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Hi Everyone,

I witnessed something that made me change my opion on Adelaide Cruisers tonight. I was chillen at shell like alot of us do now and again when a candy apple supra pulled in to Shell West Tce. Now a police 4wd drive came in aswell to get there daily fix of Hungry Jacks. They notice the supra and started having a look over it now to me the car did look like he could get in to trouble. As the police were inspecting the car the owner inform the cops of the other cars parked around him to take the heat off himself. While this was all going on I saw 4 Drag races going passed Shell and they didnt care. Two highly modifyed rotors wizzing passed with blowoff valves singing. Now that is defentaly something to inform the cops if you are going to try and take the heat off your self but four cars parked at shell not doing anything to anyone minding there own business and getting picked on because someone opened there mouth to take the heat off themselfs. ( What a Tool ) Its just not on why is this happening?

If I was getting done over by the cops im not about to dob everyone else in to save myself if the supra didnt say anything no one else would of got warnings or defected . So I guess the new polcies is dont give a stuff about anyone else but yourslf and pass on the favour. I thought all of us cruisers were suppose to be on the same side but it looks like we are turning on fellow cruiser if you cant handle getting busted by cops you should not have the car!!!!!!!!!!!

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yeah sounds like the Supra driver was first class gay. Dobbing others in is the most uncool thing ever. Sounds like the Supra belongs to Karim, he has one that colour - and he is a tool, so it all fits. Was it this one? http://www.nissansilvia.com/forums/index.p...showtopic=86839

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If you hang out at Shell these days with all the other scooter gay ricer kids, defects are to be expected arn't they? i admittedly and embarassing used to along time ago.. but the cop situation back then was nothing like it is now.

I've just come back from Perth and caught up with the SAU WA section, the car scene and cops are alot more user friendly over there. I had a few chats with people and they only had nice stories to tell. There were not many cops around at all that I saw actually, maybe it was because they were fighting real crime? Why is it adelaide that gets so shafted?

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Yeah Nightcrawler we are 99% sure thats the supra but it was night time and I only saw one side of the car.

But in all my years of being a cruiser which is about 7 years now not once have I ever heard or seen anyone get defected at Shell. We liked hanging out there it was like a safe haven but you still saw everything going on but now there is no were to go anymore and we dont like hiding away. Both of are cars arnt defectable by Regency standards but that doesnt matter to the cops cause if they want to get you they will. My car has been thru not that long ago but the cop gave me a warning on my number plate and to low but by regency its fine. So if this guy didnt open his mouth the cops wouldnt of thought that they had to prove a point .

Cheeky im not sure why we are getting cracked down on so hard cause we have been to Sydney about a month ago and the cops left us alone unless someone is being stupid. We cruised in Newcastle and all the time we were there I didnt see one defect station or coppers looking for people to bust ......... I think that the police in this state need to learn what they are looking at and that there attitude suxs because you drive a nice car but the cops are blaming the Fast and the Furious movie and P platers that copied it........

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the owner of the supra is a tool and would give the copper head to get out of it. he went to my old skool.

but that is shit and i see that alot and theres **** all we can do about it cause they get pissed off when yah tell them their slack ****s.

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Well i'm currently in Tassie (Hobart) and i'm gonna try and hook up with both NS and SAU crew while i'm here to try and experience the car scene over here...

I'm apparently off on a cruise 2morrow night so i will post up and let you guys know how it goes and get the feed back from there people here too...


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