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  • 1 month later...

updated PFC FAQ

first update since july last year

- apexi are now selling ECR33 and ER34 models brand new

- you can buy these from nengun.com including EL hand controller

just wanted to say thanks for this thread/article, some great info.

i've managed to modify my standard ecu bracket to house the pfc, allows me to plug in the hand controller without issue and sits perfectly in the standard spot... anyone handy with the tools should give this a go :)


Edited by tgz
  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Paul. I'm trying to install a monster tacho into my r33. I also have an special power fc. Can you please tell me which is the rpm wire to hook up to the tacho?? Your help will be muchly appreciated.

just wanted to say thanks for this thread/article, some great info.

i've managed to modify my standard ecu bracket to house the pfc, allows me to plug in the hand controller without issue and sits perfectly in the standard spot... anyone handy with the tools should give this a go :)


cant you just take the cover off your factory ecu and screw it onto the power fc?

Hi Paul. I'm trying to install a monster tacho into my r33. I also have an special power fc. Can you please tell me which is the rpm wire to hook up to the tacho?? Your help will be muchly appreciated.

what is special about your powerfc?

you need to look up the pinouts for the R33 and then wire the signal wire for the tacho onto the guage

because you are using a powerfc it makes no difference, its the same RPM pin out if using the stock ecu as well

FYI Paul those new Power-FC's that Nenguns is selling have a 2+ month wait on them. I went through hell trying to get one through them in a resonable time and ended up cancelling my order and getting one used. They do have decent customer service though.

  • 2 months later...

Paul: Is there anything different with the new Power FC's or are they just re-released with new chips?

Also 'STATUS' was talking about there being some trouble with the tuning software communicating between laptop and ECU, any word on this?

Sorry if its covered in the FAQ, couldnt find it and just wanted to know

Paul: Is there anything different with the new Power FC's or are they just re-released with new chips?

Also 'STATUS' was talking about there being some trouble with the tuning software communicating between laptop and ECU, any word on this?

Sorry if its covered in the FAQ, couldnt find it and just wanted to know

no idea sorry. all i know is it has a new version and also the el hand controller

i asked for some info in the thread that status posted but i dont think he replied

no idea sorry. all i know is it has a new version and also the el hand controller

i asked for some info in the thread that status posted but i dont think he replied

Yeah I think I asked some questions as well but it seems to have been forgotten

was going to PM STATUS but doesnt look like he accepts PM's

Just wait and see I guess. I might be getting one so hopefully my laptop will talk to it

Paul: Is there anything different with the new Power FC's or are they just re-released with new chips?

Also 'STATUS' was talking about there being some trouble with the tuning software communicating between laptop and ECU, any word on this?

Sorry if its covered in the FAQ, couldnt find it and just wanted to know

My car is in the shop at the moment and the guys are unable to get the ecu to communicate withe PC. Not 100% sure on the issue but will find out more tomorrow.

They are waiting on a reply from fc datalogit but from what I have read I dont think I should hold my breath.

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