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street racer busted on sat night !!!


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Have to agree...wen it comes to that split second of whether ur going to lose your car which you've spent sh1tloads of $$ on sometimes what is the right thing to do just doesnt come into the equation...the guy decided to put his foot down and i dont think any of you (unless youve been in the same situation) can judge and say that u definately wouldnt do it if ur car was about to be confiscated...


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like someones sig says

ban low performance drivers not high performance cars

leave the cars alone or we will get physical they do nothing wrong

do what you will with the driver........

but yeah you couldnt bag him for running but you could mock his Intelligence for doing so

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The police have to get authorisation before engaging a high speed chase and they take into account all variables before taking action, but they kinda bend the rules when they do it.

Most probably, that is unless the dude stuffs up, and kills himself, then there is the outcry and they have to do all the proper investigation.. Thing is a 250kw+ silvia is probably going to pull away from a pursuit boat fairly easily anyhow. Unless the engine blows up :cheers: That just made a good story because they actually caught somebody. The amount of times that they don't is a lot. "street racer successfully runs away from cops" hardly makes the front page of the news.. for obvious reasons..

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if it was a skyline the paper would have said 'Nissian Skyline' rather than 'Import' we all know that..............

i think they're stupid laws, i remember saying in a post about the new hoon laws that high speed chases would ensure. If the police got his plate number they should have stormed his house with a SERT team in the early hours of the morning and arrested him. not started up a chase...............

he should be banned from driving for a loooooooooooong time..........

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What the hell were cops doing trying to chase somebody going up to 200km/hr??

Cops should know when to pull off.. What happened if he had spun out and killed himself and others. Innocent bystanders, etc. Sure he shouldn't have been speeding, but it's a lesser of two evils I would have thought?

It would have been his own stupid fcukin fault!! What do the cops do let em go because they drive too fast? I hope the dickhead gets a good stint in a cell with bubba frankly. If you met the guy he would be a prize idiot too I'm guessing. Should have his car crushed in front of him and his licence CANCELLED.

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well obviously he was breaking the law.. I just don't like propoganda when I see it.. disguised as a news story.

It would have been his own stupid fcukin fault!!

Well yes, but if he killed somebody else then you'd have to ask, is it worth the pursuit? The risk of taking lives, just for upholding the law. Even if it was his fault, put under the adrenaline he is more likely to screw up when pursued. It's happened many times in NSW, and many innocent people have been killed.

All they need to do is get the plates, and make a knock at his door the next day. I don't see why they have to be pursued there and then?

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it was a Sil80 with a 20 in it, apparntly the dude had a chance but blew the motor and came to a grinding halt and thats when the boys in blue caught up wit him... rumor has it hes thrown alota cash at the engine.... theres a write up on it @ qldstreetcar

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Yeh at the end of the day they would have had the rego of the car at way less than 200km/h+ and could have just called it off and waited at his house. Or at least followed a long way back. Provoking someone to speed is almost as bad as being the one speeding. What if he, police or innocent motorist had died because of the chase?

The 'HOON' would be blamed, because the police were 'protecting the innocent' even though they are putting everyone on that motorway at risk.

The above is alot safer for the police, the driver, and other innocent drivers on the motorway.

Im 19 and can figure that out, do police even think anymore?

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man i cant believe the anty -hooning laws can just take your car and sell it without paying you any money. I would be going to court over that.

There is no way cops should be able to drive over 180kmph for their own safety and the safety of others!! I remember an ambulance got done a while back by a speed camera on the M1 doing 180kmph and there was all sorts of public outcry!!

They should have speed limiters. If you are driving at 100, or 110 and a car goes past at 180+ it is CRAZY and cops shouldn’t be able to do it!!

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if coppers were chasing me and i was on my last warning !! i would be everything i can to out run them... i dont give a **** u gonna loose ur car anywayz so might as well !!!

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if coppers were chasing me and i was on my last warning !! i would be everything i can to out run them... i dont give a **** u gonna loose ur car anywayz so might as well !!!

That's so f**king stupid it's not funny...

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Theres an awful lot of moral outrage and high-horsing going on around here, especially considering the things I see the majority of SAU peeps do themselves.

No hypocricy from me, I'd be doing a runner too. ESPECIALLY if it was my 3rd warning and I was about to lose my car. I've whinged from the start that having a "3rd strike, youre out" rule was going to result in car chases. Of two people who have had their car taken from them, they both tried running. In a way, its kind of a pity there wasnt some sort of more serious outcome (although obviously not death or permanent injury) to give a wake-up call that taking someones pride and joy _IS_ going to result in desperate measures being taken.

I drive like a testical, and I'll be happy to be reamed in the bum if I ever get caught. But theres a big difference between losing your license, and losing your material goods. I'd like to see some peoples reactions to being caught for a 3rd time, especially in that first moment of panic the red and blue lights start flashing.

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Maybe after being caught the first two times and losing your car overnight you'd think twice though right...? We're not talking about a little speeding here, I'm sure we're all guilty of that from time to time, but the "hooning" laws aren't applied on every Joe Citizen going 70 in a 60 zone in his company magna...

If you got caught street racing twice, had your car confiscated for a period of time, doing it again *knowing* what will happen if you get caught again (which is likely to happen since you've been caught twice already) and then regretting it when you see the cop lights would be pretty bloody stupid wouldn't it?

Bottom line is, if I knew I would lose my car next time I was caught I wouldn't be enough of an idiot to do it again. If this guy had got away with it, he just would have got caught some other night anyway.

Whether it's right to take a person's vehicle is another point altogether I think.

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