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I think one of the great things about this forum untill the recetn update was the fact that if you hovered the mouse over the thread you were planing on reading it woudl bring up a few lines. Since the update it doesnt' do this any more.

Just my 2cents worth.


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Im Not Going To Read Through All 7 Pages To See If Anyone Else Has Addressed This Already, But Why Does The Forum Automatically Turn The First Letter Of Every Word In A New Topic Into Capitals?

Caps At The Start Of Every Word Is Very Annoying

Hi Michael,

Thats coming back, we had some issues with it not working properly, so we disabled it temporarily.


should be fixed by tonight... just gonna make it so that it displays the first 3 sentences of a post and no images.

Are you serious? I havent seen a call from you in months and I hardly ever read my PM's... that leaves just one other option, emails... and I dont recall getting one from you.

So, if not replying to you personally means i dont care about the site, then shit man, I better roll over and let somebody else take it, eh?

Get real Dennis, you've just lost a few notches in my books.


In the past 6 - 12 months I have called your mobile a number of times without answer, left messages and get zero reply.

Have sent text messages without answers.

I contact Kent & he tells me your busy, so I accepted that for the phone & text messages

Have sent a couple of PM's without reply, why send an email, although I did mention it. You don't answer anything else so why bother sending an email that wont get an answer either.

Now you tell me you don't look at PM's ............ well that's pretty smart I must say!

And your wrong! .......... I don't expect a personal reply, just have my problems addressed.

My greavances are about sending PM's, quite often a PM can be composed and when it comes to sending, it comes up as "unable to find server" although this specifically is not the SAU sites fault, when you want to go back to resend it, you go back to a blank screen and it's bloody frustrating, particularly if it's a rather longish message.

I sent you a PM about it about 3 weeks ago and nothing has happened as it happened again yesterday and again today.

Quite frankly it's a pain in the ass and I figure it is this sites problem, as other sites just go back to the original message. Doesn't wipe the screen clean as SAU does.

If I have dropped a couple of notches in your ratings, well that's tough, but I call it as I see it and if you can't handle it that way, I can do nothing about it.



it should only do it if you type in ALLCAPS... have you been yelling at someone over the interweb again K?

i swear, i didn't raise my voice at anyone :)

Go start a test thread if you don't believe me....

I don't know why you'd need to though..... I guess you just haven't noticed that every thread which has been started in the last few weeks Has Caps At The Start Of Each Word In The Thread Title?



you shouldn't really be bitching on about this in this thread, take it up with christian via email.

I am sure that you could appreciate that with over 21 THOUSAND users, it is totally unreasonable for christian to keep track and answer every single question or opinion. As a mod, we get enough of them, Christian gets thousands more..

and on top of this he has to put his own time and effort into maintaining and upgrading the site. he doesn't do this for money, but for the love of the skyline community and he does a damn good job about it... it is harsh but if you don't like it then there are a number of other forums out there to join. Fact is SAU is a great community, and you should be thankfull that christian started it, not saying SAU is screwed because 1 issue that you have (out of how many site wide?) has not been answered, yes christian is hard to get hold of (even for me :D ) but atleast he is constantly upgrading and improving the site, not letting it just go to the dogs.

it is the typical situation of people not realising how much time, money and effort goes into a site like this. now please stop the off topic posting, keep it on track

have you considered that the problem may infact be related to your internet conenction? it is probably timing out or not getting through your ISP's caching servers properly. I am sure if every single user has this issue it would have been evident long before now.

A live chat area for those that have donated or those that are long time members?

Download mIRC.

Go to #skylinesaustralia on any Austnet server.

Just wondering where the "Mark all posts read" link went to?

On the main index page, just above "Board Statistics"

The old site used to show which moderators were online at any one time, but this one doesn't.

I'd like to see this one come back too.

Kent - Thanks mate, thats what I was going to say.

Dennis - After typing your PM, hit CTRL+A and CTRL+C which will select all and then copy it. I do it when I have posts that are longer than a few lines as I got into a routine of doing it when my last internet co. used to drop my connection all the time.

All - I'll setup the highlighting for mods/admins on the 'whos online' list.


I think we need to divide the Parts For Sale section a bit more.

I think the following categories would be in order for the Parts section:

> Parts & Accessories - All Models (eg: Electronics or gauges that will fit all types of Skyline)

> R32 Parts & Accessories (R32 Specific Items)

> R33 Parts & Accessories (R33 Specific Items)

> R34 Parts & Accessories (R34 Specific Items)

> Other Skyline Model Parts & Accessories

> Wheels & Tyres

At the moment it's such a mess trying to sort through the billions of threads for parts for a specific model, it would be much easier if there was a group for each.


  • 1 month later...
All - I'll setup the highlighting for mods/admins on the 'whos online' list.


Christian can you check my group permissions, because I don't seem to be highlighted...

Also, the 'print thread' view does not display large threads - they get cut at about 100 posts or so. Lo-fi seems to work okay though.


  • 1 month later...

Just got off ausrotary and they are trialing a media forum where you can post up car related media files/links. You can also request pics ect of cars, events ect. Looks to be working well, and if the rota boys can do it we can surely do it better.


regarding PM's - is there any way that you can make it so that a PM is automatically saved once sent? I tried looking in the "My Controls" section to see if it was a feature I could enable/disable, but it's not.

I find it annoying not being able to read what you've written in a PM once it's been sent, and sometimes when people reply to your PMs they don't include what you'd originally sent to them, so there is the chance of a breakdown in communications due to lost info...

Thanks in advance,


  • 2 weeks later...

It would be really great to have a sub-forum for powerFC's, considering the sheer number of threads posted about them, etc - also could have the sticky threads and FAQ's for them without cluttering the forced induction forum. :D


Allow a star rating of workshops. No other feedback, and no clarification of what ratings mean, just a sticky in each state forum which allows a person to say something like:

Workshop X in suburb Y: did this to my R32. 5/5 stars.

I know detailed feedback is not allowed for legal reasons, but a simple star rating should be OK, shouldn't it?

I mean the major reason people are on this forum is to mod their cars, and a workshop is an integral part of that, so if a certain workshop gets a lot of good stars, it would probably be a good one, and if someone is inflating the rating of a workshop, all it would take is one person to use it and rate it lower for it to look suspicious, and vice versa.

All in all, I think this would be a good and legal way to address this problem.

I would really like to see an upgrade of the search function... half the time I just give up using it. Best search engine I have used on a forum is on Boostcruising.com - The "Google" one.... Always comes up with what I want, and super easy to use too.

Can we have it please? :(

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