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Apologies if this is a repost, I dont come here much these days so I might have missed it


Motoconcepts have closed up shop it seems, appears that no one wants to do track days at oran park.

Bit of a shame they closed up, whilst expensive they did run a good track day.

Anyone know why they cant get access to EC?

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ARDC has track days at EC sewn up now. :)

Apparently they put out a tender and Moto wasn't invited to the party. The owner of motoconcepts was understandably p1ssed about the whole arrangement and spoke a bit about it at the track day I went to 2 weeks ago. well it seems I got to the last ever motoconcepts OP track day :)

Anyone know why they cant get access to EC?

There was another post a while ago on why motoconcepts moved to oranpark. It was because some other company (one that i had not heard of) got the rights for EC. So they were forced to go to OP.

Motoconcepts had a track day on the sunday of the easter long weekend at OP. I know Sundays are not too popular with drivers normally and the fact that it was the easterlong weekend - im sure they would not have got the numbers and had a huge loss!!...

It was great having them at EC. It gave me an excuse to take thursday off and they ran a great day..

Welcome to last year!  :)


As I said I dont come here alot and have been out of the loop on other projects in the last few months.. :Bang: :D

thanks tosh.. I didnt see that in my quick search for more infomation.

I suppose its not the end of the world, means I prolly should update my cams license and just go to the pracice days.

I think of the dozen or so trackdays at EC+OP that I have spectated/entered only 2 of them had the required numbers to break even.

Once again it comes down to advertising, none of these companies ever advertise.

Once again it comes down to advertising, none of these companies ever advertise.


I've all the people/groups mentioned so far in this thread, I'd heard of none.

Obviously if these kind of people got out there and did a little bit of advertising they'd be more likely to have more people turn up.

While we're on that, what groups actually run full track days on a semi-regular basis?

Days other than drift......

The only way I hear about trackdays is because i'm on the MotoConcepts mailing list. The only way I heard about MC is from the /Events section of this forum. I've brought afew mates (that were/are into cars) and would love to go for a sprint around a track but have never heard of MC or even when private trackdays are held.

The -only- events that are advertised are V8SC events. No WSID events are advertised (only way I find out about those are by going to wed nite drag events), no trackdays, no motokhanas etc.

You need to spend money to make money and the sooner these companies realise that the sooner they can look forward to running an event with a profit at the end of the day. Whilst I will happily attend MC events when I can I have no pitty for them when they close up shop, because word of mouth only travels so far and with the 1000's of car club members in NSW their is no excuse for running a trackday at a loss.

It's a bummer for sure. MC were not expensive (compared to all the others) at all. I did a number of ride days with them too and they were all well run.

ARDC will never have me as a member. :hellpisd:

Condolences and thanks to Dave and Tracy. Hope they get another venture going in the future. :)

On behalf of SAU NSW members I'd like to say thanks as well for always looking after us. :D


Practice from*

9am to 5pm*

ARDC Members*

$80 inc GST *

Non Members*

$120 inc GST**

Garage $25



Dates are subject to*change without notice.*Please phone the office

on (02) 9672 1000 to*confirm before*

attending. *


8th April

Cars Only


13th May



17th June

Cars/L2S Only


22nd July

Cars Only


19th August



23rd September

Cars Only


14th October



4th November

Cars/Bikes Only


2nd December

Cars only


CARS - minimum C3 Cams License ******

BIKES - MA Senior National Licence

well at least for 120 bucks I can still do EC..

yeah but per what you just posted you need a CAMS C3 as well :D and the day I went to you need a log booked car.

Moto were giving Oran Park a go, but all the bikers gave up, they were afraid of the surface not being as smooth as EC

Ahh OK....yesterday was definately C3 only but maybe other days work differently

yeah, from my understanding the days listed as "cars only" require C3, the ones with L2S beside them mean... well you get what I mean :rofl:

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