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hey guys, quick story:

r33 was smoking a shitload when coming off boost while drivinbg (white smoke)

we had a look, took it for a test drive - stopped smoking - suddenly no boost also - the Boost gauge still rises but just feels like my NA - nothign there

we look under bonnet and oil has been coming frm the wastegate actuator along that hose into the turbosmart cheap-o boost controller then through that into the other side hose that runs to the intake

some oil was escaping form the little hole in the controller also and spraying a bit

no noise etc - just wont boost....seems to run ok

safe to drive at present?

what would happen if removed the controller - then blocked both of those hoses (to the intake and to the actuator - would this make is better to drive?

he needs to probably drive about 300 km's total - not realy thrashing it etc - just needs his car NOW and can't get turbo for about a month...

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er.. sounds like ratted seals.. probably not a good idea driving it, as the turbo will just be pumping loads of oil through the engine..

in fact, no drive.. replace turbo. or at least remove and plug lines..

Pull off your intake pipe and see if that is filled with thick oil deposits.. If you can see it all over the throttle butterfly as well, you know where it's all been going...

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