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some of you may or may not know that i was the announcer and ran the Brisbane Autosalon dyno comp last year . It was my first time doin it and have since done Sydney and Melbourne and learnt alot. This year i will be doin all the Autosalon comps in Australia...the reason im posting is to get feedback from people regarding the comp so i can show it to the Cabin Group to help get the things you guys want to make the dyno comp bigger and better. I will list some of the things i am pushing for and if people agree or disagree fell free to post.

1. At least twin grandstands for spectators

2. larger projector or perhaps 2 projectors for the crowd

3. videos or musioc playing between runs to keep people entertained

4. more prizew and giveaways and perhaps performances betewwn runs to keep entertained

5. allowing pre 1986 cars ( as long as a japanese 4 or 6cyl) to enter the dyno comps ( would allow old school rotors) . Another idea is having a special area for cars to enter the dyno comp that arent really autosalon show style cars and keeping them in an area together....much like the stero cars that enter but not in the main hall as many are dungers with loud steroes ( no offence intended)

6. Im pushing for twin dynos at Brisbane adn Melbourne with staging lights to have "dyno drags" this went off at Melbourne Semi Final and i think Brisbane has enough big hp cars to support this as well as Melbourne

7. New awards such as "the biggest crowd pleaser" , loudest car, angriest car etc or things such as dyno operator choice award or award for most surprising car ( made more power than we thought)

thought and opinions please ( constructive)

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I went to the Grand Battle Sydney autosalon & was disappointed there wasn’t dyno comps for engines, such as SR20DET, RB25DET, RB26DETT, 4G63. Most of the dynos i watched at the GRAND BATTLE were all fairly weak until the final runs at the end. Cars on the dyno looked the sh#t, looked like race cars, even had some nice parts under the bonnet but still made f#ck all power.. nothing amazing.. very very typical power.... Dyno comp is for power not looks, so next time i see an autosalon dyno comp, i wana hear & see some real engines.... Owww & tell us what boost the car is running so we can appreciate the power off that engines boost.

Based of the Sydney Autosalon grand battle.

1. Yes

2. Maybe a little larger yeh....

3. Yes.. but maybe a performance vid instead of music.

4. Why not!

5. Hmmmm not doin much for me..... No i dont want that.

6. Sweeeet

7. Yer defiantly.... but not most surprising car... Best SLEEPER!!! :>

in regards to not enough good cars etc....i cant control who enters the comp......also alot of people who enter Autosalon use the dyno comp as a free way to get a power run .....i cant stop this but what i do is group them together.....put car clubs together, try to have shootouts between same engine types etc ( Sr20 shootut) and put all the nig boys together

obviuosly putting the big cars togeher on Sat and Sun afternoons makes for a wild show.... i will be trying to get alot more of the big hp carf owners to enter this year as i want the Autosalon Dyyno COmps to be the LAte model/ Jap/ Euro equivilent to horepower hereos at the summernats.........there is plenty of big hp cars out there , if we make the dyno comp better and put mre emphasis on it hopefully more wil enter this year

also the more people that add their comments to this the more i can show to Cabin to support what i want

My thoughts on another idea is an outright award 4 the biggest hp girls car or maybe even a few other awards 2 encourage the ladies a bit more :D

The last dyno day that i was a part of out of nearly 50 cars competing, i think i was 1 of only 3 females :cheers:

Plus maybe an award 4 best "all rounder". ie. a combined best looking (paint/interior/engine bay/wheels) as well as outright power.

I would like to have the announcer give at least a brief description of what the car has.

Because it would give credit where credits due.

e.g an R33 GTSt pulls 300rwkw and people think, wow decent power. But if it was noted beforehand it had a T88 or similar and was running 25psi then all of a sudden its no big deal.

On the other hand, if it made 300rwkw with a high flow then it would be a huge acheivment.

Hey Andrew!!!

What's up dude?!! I finally got the mag but I had to buy it! :(

Anyways, I think you've got the right idea.

Semi finals went off in a big way!! Pity my car didn't put on the show which I expected but still it kept the crowds happy :)

Here's my view on your points:

>1. At least twin grandstands for spectators

Great idea! We had this all the Melb AutoSalons so far and there still hasn't been enough space. Bigger stands are always great to allow seating room.

>2. larger projector or perhaps 2 projectors for the crowd

Once again, it was great at MAS that you had projecters on the wall so people could see what was going on. Keep this one!

>3. videos or musioc playing between runs to keep people entertained

Great idea! As it takes a good 5-10 mins to move cars in and out (I know this personally :) ) entertaining the crowd between runs is always important to keep them there. The girls who provide entertainment are always appreciated. God bless Sunshine Autobahn!!

>4. more prizew and giveaways and perhaps performances betewwn runs to keep entertained

Prizes once again keep people sitting there and reduce them from getting bored.

>5. allowing pre 1986 cars ( as long as a japanese 4 or 6cyl) to enter the dyno comps ( would allow old school rotors) . Another idea is having a special area for cars to enter the dyno comp that arent really autosalon show style cars and keeping them in an area together....much like the stero cars that enter but not in the main hall as many are dungers with loud steroes ( no offence intended)

This will increase the number of entries we get. Don't forget that we need to be able to dyno all King of AutoSalon cars as well as those competing for the trophies themselves. By allowing more cars to enter, it will alllow AutoSalon to be more picky of who runs and who doesn't based on the reasons for the run. Crumby boxes making 60fwkw should only be allowed to run if they are competing in another competition which requires points.

>6. Im pushing for twin dynos at Brisbane adn Melbourne with staging lights to have "dyno drags" this went off at Melbourne Semi Final and i think Brisbane has enough big hp cars to support this as well as Melbourne

This was a great idea as it doubled the number of cars being run. All I ask this year is for a better organised way of moving in and out. If you want my ideas on this one, send me an email or call me and I can help you plan this one. Last year was ok but can defiantely be improved on.

>7. New awards such as "the biggest crowd pleaser" , loudest car, angriest car etc or things such as dyno operator choice award or award for most surprising car (made more power than we thought)

Love this idea!! Trophies are what people enter their cars for. The more trophies on offer, the more people who will enter.

If you need to contact me, Damian has my contact details dude! See you in April (unless your coming for the GP :).



Yeah more dyno crowd space. Sydney Autosalon there is never enough space around the dyno..

I like the dyno drag concept - there already is the DB drags so it's basically the same thing..

BTW, doesn't the pre-1986 car thing go against what Autosalon was originally intended for? (modified post-1986 cars)...

Just my 2c :(

I would like to have the announcer give at least a brief description of what the car has.  

Because it would give credit where credits due.

e.g an R33 GTSt pulls 300rwkw and people think, wow decent power. But if it was noted beforehand it had a T88 or similar and was running 25psi then all of a sudden its no big deal.

On the other hand, if it made 300rwkw with a high flow then it would be a huge acheivment.

I agree with this sentiment wholeheartedly! Who says you even need a highflow to crack 300rwkw???

lol :(


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