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Hey guys,

Got my air con regassed 2 weeks ago after it was drained in Japan. Had it leak tested, etc and it was fine. Now the air con is warm and there's no gas in it. Took it back to the guy who now says the metal line from the firewall to the compressor is stuffed and leaking gas?

Wouldn't this have shown up on the leak test? How does a metal line leak anyway?

Every now and then I could smell gas coming through the vents and the dash just below the centre vents would get condensation on it. How would the gas get into the vents themselves? How do I fix this, its drving me nuts.


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my guess it's the tx valve metal lines dont leak unless they are corroded or bent my advice is to go to the guy who gassed it and let him know that there was a leak in the cabin of the car and it all most killed you say you just spent two days in hospital because of it. the gas is very very dangerous maby he will fix it for free ha ha

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R134a is not dangerous to u so on't worry about breathing it (I wouldnt do it for fun though). The alloy pipes very rarely leak, unless some dumb arse work hardened it I would take it someware else as there are plenty of other areas to look at. Like the oring used in R12 system may be stuffed and the flexible lines arent designed for R134a.

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yeah, think i'll take it to someone with more of an idea... I can't hear the compressor kicking in either I just realised so it may be something along the lines of a post further up the page of a temp sendor for the refrigerant.

I've checked all fuses and stuff, so I think this may be the problem. I'll take it in anyway...

cheers for the help guys, I don't think I inhaled too much gas so hopefully i'm okay :P

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Yeah eveything is dangerous, they changed to R134a beacuse it is generally environmentally and humanly safe in reasonable quanities unlike R12 where if u were to inhale it though a lit cigarette it was the same effect as inhaling Mustard gas. I am sure the 500g inside a system would do absolutly nothing.

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I guess he assumed all was ok because it was drained at some time. Not leaked.

Mine was fine then over a period of time it began to loose its icy coolness.

Eventually cooling the air so it was only slightly cooler than amb air and thats where it stayed. This happened slowly.

Initial tests showed there was no leak as it was holding pressure and appeared to work well.

This is why I had a 1/4 charge with dye (~$38 from memory) and told to drive around on it so the leak will show up easily.

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