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Well ahh after i posted that i forgot that australia doesnt have a bill of rights so i guess we dont have squat if they say we dont. Real nice.

Still screw those hippies im breaking my baby out, stealth styles. Oh and bashing any multis i see too, i hate those things.

Im just saying im not actaully gonna do it :D

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i like hoon laws becuase my skyline isnt in my name, they are legaly not allowed to impounded the car if i am done for hooning, i cant remember extactly wat i have to said if it happen but it something on those lines

edit-plz read next page to understand my post

']i like hoon laws becuase my skyline isnt in my name, they are legaly not allowed to impounded the car if i am done for hooning, i cant remember extactly wat i have to said if it happen but it something on those lines

dude i think that has to be one of the stupidest things to say. just because the car isnt in your name dosent mean you can go around racing on the streets or doing lil chirps when changing gears or spinning the tyres on taking of from lights and so on. seriously do you think theyre goin to let you off because its in your dads name? hell no! they'll probly be even more harsh on you. Defect your car, take your licence of you and then take the car off you.

good luck if you ever get done



dude i think that has to be one of the stupidest things to say. just because the car isnt in your name dosent mean you can go around racing on the streets or doing lil chirps when changing gears or spinning the tyres on taking of from lights and so on. seriously do you think theyre goin to let you off because its in your dads name? hell no! they'll probly be even more harsh on you. Defect your car, take your licence of you and then take the car off you.

good luck if you ever get done



hay adam, i think u miss-understood my reply,

wat i was tring to say is that there is a loop-hole in the law, that if the vehical does not belong to the person driving it at the time, and that the person can prove that they did or didnt i cant remember which one it is premission to drive the car, the car can not be impounded, in no way did i mean i hoon cuz i think i can get away with it :(

personal i think if u going to do that stuff on the road, its ur fault; If i get target cuz i drive a skyline and on p's i dont mind if it takes the roads safer thats the point, my sister just had a baby and my gf is just starting to drive and the last thing i want is someone kill or hurting them cuz they were being dickheads on the road, so if i got to get abit of bs from the police be it :(

just my 2cents :P

'] there is a loop-hole in the law, that if the vehical does not belong to the person driving it at the time, and that the person can prove that they did or didnt i cant remember which one it is premission to drive the car,

Good luck mate. I wouldn't see your dad driving a modded skyline done up like yours would you?

They're not stupid and will know it's really your car anyway.

BTW - Why the fck is it on your dads name anyway ? Skimping on insurance?, stay away from me on a cruise!

Im pretty sure that is BS mikey. They went out of their way to make sure they could target ppl just like you. I checked in the opening weeks of this farce and im almost definate that they can take ure car wether its ures or not.

Stirch9, car is in my dad name becuase when we bought it i was under the age of 18 and legally by law i can not sign a contracted meaning i could not sign the papers to transfer the car over into my name, and i have insurance and i am the 1st driver, i would never skimping on insurance i pay too much money for my car to do that

ohh and booztor, i am only repeating what i was told, i remember someone giving me a link which explain what im tring to say

Personally I think there are far more important issues facing society today than if someone chirps their wheels, or even does a burnout. Not too many people adversely impacted by a bit of circle work.

Having said that a time and place for everything.

I think this law is a joke. I got done for getting my car sideways many years ago. Dangerous driving and got a yellow as well. The laws to tackle driving in a dangerous manner have been around for a long time. Another one, if I am not mistaken is creating excessive noise. It also carries a large fine and demerits. This seizing property thing is just plain reidiculous. There are enough thieving pricks out there without the government doing it as well.

Its a shame they can build scate board tracks, build rec centres etc but no one has ever given thought to putting down a skid pan for people to play. Ah well, when I win lotto :cheers:

How do they take the car anyway? If a cop tried to pull me over, I would be tempted (not saying I would) to run because there is no way I would like to see my baby taken away. At least if it gets written off insurance would cover it.

I know this sounds pretty bad, but lets admit it, not too many people drive a performance car because they like to drive sedately. So many ads for cars tout the wonderous 'exhilerating performance and handling' yet when you get it on the road....

Its just going too far IMHO. Total overkill. I will probably have to remove my mechanical diff if I ever want to be safe from this one.

Too true there steve.

The hoons laws are just there for scare factor. Gotta remember that because of speed cameras cops being pricks stupid laws being past etc etc nobody repects the law anymore as they just see it as the govt scewing ppl over for no good reason apart from votes. Therefore peopl who lose their licenses will continue drving anyway so you have to take their car away to stop them. Chicken and the egg kind of argument i know, speed cameras started it i reckon.

I lost my lic due to double demerits which is another stupid scheme proven by this easters road toll but i didnt drive for 3 months, not for fear of another 9 months or more fines but because i played the game and lost, thems the rules. Alot of ppl i know just continue driving if they lose their license, they just dont respect the law especially the younger ppl. Not that i blame em i mean why would they? cops busting heads at parties, leavers and then targeting them for having p plates and now this. Just proves that zero tolerance does not work i think.

can someone explain this apart of the law to me

about 4weeks ago my friend did a burnout at tafe and got report by a teacher, the police came down about 2hrs later and charged him with reckless driving and give him a date to go to court. he went to court and lsot his licneses for 6months and got a $350fine, but they did not take his car- how does that work :confused:

Thats not using the hoon laws, as steve said its just standard run of the mill reckless drving charge. Dont know if you can be reported by some random though, that doesnt sound right. I think the cops have to see you doing something wrong to charge you for it, i think.

If not lets all go to the local poilce station and once the cops clock off report them for doing burnouts in their civi cars.

I think it's one of those dob-in-a-hoon things that got passed thru as a law or something?

Bit of advertising dont help either hey, all those commercials eg Commodore or a falcon tearing up a tornado or whatever it was, try pushing that on the road only to get it taken away from you...

Yeh its so hipocritical that they can produce a 300kw car with no speed limiter but then have state law saying that you cant do over 110 in WA and like 60 over east :)

Each day i grow more disenchanted with democracy. Time for a Junta!!!! start buying up munitions and orange henchmen jumpsuits.

Thats not using the hoon laws, as steve said its just standard run of the mill reckless drving charge. Dont know if you can be reported by some random though, that doesnt sound right. I think the cops have to see you doing something wrong to charge you for it, i think.

If not lets all go to the local poilce station and once the cops clock off report them for doing burnouts in their civi cars.

nope boostzor, he was reported by a teacher, no police and he has lost his licenses for 6months now. he did the burnout then the teacher call police they came down a few hrs alter and took him to the police station to be charged (finger printed etc etc)

Alright ill buy the jumpsuits u get the muntions :) wadda u reckon, orange or navy blue? i think the orange brinags out my eyes more.........hey im not wearing the jumpsuits im crowning myself omnipotent ruler of the Democratic Peoples Imperial Republic of Western Austraila. See how i stuck "democratic" in there that will keep those dumbass voters happy.

So your saying that we can dob in anybody we like and they will get an infringement for it. All ive gotta do is find some fresh burnout marks, the plate of somebody i dont like and make a phone call. Well thats just great.

I think ill go dob in my neighbour whos 90 and drives a eco car, damn aged hoons. :burnout:

What I can't understand is how they can confiscate your car without having the whole process going to court? If your arrested for Dangerous Driving then you have your day in court to explain to a judge, and it is they who make a decision on what punishment to deliver. This way they are making police the judge, jury and exercuitioner all in one, which I think is way above there rights.

What happens if I refuse to give my keys to the Police? Will they arrest me and then I get my day in court?

Paul, thats my arguement to when i have had this discussion, what ever happen to inocent till proven guilty ?????

what happens if you take it to court and find out you wernt guilty.... what happens then... they cant take back what they have already done .... isnt this why they droped capital punishment :)

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