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That's right, whats the absolute dumbest thing you've ever done to / with / relating to your car??? I thought i'd start this thread and get everyone to share their efforts after quite possibly the biggest display of supidity, by me...ever, on Saturday, here goes..

My mate and I were installing his old Sony head unit in my R32. So we got all the tools out, unplugged the battery, took the dash surround off etc, put it all back together and then tested the deck - sweet, it worked, no worries.

Went to start the car to move it...it turned over but nothing, try again - same thing. I waited another minute, tried again but it still wouldn't fire. Checked the battery connections, tried again, nothing!!! I'm freakin out about now cos I got my car all tuned etc the previous day at UAS so all should be fine...i couldn't believe it, I had to call the NRMA cos I had no idea!!! I was told 90 mins...great, had to wait...thankfully they rocked up after only 10mins. I started telling the bloke what the problem was then he asked me if i had an immobiliser...FAAAAAAAARK!!!! :bs!: So i hit the unlock button - "beep beep" it, turned the key..VAAROOM!!! MOTHERF**KER The poor NRMA dude didn't

even touch my car!!!

Now i'm never one to be too ashamed to call the NRMA but i think this one was bordering on the ridiculous!!!

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I use to have a lantra.

I thought it didn't need coolant because our climate was not cold enough, so instead, for a solid year I REPLACED COOLANT WITH PURE TAPWATER.


The Hydraulics holding the pullys of the timing belt corroded, leading to the timing belt coming very close to falling off.

$1300 later the car could run properly again.

LOLOL .. well that is pretty silly :(

One time, when i owned my VK 355. i just brought it not long before and went to a friends house and left it out front. when i came bak out i forgot which way the immobilisers went and couldnt start the car , i was sure i did it right . So i was assuming it was something worse . so i called the NRMA and waited 40 mins, whilst tryin to pushstart a 1500kg beast all that time . Then the NRMA dood came and gave me a jumpstart cause i had flattend the battery from all the times i tryed to start it :D . He then had a go at flickin the switches and started the car first GO. i was so embarresed :D from that day on i never forgot which way the switches went..

But however, when i brought my liner . first day i got it went to the servo. and forgot about the immobiliser sequence and for about 10 mins the ***in alarm went off. LOL.. man i lookd like i had no idea. I eventually RANG the previous owner lol. after having to call home get his number outta my fone and use some strangers fone to call him :) it took no longer then 10 seconds for him to get me started again .


Its ok ur not alone here LOL

My mate locked his keys in his car while they were still in the ignition and the car was still running, he was in a hurry so he smashed his back window in the middle of street left glass everywhere and drove off........only to realise later that the passenger door was open.

My mate locked his keys in his car while they were still in the ignition and the car was still running, he was in a hurry so he smashed his back window in the middle of street left glass everywhere and drove off........only to realise later that the passenger door was open.


my mate did the same thing in his 'rolla, locked the keys in his car, whilst running, at the driving range in Terry Hills - the funniest bit is that he didn't realise until we came back from smackin some golf balls!!!!! NRMA to the rescue once again...

Well my dumbest "locked the keys in the car effort" goes like this: it was one of our ACT cruises a few months ago and it was pretty big, i spent the entire morning cleaning the car and getting it perfect, and half an hour before i was due to leave i had noticed my car had automatically armed itself locking the doors with the keys on the drivers seat! i was headless!!! i called richard (SINISTA32) and he agreed to have a shower and race over to help me out as he had the same alarm (my spare alarm button was'nt working so we figured we'd take the battery out of his one and try and put it in mine)

he promptly received a call from me 5 minutes later telling him not to worry.........my drivers window was wide open. DUMBASS!!!

but my biggest (and most costly) all time blunder would be trying to jump start my R33, not watching the connection beetween the jumpers, having them cross, ignite and set my boot on fire, while i was turning my alarm back on under the bonnett. The end result? New battery (would have needed one anyway) repair to some of the damaged wires, tow truck and several extra bits later....a $400 bill and the tow truck badly cracked my front bar.

I built a tough 192 for my LX Torana a couple of years ago, my first serious attempt at a mechanical sort of project. Broken up by interstate trips, uni etc, it took about 2 years by the time I finished everything and went to drop it in. The big day arrived, I had the car and engine in Dad's shed, and after much stuffing around with the engine crane the spline finally lined up and dropped in.

Bursting with anticipation I bolted everything together, turned the engine over on the starter to get oil pressure up, and started it. Joy! It ran! The rough idle in the tin shed was music to my hoonish young ears! The thin, steady trickle of running in oil onto the shed floor from the back of the engine was less inspiring however.

Much prodding, poking and chin scratching led my father to the inevitable conclusion that we were going to have to pull the f*ckin thing back out again. Which we did. All gaskets were clean, all bolts tight. Everything looked great, till I suddenly realised I was reading the numbers on the back of the lovely lumpy cam. I thought the guys making the welsh plug kits were just being generous & that's why I had a spare.....

One time I toped up some oil, put the oil back in the garage and shut my engine lid, thing is I forgot to tighten the oil cap, driving to my mates and driving back to my house I noticed my car was blowing abit of smoke, jumped out and theres oil all over the boot and rear window, and the cap is gonzo.

Spent the best part of a day degreasing it.

another one was my mates car was misfiring so he pops the bonnet and looks around,

"ahh thats the problem, a plug lead is loose"

so he goes and grabs it, while the car is running...

absolutely shocking (boom, tish)

After having troubles with a girl i called a friend and he said lets meet up, i'm in parra. I needed to get some things off my chest so i agreed to meet up with him.

I get to parra, with that B!tch still on my mind. Get up and close the door. (bit of background info: my timer isn't hooked up to the alarm so i have to lock it manualy while th car still runs) I look back into the car and see that the ketys are still in the ignition. FARK ME!!!

I looked around trying to find a coathanger (real easy to get into an R33) but nothing! So the next best thing was to find a car with an antena that didn't retract, a solid wire type.

I was lucky because i didn't have to look very far. The car right infront of me had exactly what i was looking for. I quickly snapped it off and got into my car. I changed parking spots and met up with my friend.

Damn that girl put me through a lot that night!

U snapped the aerial off another car because u were stupid enough to lock your keys in the car?!!??? ure a real tool buddy, i wouldnt admit to something like that if i did it thats for sure. Maybe that y ure girl dumped u :cheers:

Had an oil leak a while back and didnt know where it was coming from, spent ages getting the whole car off the ground with bricks and wood and stuff so i could get under it started pulling stuff off left right and centre to get to gaskets and what not when i realised the sump plug wasnt done up from the recent oil change :Oops:

I was changing my Brake disc's and Pads on My old VT... I got the left side done then started on the right.

I had this really big socket wrench and was trying to undo the caliper bolts.

I thought it was strange that it was still pretty tight and then SNAP.... I didn't know what had happened so I continued to take the second bolt off and then again.... SNAP...

then I realised I was doing them up instead of taking them off... oops

It was a little embarrassing when trying to explain to my mechanic what I just did but felt much better when he said he had done it before too... :cheers:

Ahhaha thats always classic.

Was changing my plug and unscewing the coilpacks with the dodgies old screw driver in history. Made like 4 rivets out of em. Went down to get a thread removed with the reverse screw thingy. Snapped it. Went and got another one and got 3of4 screws out and then snapped the tip off inside the last screw which was now impossible to drill a pilot hole in even with the titanium tipped bit that i got from my 3rd trip to the shop. Had to chop some of the plastic off the coil pack and file down both sides of teh screw so i could turn it with a spanner. Hit it with a hammer and all knids of crap was going nuts, now that brain explosion.

yeah, i still get confused when taking bolts off

nothing really comes to mind in terms of stupid stuff, but definantly check that stuff is broken b4 u try and fix it.

one time my car wouldn't start, so i narrow it down to the starter motor solenoid. so i take the starter out, and take it to an autoelec, who tests it, and says it all works fine, so i take it back to the car, hook it all up, and car starts perfectly. must have been a loose connection, but didn't save me roughly 1.5hrs of driving in a mates car coz we were in the country

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