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Next friday night

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whats his name and where does he live? i'll go and beat the shit out of him myself! he's a stupid ****er and if he was drink driving then i'd have no issues if he crashed and killed himself. He did one of the dumbest things you can do in a car and you've jumped in and let him get away with it, its not the fact that you were dumb enough to take the blame for it its the fact that he will suffer no penalty as a result of his actions.

i'd never take the blame even if my wife got caught drink driving, and if you say he's a friend? he never would have oven considered asking you to take the blame if he was a friend. TURN THE ****ER IN!!!!!!

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IMO if someones stupid enough to be drink driving, and doing burnouts on the street, etc they deserve to get the book thrown at them, and anything else that's coming their way. These are the ****ers that make the rest of us look bad. And we are the ones that cop the brunt of it.

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damn veilside, nice rant!

you said it all.....

remind me not to cross you though!

Bahaha, im as soft as they come, im pretty much scared of insects for fu**s sake!!! :Oops:

Theres only one person on my hit list and thats my girlfriends, daughters, father.

And as soon as i sneak up behind up while hoping to god he does'nt hear me, and i crack him over the head with a piece of 2x4, my hit list wil no longer exist.....no wheres that 2x4 gone????...........

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you got your bro's skyline yet? or is that this weekend?

It's when he gets off his fat lazy arse and fixes his clutch pedal. he posted a threa somewhere about it, i can't remember where. he's sheared off the part at the top of the clutch pedal that levers the master cylinder

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Needless to say I wont be out tonite... having an early one anyway to head up to Sydney on saturday to get parts for the car *rubs his hands together* :rofl:

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sometimes we do sit there all night, we have before. but everyone gets bored real quickly, so we cruise. its too cold to sit on your arse all night in minus degree tempretures. the cars enjoy the cold though! "excellent"

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Ah well, it shall be my first friday night owning my new R so ill pop past the museum, if you there, cool if you not....next week i spose. It just sux that im working till late.......but oh well :P

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I wanted to, my car is just getting finished up with chris out at inline, and i finally solved the mystery of my stereo crapping out. I wanted to show it off, but alas i have a 21st to go to

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