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you know that all that shit they put on the ads about DNA and how it catches crims is absolute bullshit they ain't gonna use that technology unless a murder or a million dollar case is involved.

the GF works at kartmart and last year they got ram raided and a kart was stolen. they left some blood on the scene and traced the mofo's down.

so yeah, they do use it for small cases.


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erm they took scrapings from a brick used to break into my house in hope of finding dna from skin left on the surface...  


I am pretty sure they use it for most break in's now. All that money spent on the equipment... they need all the results they can get

hmmm you musta have been real lucky cause my car got broken into at work and i took it right down to the perth station and the guy was like nope can't get prints of the dash, glovebox, the seat, the door, steering wheel you could even see that the guy had touch my faceless stereo, turbo timer and boost guage and the guy was like nope too smudged there not gonna even bother. He very litterally said that the guys would be wasting their time on my car.

House got broken into they somehow locked my dog in a courtyard which they had to put their hands on the gate. waited 20 hrs for the forensic team to show up and dust mum;s bedroom and the girl that showed up said yeah passing the area i'm not the actually person to do this do i have no idea where the proper person was.

Forensic girl worked in the room and said very unlikely we are going to get anything here, she dusted a couple of boxes in 10 mins and said nope than left and we never heard anything again.

Mums office at work was broken into guy stole her purse and used the credit cards at a brothel in vic park that has the guy on camera. which i found out cause AMEX said it was used there 20mins after the robbery so i phoned madison avenue and said to them they just got ripped off. we told the cops this before they even investigated and then never heard a thing after that to say prosecuted or return of money or wallet.

this all happened last year since all that we have forensic this that and the other in 3 different places so its not confined to one place.

so yeah very little confidence in the police to use any of the forensic holy grail to help out families like mine.

which i dad didn't have to give the shotgun back.

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Dang, I hope it ends in good luck.

Anybody here have kill switches in their car along with their alarm? Or those GPS tracking systems that can kill the power to the ECU with a simple phone call?

I personally have 2 in mine, I put them in there because the car had no protection at all before it got complianced and the alarm was installed. I beleive it would help in an instance like this as they'd never be able to get the car started even with the keys.


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Troy I'm sorry to hear that the car was stolen. Damn I remeber that thing from years back.

On a sadder note something is going down in Perth ATM with imports getting knocked off and not being found. This is the fourth I've heard off since Christmas.

The worse was a mates turbo Supra where they cut through three fences and drove a flat bed in to knock off the car.

It had to be a flat bed cos ther car couldn't be towed normally due to suspension problems.

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****in jerks that steal stuff. The problem is that the penalty for these losers is not stiff enough. They should be put straight in jail with a very large afeminate man called bubba.

Also while im on the subject i think teenagers should be treated as adults if they do adult crimes. Like these jerks near my way who got someguy in the back with a meat cleaver then proceeded to beat him. Apparently these kids were 12-16 !! You can't tell me that these kids are going to grow up as model citizens

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