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I personally am sick of hearing about ‘old skool days’. Every time a thread like this starts the same people come out and say ‘its not the old skool SDU crew’. Well of course it isn’t. This is SAU and new people come and go… and it seems more of you have an issue dealing with change rather than helping to guide our younger members.

How are people meant to feel welcome on the forums when people keeping crying about the lost old days when everyone was cool. Its kind of school yard behaviour guys – ‘You’re too young and not cool enough to post on our forums’

The spirit of SAUWA (the club) is that we welcome everyone on cruises and events. We get our members from this forum and if the newbies are treated like idiots then they aren’t going to feel welcome enough to join SAUWA. Then we will get a name for ourselves as being unfriendly snobs.

You guys are talking about a special area for people who get invited… firstly – we have a members only area. Secondly - the wasteland WA was created to make it easier for the mods and forum users. Before we were removing random posts every day. This way people can post what they like in this area and it doesn’t affect the main WA area for car related talk. We don’t need an invite only section etc…. and this isn’t going to solve the problem of ‘older members’ giving the newbies crap – which is what Mikey is referring to.

We need to be more welcoming and accommodating to new people. Like someone said – this place USED to be friendly. We have all made mistakes posting before – but it is the moderators job to clean this up and let the user know. It is not YOUR job to abuse them and give them sh1t for the next 6 months. If we show the newies some respect by helping them out - then maybe they will show the forums some respect as well.

i like the idea how the forums can only be accessed if you have an invite or a referral from at least one member who has been here for say, more than 3 months.. this stops di(kheads from joining and then inviting 20 of their mates.. but is this feasible? do we wanna go that far?

its not that hard feasibly, you need to sign in anyway and all you do is change the log on access scripts and things like that. you can track IP addresses and the likes so its not that hard. the other good thing is people can still track and read the fourms see when events are on but not add usless topics. what may result though is more people rocking up to cruises wanting to "hang around" and try to "impress"

How come people are getting so worked up about what someone else writes on a forum? If you know someone asks stupid questions - don't read the thread ... Stick him on ignore or however it works and just chill out

As a response to the thread title ("The State of SAUWA"), I think it's a bit narrow-minded judging an entire club on its forum

Plenty of my mates sometimes post like tools on forums, but in real life are champs - it doesn't change any real life situation (as with sau forum to the actual sauwa club), and anyone who gets worked up by the internet seriously needs to get out more

I know that I spend a LOT of my time reading and generally sitting in the shadows rather than post-whoring my way around a lot of threads creating useless input for the sake of getting my post count up. When I was new, there was no way that I would even dream of posting something unless I knew that I wouldn't get told to use the seach button. I'm not saying that I'm the perfect thread starter but when I do post, i've usually put a fair deal of thought into my thread and researched to make sure that i'm not repeating topics already covered. A lot of people could benefit by doing the same.

I think, all in all, the forums are still a friendly place, with legitimate questions earning legitimate responses without the need for senseless dribble. We need a disclaimer on all new posts saying "by submitting this new post, you agree that you have extensively searched the forums and will honestly think that you and others will benefit from the knowledge hopefully gained through this thread" with a penalty for misuse being banishment from the forums for a set period of time. Sorta like WA's new hoon laws. You post a new dickhead type thread, banned for 24 hours, a 2nd new dickhead type thread, banned for a week, etc... (Exception being wasteland type post areas)

My input from a "old skool" SDU member (who doesn't care about the distinction between new and old as long as we're all learning and benefitting)


thanks for the reply everyone, i think liz has made a really good point, i think the change is the problem; the reason why i started this thread, was to get people too see that many people feel the same way about the problem (and after all the reply i can see that most people feel the same way). and then try to fix the problem.

I think the best idea for all members, is if they read a thread for example "take me for a spin" and dont like the attitude and the post itself dont reply, if no one replys it will just float to the bottom of the pape; the new members will then learn that no one will reply, and start to act smarter and post smarter (i hope)

I think i have change alot, and have move away from posting alot of question which i could have found by searching, and stop the bs posting aswell,

Liz is just pissed cause shes not part of the old skool crew :D

But seriously, the issue of new users feeling unwelcome is an important one. On one hand the noobs should feel welcome but on the other side we dont want to condone stupid posts. However like SeriesII says, a new person should spend a little time lurking and seraching before they go shooting their mouths off. Many do not do this and in my opinion should be shot down albeit gently.

I know im partial to posting a fair amount of BS but its not to get my count up or anything, i just like to get to know ppl i guess. There are alot of ppl who will freak out if someone says something bad to them, thats just stupid. Who cares what some guy on the other end of a keyboard says. This theory works both ways as i dont maind midly pissin ppl off on occasion, just to see their reaction. However if a noob asks a legitimate question i will generally point them in the right direction instead of shooting them down. To tell you the truth i really dont see alot of the hostility that is being talked about. Only to the noobs that get too big for their boots and think its ok to talk too much crap.

Wasnt aware of the SAUWA section, u should make it more obvious to ppl like me that think that all they will get is a keychain.

The real problem is the net itself as ppl think they can hide behind their keyboard but we are lucky that Dan and Liz work hard to keep this to a minimum.

Mikey you were only a young enthusiastic guy that wanted to learn as much as you could as fast as possible and thats not a bad thing but it can get draining but thats life and those of us from shops that posted info on here have to understand young guys are going to ask lots of questions.

personaly as a (junior) member I feel a bit dissed now because of this thread.Im 18, I own a import skyline, and now feel that I am classed as a wannabe. I'm a paid member of sauwa and now feel that maybe Im out of place because of my age. I might even say I fell like im regreting it because by the looks of what some members (senior) have said in this thread is that we (juniors) are just a waste of space on the forum.Some people say that the younger members come and post random bull s**t which i agree with. But in saying that i never post, for the simple reason i dont want to seem like a d**k. I agree with what some members have said on this thread but some outhers just made themselfs look even more of a tool than the younger members.

Anyways im interested to see the direction this thread takes so I'm hoping it doesnt get deleted.

end of rant



Also in rereading the thread alot of people are saying they like the old days of sdu or even sau back in the day, what happens to sau when all the senior members move on from their skylines? what will sau become if everyone owns commodores or rexs or so on?? I think people will understand that the club will not survive if there is no new generation to the club.

HAHAHAH I'm sorry for you mikey... we all know your point and eveyone else.

change is good, but who knows how it is now.... better? or worst?

I dont think anyone has the right to ask someone to leave these forums..

I can think of one, you already have...

It's a pity some of the older members have gone now ... such as adam32 etc

Used to be good fun cruising in the old days. Now I don't even bother ...

And the forums ... well the thing is I find that there's a lot of crappy, useless posts. As someone said, imports these days are a lot more affordable to younger kids. So they buy the car, jump on the forum, mouth off, be cheeky .. whatever. Then all the older crew gets sick of reading the forums and leave, and you're left with shit. Unfortunately.

Adam is too busy fixing his Hilux (he should have sold (maybe already have) it long time ago).. regarding with good old days yeah we all miss them, but we need to move on. few oldies still around just that we are push aside for people think they can do better :D

It is not YOUR job to abuse them and give them sh1t for the next 6 months. If we show the newies some respect by helping them out - then maybe they will show the forums some respect as well.

I totally agree with LIz here, that was the Key in old days (sorry bring that up again ;)) RESPECT! you give and your will receive.:aroused:

The real problem is the net itself as ppl think they can hide behind their keyboard but we are lucky that Dan and Liz work hard to keep this to a minimum..

Another good point :)

Good read though :) Thank you all


Glue :)

at the end of the day, when you've got a large group of people from many different backgrounds, you're always going to have different opinions.

steve's point about "keyboard" warriors is moot because no one here is trying to be one. People here are speaking their minds about the "state of sauwa" because they were asked for their opinions.

If the person who asked for the opinions can't handle the truth, he needs to stop posting pointless threads, knowing full well he'll be ridiculed by many, and at the same time, yes, there are many who are not, also knowing he'll delete the thread when he doesn't get his way, as most of his threads go.

Ok, I have read this thread, and feel right now like I have to defend myself, so here are a few points I would like to make.

As far as the forums go, these are a blessing for faceless cowards who on the street wouldn't dare say some the things that get posted in places like this. The term used for this is "internet snipers", but thankfully there aren't many on here.

Secondly, I feel as I have been written off already as I am only 19, and am importing my own car. But I ask you this, you many of you have actually met me??? None. Zero. Surely paid members of SAUWA need to met each other before opinions are formed about them. Once I have my car I will be attending cruises when possible, meeting other enthusiasts & generally trying to have a good time.

Thirdly, as far as questions go, this is because people are only trying to learn. I have asked a couple since I have been on here, and they have been answered with no problems. I think this part of the topic is aimed at those people who have seen the fast & the furious & just want a car like those, without knowing anything about them. Some will be like that, but then again some won't.

I chose to import a Skyline because it offered the best all-round package for what I need it for. Mostly for a very reliable engine, smooth styling, good safety & best all round performance. I am learning more & more about them, and I haven't even got it yet. From my circle of mates, I am going to be the only one with a Skyline, and just a few I know with imports. I look forward to meeting other people with these sort of cars. I am not a "hoon" on the roads, and I respect them for what they are, a machine that helps out people so much, but will kill your dumb arse if you act like an idiot in one.

So basically as far as the forums go, people will sometimes post things in the inappropriate forum, or not look in the tech section for a question that would have been asked a few times already. This is where someone can redirect that person to where they can find the answer, without the thread turning into bullcrap.

I asked a few questions to Liz, and she was very kind & answered them with no problem, so right there I already know what sort of person she is & because of that she has my respect.

As far as members of sauwa goes, surely these people must get to know each other a bit & have a chance to prove themselves, not just be written off without even knowing who they are. Hopefully for the senior members of this now, they would want sauwa to be around for a very long time yet, but obviously younger people with a true affection for Skyline's need to come through the ranks for this to happen. Just give us a chance, that's all I am saying.

End rant. :wassup:

Nice to meet you Oz :)

I personally am not writing anyone off because of their age, I am purely stating that a lot of new users, generally younger ones, come on here, ask stupid questions, don't use the search button and act like tools.

So long as you learn from pointless threads such as this one that are clearly started by someone seeking attention, as all of their others threads are, and then deleted, attracting more attention to themselves, and then weeks later making some pathetic reference to it in another thread and complaining no one likes them, and then wasting workshops times with stupid questions they can find the answers to on these forums, then you'll be alright :)

I'm sorry if I come across as writing off young people, but that is not my intention. A question was asked to which I gave an honest answer. If the thread creator cannot deal with these answers, then perhaps he should not be asking questions he knows are going to get these kinds of responses.

Hopefully we can meet at a cruise/get together and you'll realise most of us are just here to enjoy our cars, meet people and be normal :)

Btw, what year is your 33?

like jason mention im leaving, he still seems to have a problem with me, and for your information jason i delete the thread not cuz it wasnt going my way but becuase you ATTACK ME, and mention stuff which had nothing to do with anything, u dont know anything about sst/hyperdrive and if you think i made them to hate each other will then you got another thing coming.

so maybe you should get a few facts right before you mention stuff not relating to the topic

ohh yeah jason your word is GOD so if you say im a tool etc, it must be ture. im sorry but CHECK thread when was the last time i made a bs thread or reply? in the past 3months i have only reply with helpful comments and try to help people out. YOU seem to think that is not wat sauwa wants so i will go

I personally am not writing anyone off because of their age, I am purely stating that a lot of new users, generally younger ones, come on here, ask stupid questions, don't use the search button and act like tools.

Hopefully we can meet at a cruise/get together and you'll realise most of us are just here to enjoy our cars, meet people and be normal :)

Btw, what year is your 33?

I do understand your point considering the age of members, but there was about 3 or 4 that had the same point, so I needed to reply. The point I am making is just try distinguish between the ones like that & the others. We aren't all bad. :)

Also, it will be a '95, on the road in a couple of weeks, customs will be over it in a couple of days I believe. A couple of pics I have tried to attach, but they are a bit too big.

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