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Good way to tell if you are in the wrong or not....tell the cop he is the biggest f@#k head....if he doesn't say anything, you are in the right. If he gets angry then start running.


Just kidding.

I got pulled up a couple of months back for no reason. I had to pop my bonnet. He tried to defect me for having an ATMO BOV. Luckily I had covered it with some filter foam. He couldn't do 5hit. It's all about knowing your rights and the law and being confidant about it. He tried to defect me on a whole range of other stuff after that but to no avail. I said "sorry, you aren't gonna get any money outta me today". He was really pi55ed and followed me around for the next half hour to try and get for anything he could. So I phoned through to thelocal police and complained that I had someone following me dangerously. They told me to drive to them. When I pulled into the police station the cop just took off really fast. I mad a formal complaint and the Snr sergeant appologised to me for the other guy's stupidity.

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There is not much chance trying to take a stand against the cops, because they know they can get away with a lot more than they should.

The whole targetting thing has been done in Victoria, and QLD is about 2-3 years behind where melbourne is now, but it will happen. There isn't much you can to about it because the media and the oldies in our society (which are the majority unfortunately) rule the roost.

There are quite a few ways in which you can modify your car up to 300rwkw or so which is pretty much undetectable by the cops, and the more legal things you can keep on your car, the less likely they have anything to pick out.

Goldcoast I know is all about show for the most part.. Making your car out of the pack that isn't the showy one can often save your ass more often than not.

You can either let them win, and think they are winning some battle, or just keep doing what you've been doing and just not worry about it. What happens happens, but it's not the end of the world. Only by changing your attitudes have they "won" anything.

I too, have been targetted by police for simply driving a skyline... cop ran across 4 lanes of traffic to pull me in (was driving sedately past aspley maccas, on my way home from a mates place, in the far right-hand lane of gympie road, heading northbound) In the end the only thing they could get me for, was my front bar being 5mm too low (questionable, as he refused to measure it on flat ground, and harassed/intimidated me and sent me to the pits when i asked him if he could do it on flat ground) and a parking light that was out, that would have blown that night, 'coz i know it was working that morning. So for that, i am now $75 poorer and 1 point less on my license... Fuggin cops.

P.S. i'm actually considering joining the police force... posts like this make me rethink tho, as i don't want to be working with ****ing tools.

Do you think its a good idea to publicly bag the police and say your gonna "take these pricks down" and put a picture of your car in the same post?

Cops are Tops :(

who cares..they will pull anything with the words "skyline" over anyway

Ah.. Mr wog... I already guessed that you would be pulled over sooner or later, especially with the new shiny parts underneath the bonnet.

Now.. the part of why the blues pulled you over, it would be a fair guess that they know what is underneath the bonnet... Last saturday and most likely the next few is a very bad idea to head into bwcp. The reason? The idiots that "provoke" the police vehicle the saturday before. If there is anyone to blame, blame it on the idiots that stir the trouble the week before saturday.

Btw. I'm surprise to see you on this forum.. didnt even know you can use a computer :)

PM me if you havent work out who I am already. :)

Is there a copy of the "rules and regulations" when it comes to modifying cars. I hear of all the defects, but do police decide what is legal, or is there a document that sets out what we can and can't do. I'm sure if we knew exactly what was allowed, we can use it to our advantage, and then quote this to these police with confidence.


Ah.. Mr wog... I already guessed that you would be pulled over sooner or later, especially with the new shiny parts underneath the bonnet.

Now.. the part of why the blues pulled you over, it would be a fair guess that they know what is underneath the bonnet...  Last saturday and most likely the next few is a very bad idea to head into bwcp.  The reason?  The idiots that "provoke" the police vehicle the saturday before.  If there is anyone to blame, blame it on the idiots that stir the trouble the week before saturday.

Btw. I'm surprise to see you on this forum.. didnt even know you can use a computer :(

PM me if you havent work out who I am already. ;)

Is there a copy of the "rules and regulations" when it comes to modifying cars. I hear of all the defects, but do police decide what is legal, or is there a document that sets out what we can and can't do. I'm sure if we knew exactly what was allowed, we can use it to our advantage, and then quote this to these police with confidence.  


Not really hey dude, as there are a number of laws/rules for different modifications, and a number of different ways of interpreting them.

Just a quick example. One of my mates has a rather largish engine in his gemini, now going by one rule he must upgrade the brakes as part of the conversion, IE they are covered under the engine conversion mod plate. However hes been pulled up on it a few times, why he doesnt have a mod plate for the brakes, which he then explains the above and normally gets left alone from there. Hes since got a mod plate for them as he was getting other stuff plated at the same time. **where the law is stupid tho, they used piaza turbo brakes as the conversion item, and we all know how good they were!** (last bit is a joke...)

I think you are right Eug... No offence but last time I saw your car, it didn't really stand out at all, hence why you haven't been pulled over yet... Give it time though... It took me over 2 years to get my first defect...

yup. and no matter how much i imagine how much better it could look it will stay like that for a while unless i can find a conservative kit.

the point i was kinda getting at was that people complain about the sterotype, boy ricer, racer image - police constantly hitting imports, etc.

like you said give it time before i get done for the stuff i have. but in the mean time youngish asian dude in a skyline does not get pulled over for stock car ;)

1 + 1 = no defect :(

Keep it legal....

Dont give them reasons to defect you.

If you car is legal, then you may get pulled over. After a while the police will know not to pick on you cause there is nothing there. When they follow for a minute or two they are doing a rego check to see if you have been fined for something. If your rego comes up with 8 defects. Their gonna pull u over to check if you have fixed them yet. If you rego comes up clear, they will leave you alone.

Like i said, keep it legal.

I have owned turbo charged vehicles for 5 years. My first 2 cars (torana and pintara) were cop magnets (no idea why the pintara was) but i used to get pulled over all the time. Once i was issued a speeding ticket when they didnt even have a radar or cmaera on me. But i accepted it as i was speeding. I was honest and admitted to speeding, they issued a ticket and i took it on the chin.

But out of the 3 skylines i have owned last 4 years. I have never been pulled over. The only time i have been pulled over is for RBT (as eveyone was being pulled over). My car looks slightlly modified from the outside. But i have made all internal and external mods legal. I follow the transport dept's book of modifications. If you follow these simple rules you may get a ticket but you would have it over turned in court.

Advice: Fix the issues and keep it legal.

The only real guidline for modifying your car is this:

Buy a copy of the ADR (Australian Design Rules) for $70 on CD

Go to Queensland Transport and get their Modification brochure.

Read both from cover to cover twice. It pretty much restricts everything except wheels tyres and crap like that.

Yes that is my engine bay, as u all can see my car looks stock i dont see any reason why they should have pulled me over ok if i was racing, speeding,doing burnout or something ilegal yes by all means pull me over give me the fine or do what the law states, but i was doing nothing just doing 100kmh in the right lane talking to my best friend about how good this cruze was going to be then because i drive a skyline with personalised plates i get pulled over i just wanna know why do they have so much power to just pullover anybody that they fill like. What about all the other rust buckets like most off the d@#$heads that drive fords and holdens that are about to fall apart why dont they concentrate on geting them of the road there a hazard and they endanger peoples life. My car i work 5-6 days a weeks doing up to 10hr a day to be able to do it up and have a car that i can be proud to go out cruzeing and go to car show. This is my hobby why should i give up my hobby just because the cops rekon that were hoons, because its not us it 90% of the holden, ford and kids that borrow there mothers exel that do burnout and other stupid things at bwcp and other places because they think there cool in there moms exel or holden they dont know how it fills to buys ur own car and work all week to try and do something to it. My car has only been on the road for 2 months its been in the workshop for the last year because i had to work my ass off to get the money to make that engine what it is like.And by the way they will never stop me from doing up my car i will always find a way and i will keep cumming back they take my car off the road this week it will be back next week with a lot more mods and they wont be able to touch me from now on unless they have a warant to serch and to inspect my car no warant no search.And they better be ready to be video taped when they pull me over because that what i will do everytime bey pull me over.

I understand your anger. All you need to do is be calm and patient. When you are pulled over dont be ****y. Do what they want you to do. If you have illegal modifications then you should be prepared to pay the fine.

My dad used to say if you want a motor bike you need to have the money for your funeral ready. So i didnt see the point in that, so i didnt buy a bike. LOL

If you have a perfectlly legal car they cant touch you. Like i said after a while you will be know to have nothing of intrest in the way of legalities. You will be left alone.

Dont do the opisite, dont do more illegal mods. You will just be strung out.

I dont agree about being pulled over for doing nothing. Im totally with you on that one. Its just a fact of life these days. Yes i agree about the rust buckets on the road, more should be done about them. Shaker units should be set up and all cars more then 10 years old should be pulled up. This could be seen as a money raiser for the new car business, or the media would play it up as the government using the police to boost the economy.. LOL

You need to play by there rules. Not pay by there rules....


I understand your anger. All you need to do is be calm and patient. When you are pulled over dont be ****y. Do what they want you to do. If you have illegal modifications then you should be prepared to pay the fine.

My dad used to say if you want a motor bike you need to have the money for your funeral ready. So i didnt see the point in that, so i didnt buy a bike. LOL

If you have a perfectlly legal car they cant touch you. Like i said after a while you will be know to have nothing of intrest in the way of legalities. You will be left alone.

Dont do the opisite, dont do more illegal mods. You will just be strung out.

I dont agree about being pulled over for doing nothing. Im totally with you on that one. Its just a fact of life these days. Yes i agree about the rust buckets on the road, more should be done about them. Shaker units should be set up and all cars more then 10 years old should be pulled up. This could be seen as a money raiser for the new car business, or the media would play it up as the government using the police to boost the economy.. LOL

You need to play by there rules. Not pay by there rules....


I follow the transport dept's book of modifications. If you follow these simple rules you may get a ticket but you would have it over turned in court.


Guilty until you prove yourself innocent? :cheers:

The cops don't have half a clue about what's defectworthy and what's not...

See my defect: Rear wing not within boot lines.

I mean firstly, WTF are boot lines... And secondly, that's not what the DOT Mod Book says... It says any wings / spoilers must not protrude past the boundaries of the car, which mine doesn't...

So I got a defect, for having a legal mod... And I'm supposed to take time off and hire a lawyer to go defend this in court? Yeah right...

The system is farked... :D

Yes that is my engine bay, as u all can see my car looks stock i dont see any reason why they should have pulled me over ok if i was racing, speeding,doing burnout or something ilegal yes by all means pull me over give me the fine or do what the law states, but i was doing nothing just doing 100kmh in the right lane talking to my best friend about how good this cruze was going to be then because i drive a skyline with personalised plates i get pulled over i just wanna know why do they have so much power to just pullover anybody that they fill like. What about all the other rust buckets like most off the d@#$heads that drive fords and holdens that are about to fall apart why dont they concentrate on geting them of the road there a hazard and they endanger peoples life. My car i work 5-6 days a weeks doing up to 10hr a day to be able to do it up and have a car that i can be proud to go out cruzeing and go to car show. This is my hobby why should i give up my hobby just because the cops rekon that were hoons, because its not us it 90% of the holden, ford and kids that borrow there mothers exel that do burnout and other stupid things at bwcp and other places because they think there cool in there moms exel or holden they dont know how it fills to buys ur own car and work all week to try and do something to it. My car has only been on the road for 2 months its been in the workshop for the last year because i had to work my ass off to get the money to make that engine what it is like.And by the way they will never stop me from doing up my car i will always find a way and i will keep cumming back they take my car off the road this week it will be back next week with a lot more mods and they wont be able to touch me from now on unless they have a warant to serch and to inspect my car no warant no search.And they better be ready to be video taped when they pull me over because that what i will do everytime bey pull me over.

Did anyone else run out of breath?

Simple fact is....THE LAW STATES THAT THEY ARE ALLOWED TO SEARCH YOUR CAR, ANYTHING ON IT, IN IT AND ANYONE IN IT. They don't need a warrant. All they need is an excuse to pull you over ie. Random breath test.

I can just see it now on the 6 o clock news. Heading - Maximum Rice. A man went to prison today after driving his Import vehicle down the M1 with outrageous modifications. Onlookers said that he had a crazed look in his eye and was screaming the words "I'll get all you cops, you'll see". One witness said "I've never seen a wing that big before".

They could even turn it into a mini series - When mods go bad.

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