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The Councillor for KnowNothing is unsure whether some will get the subtlety of that last remark...

I would like to call an emergency joint sitting of all members, as I believe I am nearly out of coffee, and the turbocharged "Government vehicle" is currently off at the compliance shop. This causes quite a predicament and possible insanity rites.

I have returned from a union gathering where the application of "sacks with door-knobs" was addressed, such reciprocity was gladly welcomed.

However they feel the sack must firsly be inducted into said union, and therefore be financial at the transitional year, before laying claim to any overtime generated by repressing wangateels.

Excellent Councillor Dan,

I therefore propose the council should bear the cost of making the "sacks" a financial member of the union. In furtherence of this I also propose that the council pays 100 years in advance all the membership fees to be accrued. To facillitate this transaction the payment should be made into Councillor Dan's personal offshore bank account, so as to make sure that the proper distribution of the payment can take place with minimum supervision which in turn will save the council money in administration fees.

Never let it be said that todays Unions have lost their relevency to the modern workforce.

In fact I also propose a by-law that enshrines the statement "Never let it be said that todays Unions have lost their relevency to the modern workforce" into law and failure to comply with this law will be enforceable with Heavy Sack Beatings by the Union.

All those who say aye raise your hand.

In response to the questions put forward by the honourable Gordo:

These other sacks are of the Black variety, large and not unlike a garbage bag

Not wads as such, but tightly rolled bills, as to appear innocuous

The next flight will be pending the arrest of the wangateel

Aye! I'd also like to thank councillor hottie for the excellent effort put towards the reduction of administration costs, you truly are an angel walking among the people.

Thankyou Councillor Dan for your kind comments.

I entered into politics with a goal to serve the people and it would be negligent of me not to try to lower administration costs when ever possible.

Whilst other local councils have been open to corruption and the feathering of ones nest, it has been refreshing to be involved with a group of like minded individuals who find this behaviour as abhorrent as I do.

In recognition of our tireless efforts I would like to table a motion that a Payrise is in Order.

Whilst this council has been extremely reticent in the past with it's payrises, an example of yesterday's payrise of only 375% as a case in point. I think the electorate is screaming out for us to be paid in-line with our peers in the Business world.

With this in mind I propose a payrise to bring us into line with such peers as ... Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch, Kerry Packer et al... is in order.

I for one can not see how we can act as appropriate administrators unless this happens. In fact it would be negligent of us to not take this payrise, as we know the personal cost to ourselves far outweighs the remuneration for our services to the electorate at this point in time.

We would be doing a disservice to our electorate if we could no longer afford to represent our constituants.

All those in favour of a payrise to bring us in line with our peers in the business world ...say aye

here, here, I quite concur with councilor chris, I feel our pays to be unduly low in regard to our expensive lives that we are expected to live. Even with the gold card, upon which I was presented when i entered the government, I occasionally have to use my own money to travel. Take if you will, an example from last week, I was made to pay for my own lunch and dinner whilst dinning at the ritz? This can hardly be orthodox and I motion that we not only, effective immediately, recieve a pay rise but a larger budget for our expenses that may or may not be inccurred whilst we may or may not be on business. This is an important step for equality for all and I have no quams what so ever that the public will support out view.

Councillor Niz brings up another point which had passed me by, which is that even though this payrise will pass today as was mandated by the people when they elected us to represent them, it does not take into account the monies that we have already spent in representing the electorate.

I hereby propose an addendum that our duly mandated payrise should be subject to being backdated to 5 years before this date.

I am sure the electorate will find this just and fair.

All those in favour?

Councillor Niz brings up another point which had passed me by, which is that even though this payrise will pass today as was mandated by the people when they elected us to represent them, it does not take into account the monies that we have already spent in representing the electorate.

I hereby propose an addendum that our duly mandated payrise should be subject to being backdated to 5 years before this date.

I am sure the electorate will find this just and fair.

All those in favour?

a true statesman act and if I may so a move forward for our party.

I can understand your need to sit next to me, as I am extremely hot.

However the fact that you are an illegal immigrant can not be overlooked.

The only resolve for this, is for you to serve a period of no less than two years as my personal indentured servant until such time as citizenship can be granted.

For this activity you will be compensated with a pay rate not disimilar to that of the thirdworld country that you have come from.

I believe the subject comes from togo...see: http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbo...ok/geos/to.html as per the rule that most of their population is below the poverty line I believe an annual salary of 3 bags of rice and 10 bottles of water should be sufficient.

Councillor Niz,

I would class that as being overgenerous, but allowable, as it will give the subject a taste of the lifestyle in which he can be accustomed to after his period of indentureship.

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