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Tsunami Fundraiser Show'n'Shine Aftermath


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Heaps of people - great weather - good cause - majority were good hot cars.

Took a few pics but have left my camera transfer USB cord at work so will post up tomorrow.

Anyone heard about how the MASSIVE CRUSE went? It took at least 8-10 min for all cars to exit the car park approx. 50-60 cars or more? (correct me if I'm wrong) Hope all went well even though I don't think any SAU guys tagged along.

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Yeah it was a great day.

Huge kudos to Pete (Base junky) for the effort he put in. Big thumbs up also to Gemma for spending almost the whole day at the entrance taking the money, plus everyone helping out with the bbq.

I may sounds like a toss here but I was really proud to be part of SAU yesterday. The fact that almost everyone was wearing their shirts and that basically it was SAU guys doing everything made the club look very professional.

Also - great to see that the SAU spirit was alive and well at the end of the day where most of us decided to go to the pub rather than on the cruise. Top work.

And also to keep up with tradition I got sunburnt again.

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PUB??? I would have been in for that...didnt want to drve my car because of the gasket leak and the fact that i cant lock the dirvers door at the moment...but pub, well they have cabs for that:)

Woudl have been good to have a looksie, but lifting wet carprt and trying to fix the door were my priorities:(

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Hey guys.

Had a great day, got sunburnt, raised some money.

Big thanks to the hard core hard working SAU guys who ran the BBQ for me without a hitch.

Extra thanks to XXXGTR who drove out to get drinks twice to help out.

MASSIVE thanks to my awesome girlfriend who worked at the entrance all day and had to put up with people who "I don't want to pay $10 to put my car in, so I'm just going to park over in the other bit and put my bonnet up anyway and stand by my car anyway" tightarse wankers.

We raised a total of $2101.75 for the Asia Tsunami Appeal and ended up with around 700 snags left over which will be frozen for use at an SAU BBQ shortly!

Thanks for everyone who participated in the event, poos to you who didn't!



thanks for the beer afterwards too SAU guys.

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Great turnout by supporters.

Excellent work to the SAU crew who participated and helped out where they could.

As Snowey said, Pete and Gemma did awesome jobs all day. The BBQ went without a hitch with the Adz and James at the helm.

I also noticed that the BBQ was tended to by SAU peeps all day which goes to show the dedication of the SAU committee and members for a good cause.

So Pete, when's the BBQ at yr house mate?? :D

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Sunburnt...again. Crazy thing is after all the events we've had this summer - WHY HAVEN'T WE LEARNT ANYTHING? :)

Good to see everyone in their shirts, bar me of course, still wearing an 04 Autosalon shirt. :D Fixed that up though thanks to James' car boot sale.

My photos were pretty disappointing when I got home - just what I needed after frying in the sun for a few hours! I'll clean up a few and give them to you Pete but no credit for those. That said, RiggaP has some fine photos there at the beginning of the post. Good work.

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Really good day! I got a little burnt, and no I havn't learnt :( I was in the shade 95% of the day so I'm thinking the suns getting sneaky, hehe. Pete, awesome job with the organisation, can't belive how much work it all was! Was awesome to see all the SAU team out there willing to lend a hand for a good cause and nice to see so much support.

I took around 40 or so pics so will pop them in tommorrow to be developed, stupid film SLR's :(

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