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SAU Vic General Meeting - Tuesday 19th April 2005 **Guest Speaker**

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Hi all, it's getting close to that time again! I have heard from all reports that the new location is nice too! This month we have a guest speaker, Steven Malkin from Maltech will be giving a technical talk on the importance on maintaining rubber brake lines and the advatages of using braided brake lines. Should be a good one now a lot of us run these and I know I for one have a couple of questions.

Further deatials on Meltech can be found at their website.


It's SAU Vic General Meeting time. Thats right, Beer, Food, Cars and laughs! This is a great opportunity for those of you who don't know too many members to come down and mix.

This meeting will cover the usuall things, info on past events, pressing maters, SAU Merchandise will be available etc.

These meetings are used for the members and committee to talk about whats happening behind the scenes, to discus upcoming events and provide an excellent opportunity for you the SAU Vic members to discus your own issues and ideas. Don't forget this is YOUR club and what happens is in YOUR hands ;)

  • Time - 8:00pm (Dinner from 7:00ish)

  • Date - Tuesday 19th of April 2005

  • Location - Bell's Hotel, 157 Moray St, South Melbourne (Cnr Moray St & Coventry St Melways Ref - 57, G1)

Note - We will be meeting in the conferenceentertainment room - this area is family friendly and set aside for us. There is plenty of seating (tables and chairs) and meals for all.

  • Who is welcome - Everyone!


the meeting is free just turn up and have a good time,, but the food will cost you what you order, but get there a bit early to get food before the meeting.

we encourage non-members too come along mate.

Have a chat too everyone and see if joining SAU-Vic is something you might wanna do.

You'll see by how many people come along that its a great club, with many great people :D

will be there... if anyone needs any forum issues or anything like that (technical that is) come see me at the thing (hopefully when my mouth's not full of food).

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