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I won the court case regarding creating excessive noise today.

I presented my case being my own representative, if you can speak and willing to learn law and you are confident in the court then DIY! (Who needs lawyer anyway!:D.

I presented my case stated that police made mistake on the proceeding.

So I am Freeman! still have all 12 points on my already clean record.

it is good feeling that you are right! :D

If you didn't do wrong then you act with principle (dont be let down cuz you dont want go ahead with it),

which I was confident that I was right.

also GET THE PERMITS! it will help you in many cases.

make sure you have permits for your mods if possible!

ps.I wont do it again it's not worth the hassles you get!




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well done.

A Mate and I did this a few years ago when a cop witnessed both our cars "supposedly" running a red light. Took the f***ers to court and wh00ped their asses. This was about a week after I had gotten my licence back and thankgod they don't take your driving record into account.

You shoulda seen their faces at the end. hahahaha.

joe, its one hell of an experience aint it? and VERY exciting when you win!


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Touch wood joe.

I've had a complaint goin through with the police for a month or so now, there tryin to take 3 points for havin a blown head light.

Am I in control of my farkin head lights!!!

The cops say theres nothin I can do, im wrong, there right.

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Hey Joe,

Did you get to see the cops in the courtroom?? did ya see the look in their faces when you won? I have a question....

In your defence did you state that with your 4wd system it is very hard to do a burn out? I have seen 4wd's skid their wheels before though.... how did you prove it??

Radium how did you prove that you didn't go through the red light? I have never run red lights but this could be very handy for me to know incase if a cop does the same thing to me sometime!

Well done Joe! I am really glad things turned out well for ya! finally we see some justice done in the courts system!

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Nice work Joe!

I have my court case coming up pretty soon I think.. I got a letter dated 20th November saying "A reply will be coming in due course and a date for court will be set"

Offence date: 15th MAY 2002...

More than likely the court date will be just before christmas, knowing them.... SEVEN MONTHS LATER!

... then again, i did attempt to beat them at thier own game by repeatedly sending letters explaining issues i would like resolved e.g. police manners, etc

Everytime they would send a letter back saying "your letter has been recieved, the infringement process has stopped, a reply will be forthcoming"

I got the due date set back 3 times!!

and now it's off to court.....

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Originally posted by 25GTT

Hey Joe,

Did you get to see the cops in the courtroom?? did ya see the look in their faces when you won? I have a question....

In your defence did you state that with your 4wd system it is very hard to do a burn out? I have seen 4wd's skid their wheels before though.... how did you prove it??

The Charge against me was "Creating Undue excessive Noise"

I prove that the sound came from could been my loude exhust not from spinning wheel in wet road. Judge overruled that police may have been mistaken with exhaust sound. Plus I do have Permit saying mu exhust is under legal limit. Plus my attesa system.

Proscusion did not want judge to see the premit but at the end I asked proscusion to read out loud in the court room. it said "AT THE TIME OF TESTING EXHUST IS IN THE LEGAL LIMIT!" :(

so bamm I am free to go!



yeap you should've seen their faces in the witness box... I hamer them with questions... :P

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Well yes...

tow cops. sr,sgt. and detective they both had to be in the witness box and they sworn tell teh truth... but I know they lied about few things.

yes, because I represented myself I can ask teh questions, just like lawyer will do but I did make statement saying I am not a lawyer so I am not familiar with the court preceedings so please excuse me if I make any mistake at all your worship! :D

so I fired away the questions! cross examination style... :P

and I ve dis prooved many things on their statements.

and then I have to be on withness box and I gave me statements :(

it's bit scary but Judge was very under standing...



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i had exactly the same case as u joe, but i lost, the cops said i spun my wheels for 1-2 secs, which never happened, i took them to court even got a lawyer, and still lost, i proved that i never did the burnout, then they said well we dont care, your being done for "undue and excessive noise" that mite not be anything to do with burnout, i had permits for exhaust, even had independent witness's, but still didn't help, the judge believed the cops

i wouldn't have been so angry about it if i had ACTUALLY done it, but it just sh1ts me shen cops lie, just to charge someone!! :headshot:

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hahaha, PVA McBeal.

Its about bloody time someone stood up to the cops, so they have to have a real reason for giving a ticket, not just that they got pissed off with you.

Good work, if i ever get a bullshit ticket, will you be my lawyer?

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Originally posted by Steve


Was it worth it?:P ย 

where do you get permits?

What requires permits?

No it was not worth the time I got hasseled.

You get permits from when you yet canary and over pits.

around $45 from lincencing centre approved by engineer.

you can have Five things on your Permit



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