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a few questions

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hey guys

im lookin at gettin a new car after i sell my skyline...

what would win in a race?

a Twin Turbo 300ZX...or a R33 GTS-T, or a 95 model v8 commodore?

also...is a HKS Super dragger exhaust any good???

and if my right front wheel has been moved back due to a accident, how hard is this too fix?? What do i exactly need? the left one seems fine, its just the right wheel that has been moved back

and does it matter if i keep redling the skyline during every gear change?


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a Twin Turbo 300ZX...or a R33 GTS-T, or a 95 model v8 commodore?

what kind of race?

is a HKS Super dragger exhaust any good???

its not too loud and flows well,. // i guess its alright.. :confused:

and does it matter if i keep redling the skyline during every gear change?

lets use a bit of common sense with this one eh ??


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Ive got a R32 gts t and only running 7 psi ( standard ) but with chip and ECU upgrade and i can tell you that i blow the VR - VS - VT V8's off the road but a twin turbo 300 has a slight pull, but for handling and comfort along with pretty good performance go the R33

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It you front wheel has been pushed back it is relitivly easy to fix - happend to a friend who slip into the gutter and pushed it right back so the wheel was rubbing. More then likly going to be the lower control arm. Dont know how much this part is but probs around $100. We bent it back - take the wheel off and have alook - it is tough steel and you will have trouble bending it back with a hammer or mallet etc. We did major bush mechanics and put half the control arm in a metal grate in the road and put a long peice of pipe over the top and bent it back gradually - I recommend buying the part caus it will always be a little out- Thats if this is even the problem... I will try and get the pic off my phone of the part... Hope that helps abit - cheers

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