID showing just how much they cannot drive...

pi$$ off to america mand make your own fast and furious movie, we dont need people like that here

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