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SPEED camera fines for low-level offences will be slashed by nearly half under one of the most radical reforms of New South Wales road rules in decades.

Responding to growing motorist fury at speed camera policing, new Roads Minister Michael Costa said yesterday fines would be cut from $130 to just $75.

It will be the first time in recent history that speeding fines have been reduced in severity rather than increased.

The catch is the offence will instead attract an extra demerit point to ensure safety becomes the focus rather than revenue gathering.

The changes are just one component of a complete overhaul of road rules expected to be announced by Mr Costa today.

The unpopular fines, which most motorists see as nothing more than a year as a result. Of the 551,568 speeding infringements issued in 2003, 368,099 or 67 per cent, were in the 0-15km/h category.

The State Government makes more than $1 million a week in revenue from fixed speed cameras and Treasury is yet to determine how it will accommodate the revenue loss.

The review stems from an opinion growing within Government that road rules had now become unworkable and inconsistent, leading to ever-increasing driver frustration.

On Mr Costa's hit list are the maze of speed limit zones, which he wants to make more consistent, citing some instances where drivers are forced to travel through dozens of changes in speed in the course of only a few kilometres.

The 40km/h school zones will also be reviewed through a new focus of keeping students safe but not placing unnecessary burdens on drivers and traffic flow.

It had recently been revealed that the RTA had programmed its cameras to catch speeding drivers on pupil-free days.

Stiffer penalties for right lane "hoggers" - drivers who travel too slowly in right hand lanes - will also be considered to ease road rage and improve traffic flow.

Speed cameras would be looked at to make sure they were in the right location for safety improvement rather than revenue raising.

Mr Costa has called a road users summit for March where the changes will be discussed with motoring groups, motorists, government agencies and business groups.

Whether the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) is supportive of the moves or sees them as a reform agenda being pushed on it by a new minister has yet to become clear.

Initial comment from within the organisation is that the proposals are welcomed.

The gesture by the State Government is aimed at trying to convince the public that draconian road rules were not about revenue raising but safety.

"I want to send a clear message to the community that road laws are about road safety," Mr Costa said.

"That's why I am reducing the fine for lower level speeding offences and adding one demerit point to these offences.

"Better vehicles and road design enforcement and driver education mean our roads have become safer.

"But road rules have also become more complex. That's why it's time for a fresh look at the way we approach the issue.

"I've asked the RTA to begin reviewing key issues affecting motorists in NSW in preparation of the summit."

The new fixed camera fines will apply only to the 0-15km/h speed category.

The fine will drop from $130 to $75 but will now attract three demerit points instead of two.

The new regulation is expected to come in to force by the end of March

By Simon Benson

February 16, 2005

From: www.news.com.au

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Yep, heard this on the news this morning.

Absolutely ridiculous. This means that the lowest range of speeding will attract a 3 point penalty.

It's gone up from 1 point for the 0-15km/h range to 2 points, and now to 3 points.

Does that mean that the 15-30km/h bracket will go up in demerit points too? Motherbiatches!!!! :):(

I'll just pick my jaw up off the floor now...

It's sad to find that I've become so cynical about 'road safety' laws in recent years that I am rendered speechless by an announcement such as this, but having recovered my faculties I am compelled to sing Mr Costa's praises as loudly as possible :) .

Finally, someone has taken a long, hard, objective look at the problems with our road rules and had a genuine go at solving them rather than using them as a vote-buying platform. I would urge everybody who drives/rides any sort of vehicle at all to support this bloke in any way possible: he sounds like a long awaited voice of reason :headbang: .

I like the idea behind it, but 3 points for a minor speeding offense is BS. However, if you speed through a fixed camera your retarded anyway.

On the flip side, they should never have been put up from 1 point to 2 in the beginning, so the onus still falls on the the sphincter of the universe incharge of roads before him.

What i mean is i could handle them going from 1 point to 2 if the fines were cut in half...

Anyway, i like the bit about right lane hoggers... although good luck enforcing it.

That seemed to be saying it was only applicable for fines issued from fixed cameras so for other cameras and coppers with LIDAR/RADAR the situation remains the same.

Maybe the fines should be changed around like 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 etc. so that people who are speeding a bit and should have known better are separated from people who are just over the limit because they would rather keep an eye on the road than the speedo.

Can we also get some publicity out there to the dickheads who see a sign that says speed camera and think that just to be sure they should go 20km/h under the limit. The Harbour tunnel is a case in point even though there is no sign, people regularly slow down to 60 and sometimes 50 southwards for some reason.

  nmcmahon83 said:
I like the idea behind it, but 3 points for a minor speeding offense is BS. However, if you speed through a fixed camera your retarded anyway.

On the flip side, they should never have been put up from 1 point to 2 in the beginning, so the onus still falls on the the sphincter of the universe incharge of roads before him.

What i mean is i could handle them going from 1 point to 2 if the fines were cut in half...

Anyway, i like the bit about right lane hoggers... although good luck enforcing it.

I've actually seen cops pull people over for it twice in the last year or so. Good work I say.

:werd: . This is the part of the proposal that caught my fancy: focusing on other aspects of driving than speed. If there were less hesitant, stupid, right lane hogging bottom-feeders on the road the flow of traffic might improve to the point where people wouldn't feel the frustration that leads to speeding in the first place... :). Ahhh... that feels better :D .

We already have the toughest driving laws in the world, yet our road toll is no better than the US, Italy or any other country you care to name (taking into account populations).

Its a risky business walking out your door, getting in your car and going anywhere. We will never have a zero toll unfortunatley.

I have to wonder why the government keeps putting these knee jerk reactions in place. Oh, a change in minister.... great :)

Well, its funny you should ask, they just introduced a high performance shoe tax, seems they don't want anyone walking around too quickly causing accidents among the walking.

  Abo Bob said:
That seemed to be saying it was only applicable for fines issued from fixed cameras so for  other cameras and coppers with LIDAR/RADAR the situation remains the same.


Maybe the fines should be changed around like 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 etc. so that people who are speeding a bit and should have known better are separated from people who are just over the limit because they would rather keep an eye on the road than the speedo.


Can we also get some publicity out there to the dickheads who see a sign that says speed camera and think that just to be sure they should go 20km/h under the limit.  The Harbour tunnel is a case in point even though there is no sign, people regularly slow down to 60 and sometimes 50 southwards for some reason.

i agree with you Abo Bob about the 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 speeds. This is because i just cant agree with the fact that if i were caught doing 84km/h in an 80 zone i would get 3 points taken off my licence, and, someone caught for 94km/h would also get the same fine and only 3 points as well.

There is a big difference between 84 and 94. 84km/h can happen accidently if you dont keep looking at you speedo, but 94km/h is just plain speeding (in an 80 zone).

Actually I think this decision just goes to show that people's opinions can make a difference.....basically the govt are scared of the stats of huge increases in speeding fine revenue and they are cutting it back. I'll bet they've done the sums and project that total revenue will be back up to current levels within a year or two ;)

Adam, I am one of the d1ckheads who go past speed cameras 20klm under, it is part of my 1 man campaign to show they are ridiculous and make no difference. Once safely past the camera I speed up that 20klm an hour as quickly as possible to show it has no impact on behaviour

lol.. you're as bad as me duncan..

one day I would like to cause an accident braking ridiculously for a speed camera.. this is my goal. if more people did that they'd be banned. Either that and "braking too excessively for speed camera" would be made an offence.

Actually it can tend to happen anyhow.. a whole line of traffic drives ridiculously slow because of a camera everybody can see - what is that doing for the "flow of traffic"

In NSW thou fellas there is a guy that has to be mentioned right.........

His name is Santa Clause.not the real one but a guy who dresses up in a santa suit right. this guy got caught by these cameras a few times so now every day at 2.30pm till 4pm he patrols a strip of road called the Princess Highway which has the two biggest money earners for the government on it. He holds up big signs sayign slow down it a school zone...............really cool bloke in my opinion and a true one man army. trying to make a difference.......he doesnt really care about the speeding of 60km/hr thru a 40km/hr on the highway.just cares that the government uses it as a excuse to make a sh*tload of money.......so he warns peeps and stops the cameras flashing.........this is one hell of bloke...mym mum wants to marry him also lol

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