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Hi all,

Wondering if someone can help me out with a bit of translation to Japanese.. My brother's ex-drift car came with a club sticker on it, and I've managed to find the website of the club. Now I'm trying to write an email to them, see if someone knows the original owner in Japan.

My Japanese is pretty rusty, but I'm basically after someone to check what I've done so far and help me with the rest. I've tried the web-based translators but they seem a bit off.



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'Hi,my name is Vijay. I'm Australian :D

Last year I bought a Skyline from Japan to Australia. It is an R32 GTST.

On the side of the car there is a 'SKIDLINE' drift club sticker.

I was wondering if you would know who owned the car when it was in Japan.

I am interested in speaking with them to find out more about it, or get some photos of it

If you know them could you get them to email me at XXX?

Here is a picture of the car.

Thank you very much,


and here's my halfassed reply:


私の名前はVijay です. オーストラリア人 です.

きょねん 日本 から オーストラリアまで オレンジ の スカイラインをかぃました. HCR32 です.

くるま に SKIDLINE のステッカー があります.

The only way I can input Jap on my PC is through Character Map, which is extremely tortuous..I got cramps halfway through and gave up.

Many thanks in advance!


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こんにちわ! VIJAYと申します。 ちょっとお聞きしたいんですが。。

去年スカイラインのHCR32をオーストラリアに輸入しました。 車の横にSKIDLINEのステッカーが貼ってあって、前のオーナーと連絡取れたらもっとこの車の詳しい情報を聞けるのかなって思ってメールしました。 車の写真を送りますのでもし前のオーナーさん知ってたら、彼に僕のメールアドを渡して頂けませんか? メールアドが*insert mail address*



'Hi,my name is Vijay. I'm Australian :)

Last year I bought a Skyline from Japan to Australia. It is an R32 GTST.

On the side of the car there is a 'SKIDLINE' drift club sticker.

I was wondering if you would know who owned the car when it was in Japan.

I am interested in speaking with them to find out more about it, or get some photos of it

If you know them could you get them to email me at XXX?

Here is a picture of the car.

Thank you very much,


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