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Hey guys this is a post just to let you all know exactly what i think of the cops (police) that patrol our road (I hope they all see this).

Last night i was heading down the coast to meet up with some of u guys to go on a nice long cruze so that i can show u guys my car and see all of your cars as well and get to meet some new people, but no now days u cant have a skyline or any import with out being hasseled by the money hungry police force. So i was minding my own bussines trying to come to the bwcp when a police car comes on the highway, well they saw me so they pulled behind me and they were following me for about 5 minutes when all of a suden they pull me over. So i pull over and the officer said "licence check" so i gave him my licence and after 2 minutes he comes back and said"pop ur bonet. So a licence check ended up being a full car check as he had a guy from department of transport with him, but wait there's more that was not enough next minute a department of transport pulls up so now there's not 2 of then there are 4 off them. They go over my car like it was the most brightes and the most eye catching car in queensland they could only find 8 defects but they also said afer a 30 minute wait on the side off the highway that i have to get the car towed home and that im not allowed to drive it. So after that i just lost it i just think that cops whould go and pick on people that race and do stupid burnouts at bwc so i blame some off these dumm ****s because they come out in ther mothers exel and they think that there the best and there car is a race car or something.But what i would like to do is to get some off u guys forward to me on a privet message and let me know if u were not doing anything wrong and the cops picked on u. Because i wanna put a stop to this harassment because i would like to go down the coast to meet with some of my friends and make new friends. I was thinking of taking this matter with the neighboursand other people on here and see if they wanna come on current affair to make the public aware that cops intsted of catching criminals like people bracking and entering, or people raceing, people bashing other people in public just because there drunk or because they want ur shoes or something like this bey pick on people like us that like to spend lost off money on our cars not because we wanna go out and do burnouts or go out and doing raceing or some serious crime that might end up hurting or killing some one.So guys if u guys wanna stop all this bs with cops picking on inocent people just going on with life day by day and then trying to have a hobby on the weekendes.Message me on privet

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I hear you point. But what can you do? Sweet bugger all. Believe me I have tried. When it comes down to it, they are the law – And it always works in their favour.

I think most will agree I’m a pretty prime example of police harassment, one case is still pending in court over discrimination. Fair enough I have sued, and won in other cases. But at the end of the day it’s made it worse and ten times harder for me whenever I come out. Its almost bordering on them trying to “pay me back” for making it so hard, annoying and time consuming taking it all through the legal system.

Imports are only going to get more common, and targeted more and more often. My recommendation is make your car 100% legal by the book, or don’t own it. It sucks, and isn’t fair but we are the minority and the rules will never change.

I agree with the above posts.

I too have been targeted numerous times by the local police whilst minding my own business doing nothing illegal or attention drawing. I have been pulled over in both my cars for a "random breath test" (since when are they ever random?) only to once breathalized, have the officers ask me a series of questions about my car and start looking for modifications they can issue a defect notice for. It is getting beyond a joke when the police force are constantly pulling over safely modified performance cars and defecting them for minor issues that are of no danger whatsoever to the public or the owner/passengers of the vehicle.

How can the police honestly say they are not targeting a specific group of people when they have double standards on everything. They will pull over a car for "creating undue noise" by having a performance exhuast system yet count how many harley davidsons with no mufflers are on the road and guess how many of them have fined for the same offence (my guess is hardly any, and i know several people with such bikes that have never been booked) Has anyone ever seen the cops set up a defect station at a biker gang's meet ups? I didn't think so.

I could go on all night about various rules but its too late in the morning and i'll some for other people to talk about.


honestly guys - i have no idea what you do or how you drive...

but, i have never ever been pulled over for any of these so called

"random checks" i have been rbt'd but that is a simple everyone gets

breathalized kinda thing.

my car is completely stock exteriorwise except for rims and even then

i wouldnt consider my rims to be attention seeking - not chrome, not

spinners, not 19" 20" or any other boganish type rims.

i have a stock exhaust which is reasonably quiet.

and i like it that way - in my whole 10months of owning the car... never

ever pulled over!

which leads me to this - loud exhaust, chrome bling rims, extreme bodykits,

stickers, rice, overly big wings is what it is (considering you are just

cruising around at speed limit) that attracts their attention.

i wud like to mod the nuts off this thing - but with 4 points for 3 yrs...

do the maths... nuff said


Guys, as yet I am unsure what the law specifically states in Qld, but in Vic I have a clear approach. My car is raced, and has numbers and club stickers but isn't over the top visually. That said I am rarely stopped but when I am, if they ask me to pop the bonnet I ask them to get the recorder and I follow them to the car and ask them to radio in that I have requested the proceeding conversations are recorded so it can't be denied later. Then I ask them clearly to state their name and number for the record, and then I ask them to start over with their request. Usually they stop here and leave. If they continue I ask why they wish to search my car and then follow on depending on the answer. They are not permitted to search in Vic unless they have a good enough reason to believe the car is not roadworthy eg. visually has defects or they have suspiscion of drugs, which an Army officers ID tends to instantly refute.

They key is to be polite, know your road laws and legal rights to the nth degree and MAKE them record all conversations. Be in control. Carefully worded questions will make them say things inappropriate that can be taken to the ethics unit later for charges of unprofessional behaviour of misconduct. Not a healthy way to progress a career, or even keep the job.

Remember they are our protective servants, and they do not have the right to be standoverish or unprofessional, just like the Military. If the Army went around treating people like this in the locations we are deployed there would be outcry, so force the Police to try to achieve the same standards.

yeh wog32, one of the guys who came on the cruise last night saw you pulled over with the inspection van and that. BWCP was worse, cops were there fairly early along with channel 9 and was inspecting every car that left, they spent bout 25mins with a blue VL with neons and that, must have rapped him pretty hard cause he wasnt allowed to leave.

which leads me to this - loud exhaust, chrome bling rims, extreme bodykits, stickers, rice, overly big wings is what it is (considering you are just cruising around at speed limit) that attracts their attention.

I think you are right Eug... No offence but last time I saw your car, it didn't really stand out at all, hence why you haven't been pulled over yet... Give it time though... It took me over 2 years to get my first defect...

But, is it right that they are pulling people over for shiny rims and a few stickers? Shiny rims never killed anyone...


But, is it right that they are pulling people over for shiny rims and a few stickers?  Shiny rims never killed anyone...

Thus my discrimination claim.

honestly guys - i have no idea what you do or how you drive...

I don’t think its so much how we drive, it’s as you said, low, loud and obvious that stands out. And I’ll be the first one to say cops do have a ego power trip. They see a young person in a “hotted up” car, and jump on the chance to get easy revenue.

You guys need to stop whining and buy cefiros aye. My car is noisy, bright red, doesnt look like anything else, has a 2 way diff, fairly low, creaks and clunks going round corners, and stands out like dogs balls, but I dont get pulled over.

And I go to bwcp almost every week, and I have no fear in doing so.

But as SkylineGeoff said, dont be an idiot, and know what your talking about and you should be fine, you'll only get done for stuff thats actually majorly wrong. Treating them as humans isnt a bad idea, especially if they arent giving you the same treatment. Also aways get out of the car before they get out, and have your licence ready to hand to them. Turn off your car, stuff the turbo timer, once wont kill it. Also dont fall for STTF traps, they try and make you admit to doing more wrong that you posibly have been.

Law states that if they pull you over, they have to have a good reason to search your vehicle to begin with. Also, if they do a search, it has to be done off the road in a safe location no more than 5 kms from where they pulled you over. They ARE NOT allowed to search or inspect your vehicle with you standing on the side of the road - this is endandering your life. You have definate grounds for complaint.

Yeah i have been hasselled and accused for something that never happened. Driving down the coast one night in my old car (stock 94 supra) and passed a cop car that was parked on the side of the road that had his lights flashing from an earlier incident. 3 mins later, a car comes screaming up my arse and sits there for a few mins. Next thing... flash.. pull me over and at this point im not worried as i was not speeding, doing anything stupid and my car is stock and 100% legal.

Cop stands behind my car and shouts like he's real pissed to get outta my car... shit.. he made me feel like i stole my own car. Got out and he said that a camera flash came from my car as i drove past and that it is illegal to take a photo of the police.... whether this is true or not i dont have a clue!! I told him that no one in my car has a camera, he told me not to tell lies and shit... i kept my cool and stayed polite the whole time explaining that the flash may have been a reflection off my car as i drove past but he wouldnt have any of it and kept accusing me of taking a photo.

Searched in my car briefly.. found no camera as there never was one then did a license check.. all clear.. asked me where i was heading..gold coast.. then accused me again of being a boy racer and that all people that drive imports do illegal drags etc etc. BULLSHIT. and anyone that knows me, i hate to admit but im a bit of a nanna when i drive lol.. anyway after being made to feel like i stole my own car, accuse me of taking a photo and being a boy racer, he let me on my way.

He was one arrogant prick...maybe he was having a bad day and i was the unlucky one that copped it.. sometimes i wonder if he was testing my temper.. phew, when i got into my car i was one angry man... but what can you do???

I have always had respect for the police but after that incident im starting to wonder.

Dude, in that case you soooo gota be a smart arse and say... "why, were you doing something wrong officer?" :D why else would they be in fear of you taking a photo (which you didnt take anyway)

hey guys im going to try and get a lot off people and im going to make a personal complaint agaist the whole police force i dont care how much off my time it's going to take but im going to take all these pricks down. I dont know how many people have see my car but it looks very stock on the out side its standard hight with some crapy chrome wheels which are so old they dont even look chrome any more i just wanna find out with these ****ers pulled me over in the first place what did i do wrong. And the main reason i got the shits is because there trying to make money any way possible.Now because my car is off the road i have to struggle to get to work and if i loose my job because off them i will be takeing them to court.And also i know cops look on these sites this is a little message for them expect to get the money for the fine in the next 5 years because i will not pay it i hope u will be have with 1 a week and also this is my car pull me over next time u see me so i can tell u exactly what i think off all off u cops.And i also put a photo of my engine if u wanna stare at it for another 30 minutes like u were on saturday night trying to figure out what everything was(for example they thought my fuel pump was nos how ****ing stupid can u be). :(

Dude, in that case you soooo gota be a smart arse and say... "why, were you doing something wrong officer?"  :(  why else would they be in fear of you taking a photo (which you didnt take anyway)

haha yeah.. come to think of it now, i should of done that... damn!!

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