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The State of SAUWA


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Mikey - you do not need to leave ok. You were one of the first people to sign up for SAUWA at DC last year, you've offered to help out at events more than once. Which is alot more than I can say about some other people in this club. We need people like you who are willing to help out.

We all have asked stupid questions before... I remember my first post... I got shot down in flames! But Mikey - you've stayed on despite getting crap...showing you are a bigger person than many... and I personally havnt spent hours convincing you on MSN to come on cruises for NOTHING!! :) So you're not phucking leaving OK!

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I have been a member of this forum since it basically began, moving over from SDU.

SAU - WA section HAS taken a turn down hill.

This thread is another example of why. A lot of in-fighting and power play action.

Its a shame really :)

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Think of it this way, people on internet forums don't have faces, SAUWA members do. Most of this argument seems to be about the forums, in most of the forums I use there are one or two bad eggs, just ignore them.

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It's a pity some of the older members have gone now ... such as adam32 etc

Used to be good fun cruising in the old days. Now I don't even bother ...  

And the forums ... well the thing is I find that there's a lot of crappy, useless posts. As someone said, imports these days are a lot more affordable to younger kids. So they buy the car, jump on the forum, mouth off, be cheeky .. whatever. Then all the older crew gets sick of reading the forums and leave, and you're left with shit. Unfortunately.

i totally agree with you

cruises used to be alot different usually the same ppl and u never had 2 worry about some tool doing burnouts or the younger dikheads losing control of there car into you because they dont know how to drive

i hardly ever go on cruises for that fact there are to many accidents and bad attention

and yeh i agree bam, we arent as welcoming as we shud b but i think that the questions and threads are getting dumber and dumber and older members are just sik of it

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Been a member for a fair while, had a pintara to start with then a silhuette so was always on the outside :).

The decline of the forum side of the deal was in order

Whoretown perth

Becoming a user pays club

Sst posting more often

This is all

Actually the high point of sau was when Boostzor hit the curb in armadale, and then the video that followed, no offense but that was classic, all down hill from there. Good to see that you still post. Other highlights Macka getting a 12.9 rev210 getting a 13.2 with STOCK COOLER! and a couple of late night cruises that i can unfortunately not remember

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I think the cruises are still an awsome part of the club, i have been on only 3 to date (all being late-night cruises) and i can say you dont get many dickheads if any at all, all the drivers seems to drive within the limits and we have no crashes or accidents so far.

"We need more gate action"

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i like the idea of late night cruises as i cant attend cruise at normal hours coz of work unless it is help on a monday night {my only night off}

i to am i younger member 17 now 18 when my 32 gtst gets here ,this will be my second car as i have a silvia SR20DE previously and decided it was time for a change and more power as i had it for about 10months - always been a forums person and still go on silviawa also was to a harrased young person on those forums when i first jioned but the good thing about being flamed is that you learn very quickly to shut up , chill and post when necesary or something that others maybe be interested in {well the smart people see that}. i dont see these forums as bad maybe because im new .

but they seem alright and i hope maybe we can have monthly meet-ups {unless we do already} say on first monday of every month :)

hope to see some of you about when my 32 gets here in june! {seems like 3 years instead of 3 months}



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Some very interesting reading.

Very good points raised by Liz and Ozzie_21.

Ozzie, Age should not be a factor , Your posts point to a maturity that I could never have matched when I was 19. So you and all the other young ones should be welcomed with open arms for the club to survive.

And Jason, I don't know the background causing your problem with Mike as I don't think I've met either of you but from what I percieve from your posts on this thread you need to let go of the anger mate it's unhealthy. Go have a beer with the guy.



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The decline of the forum side of the deal was in order

Whoretown perth

I think this was one of the single most stupidest ideas ever brought to the SAU "WA forums" All this "postwhore this, postwhore that" would have been avoided if certain members didn't start it.

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Well I’ve been watching and adding to the SAUWA forums since Sep 2003 and have got to say that you guys have all been a great help. I haven’t made out that I know everything and you guys have still welcomed me in and have all been a great help in my quest to learn more about Skylines.

These forums will always get crazy-weird people dropping in creating havoc but if you’re a true enthusiast then you will look past these posts and see that the WA section is filled with great people who are all helping each other.

On the topic of age, I have no problem with young people entering these forums at all.

I’m not exactly the oldest guy in the world myself. Yeah you will find more young people asking stupid questions... They do that because they are learning, the more stupid questions they ask the smarter they will be when they get older.

These young people are interesting in Skylines and let’s not forget why these forums are around, for people who like Skylines.

More and more people are getting Skylines a few people have said… Sure that can be a bad thing for some because what you thought was a small group of crazy Jap car owners is getting a little bigger, but is it really that bad? The huge drop in the cost of parts over the last 5 years is due to the increase in popularity. The more people with Skylines the bigger the SAUWA community will grow, the more knowledge and experienced people we will get.

Well I’ve said my bit and I’m now a keyboard warrior.

I’m going to go and become a member now and I will see you all at a BBQ, Coffee shop or any other of the great events this SAUWA community has.

- Adam

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Yeah i must admit that i enjoyed the days when i was first part of the forums as well .... being only 19 back then i also said some stupid things and copped a bit of shit but we were always doing something as a group.

I feel the group of pals are gone .... kinda the community spirit (without sounding ghey) We have a lot of new people but how are we meant to welcome them and build up a friendship with them when they arent active members and support the club in events etc in the first place? Basically we have a lot more inactive members and some of them just become keyboard warriors ..... but yeah i think the scene in general has changed a lot and gone through a bit of a hostile phase.

Just do what i do - if you dont like whats happening, if it gets you down .... just dont have so much to do with the scene :(

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']I would like to thank everyone for there commnets and reply, my point of the thread was to bring the issue out in the open, and by the looks of it, it has done its job :(

I just hope that i wasn't to much of a pain to everyone on sauwa, dan will be deleteing my account this afternoon, i support the club 100% and i belived that if another member is happy and we are able to fix that reason we should do it, i seem to be a problem for jason so i will leave and come back in the future when i am more muture for jason liking

Thankyou and Goodbye, sauwa has been awsome to me and i hope to see you all at our 1year birthday at drag-combat

Michael :D

Mikey I wont be deleting your account that easily champ :rant:

You were just beginning to post good advice! Just recently you impressed me with your replies in this thread:


It would be a shame to see you go mikey. Why not just stay around?



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And once again, I never told mikey he should leave, nor did I want him to leave. I think he's great for a laugh now and then.

All I did was bring to his attention what I think is the reason for the downhill slide he mentioned in his first post, and he asked for people to give their opinions, which I did.

But his immature behaviour (I'm leaving because jason said so etc etc) is exactly the problem people are trying to bring to his attention.

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Ahh I love it all, I couldnt even tell you guys how much ive learnt about Skylines in the last year and a bit coz its sooo damn much my brain hurts.

I just Signed up to become a member so EVL_R33 its a shame I wont get to meet you.

Nizmo, the community spirit can be brought back. Im excited! Woo hoooo!!

" trying no to sound ghey"

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Oh crap, i think i had a hand in creating whoretown in an attempt to curb off topic posts, what have i done, oh the humanity!!!!

I think some of the old members have kind of let SAU go for some time, i know i was absent for a while here and there and when you come back its not as you recall it to be. When we started off we knid of grew together so every1 was on the same level. When a new person came in, which was not that common, they were quickly brought up to speed so they too became in sync with us.

Nowadays with all the new members and alot of the old members not being around much anymore, its kinda gone all willy nilly, if you catch my meaning. There are alot more new members than there ever were before and it just serves to make more questions than answers, which is a problem.

What ozzie was saying about young not nessacarily meaning dumb is true and his point of how he got the best car for his money backs that up. However he did choose to import it not buy an auto gts (no offense to any slushy drivers) off the shelf from the local dodgy dealer. This makes him stand out from the crowd. Its just all too often that you see a crashed import with p plates on the news these days, talking about death on roads and michelle roberts coming up with some stupid plan to fix the problem which involves not treating the problem (too easy to get imports) and over treating the symptoms (teenage deaths on roads)

Do you mean whoretown or wasteland?

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Yeah Michael ... sorry dude but we're not all going to sit here, blow sunshine up your arse, and try and make you stay.

If you feel that you aren't in a welcoming environment, even after everyone has asked you to stay, then that's up to you.

But don't keep saying today I'm going to go ... ok now today ... no, today.

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And once again, I never told mikey he should leave, nor did I want him to leave.  I think he's great for a laugh now and then.

All I did was bring to his attention what I think is the reason for the downhill slide he mentioned in his first post, and he asked for people to give their opinions, which I did.

But his immature behaviour (I'm leaving because jason said so etc etc) is exactly the problem people are trying to bring to his attention.

ok i give you that my post was abit immature, but im still leaving, i feel that my immature behavoiur is apart of the problem, so therefore i will leave and come back when i feel i am mature enough, jason i thankyou for bring to my attention that i was a part of the problem, i didnt see it like that but know i understand your view and i belived this is the best thing, :(

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JiMiH, yeah thats not a problem ( i feel very welcome) Bit im leave cuz i still am i abit immature and i dont think sau needs to have another immautre poster, so i will come back later, im not asking everyone to tell me to say im just saying im leave.

Ok this is my last post so im off

p.s i will still be coming to events, :( so everyone can still meet me :D

Im tring to do the right thing, so lets just leave it at that :rant:

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