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Hey peeps

Was wondering what the exact point is in split dumps?

Basically you can buy a split dump (2.5' exhaust and the rest actuator???) or you can bolt a 3' pipe up to it which includes both....

Whats the reason for this?? Whats better aswell, and is there no way for a split dump to have 3' piping due to it not bolting up correctly if it did or something like that??

Any help would be appreciated!


Jaz :)

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Its been answered before, but could be a little hard to search for the answer properly.

Anyway, spit is better if done right. It basically creats less turbulance which then gets better flow, better flow is better power.

My understanding is that it helps the exhaust gas coming out of the wastegate.

If you look at a standard dump pipe, the area where the ex gasses come out when the wastgate opens is very limited, and causes considerable back-pressure and turbulence.

The split dump is designed to direct this gas away "nicely" to join the main gas stream further down the pipe.

The alternative (what I have one on mine) is to enlarge the dump at the turbo so the wastegate gas still has a clear path, but can still immediately join in the main gas stream.

The concept of the split dump is to keep the exhaust from the wastegate from interferring with the exhaust flow out of the turbine. The wastegate exhaust is pulsed via the firing of each individual cylinder. The exhaust from the turbine is spiralling, caused by the spinning of the turbine. Mixing spiralling and pulsing together causes turbulance, so the concept of a split dump is to keep them appart until the turbine exhaust stops spiralling and the wastegate exhaust merges its pulses.

The turbine exhaust is helped to stop spiralling by expanding the diameter of the pipe, basically you come out of the turbine at the same diameter as the turbine exducer and then step it up in diameter, once, maybe even twice, depending on the space available. This diameter change stops the spirals. By keeping the same diameter for the wastegate exhaust the individual pulses quickly merge as they loose energy (cool down).

The real trick is keeping them separated for as long as possible, that's why a combined split dump and engine pipe is really necessary. The short, stubby dump replacements are OK but simply don't allow the necessary distance to avoid the turbulance.

There are some noticeable gains in max power, but the real benefit is in boost build and therefore average power.

Hope that was of some help:cheers:

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