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We had heaps of Fun Last night at Cumberland!!!

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Damn.....I missed out again

This all has to happen for the 2 months I'm carless.....

I bet as soon as I get my car no one will be cruising anymore.....

I hope you guys can learn to accept a non-westy, because I'm gonna be out cruising all the time.....

All in ALL despite the cold weather we had a fantastic time.

The funniest part of the night was at Lansvale heading towards the city their is a permanent speed camera.

LOZ and Eugene and Tactic and I were cruising side by side.

I said to LOZ slow down their is a speed camera so he said "thanks I will" and then just as he got to the speed camera Mark (Tactic) took out his digicam and took a picture of loz car and the cam flash went off twice. You should of seen the look on Loz and Eugenes face when they thought they had been done by the speed camera!!!!!!!!! hahahahah fark me and Mark couldnt stop laughing! hahahaha I am still laughing thinking about it!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks to all for coming. You made it a memorable night, every single one of you.

And danny good to finally catch up with you bro! Top stuff. See you there next saturday.

For all of you who have never been to maccas its something like out of the fast and the furious without and idiots there!

Please come along next time. Yes you too you snob Donnie!!!

Paul (URMINE) should have his sexy beast out next week woohoo! so we will have another forum **** attending!

I loved their faces at cumberland when all of us just rocked back up in a line of skylines and cars!

Originally posted by cereal_jacques

Damn.....I missed out again

This all has to happen for the 2 months I'm carless.....

I bet as soon as I get my car no one will be cruising anymore.....

I hope you guys can learn to accept a non-westy, because I'm gonna be out cruising all the time.....

Fark Dave you are a brother even if you lived in woop woop.

You have to cruise with us! Paul will be with us soon because he is getting his car back on Monday.

Ok I am off to mowe the lawn before the rain hits.

See you later guys!

See you dave. Thanks for the SMS.

mannnn. we were going to meet up with you guys, but we left it a little late....

some of us are a little nervous with RWD and wet roads, some of us were a little too condident too :( so we ended up doing the same thing on the "north siiiideeeeeee" :D







Originally posted by franks

mannnn. we were going to meet up with you guys, but we left it a little late....

some of us are a little nervous with RWD and wet roads, some of us were a little too condident too :D so we ended up doing the same thing on the "north siiiideeeeeee" :)

We're not worthy... We're not worthy :(:D

And which street is that? I'm making a list :D

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