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Car dealers that dont want to do business


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I found that some car dealers NOR are quite reluctant in doing business, maybe they've done too well and sold too many vehicles. I dont know. :wassup:

I've been to 2 toyota dealers that do not want my business. I went to one to test drive a brand new Rav4 and tried to make an offer to purchase the vehicle. The manager basically asked me to piss off without making a counter offer. That resulted in me buying a brand spanking NEW **** HONDA **** which is better value. :kick:

Recently been to another toyota dealer in NOR too, looked at a Corolla...was speakin to the sales person about tradin in and was talkin about price as quoted on red book..the person changed his tone and told me to ****ing sell it to red book :bonk: ...thanks for his advise, we are goin for another brand spanking NEW **** HONDA ****. :bananaman

** Edited out business address**

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One time some aboriginal guys went into a Mercedes dealership. The sales guy came out and treated them anyone else. They ended up buying a car, and also told the sales guy they had just been down at a BMW dealership and the sales people there refused to even come out and talk to them.

They apparently came back later in the week and bought two more Mercedes. lol

Something to do with a lottery win :D

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i got the same treatment at the holden place next to glendalough trainstation.

i was helping a friend get a holden vectra new one and cause i was wearing a tracksuit avoided me.

after about 15 mins one of them came over and said do i need help, i said yeah looking at this vectra how much is it. he went straight into the how much you earning , where you work etc and i said its for a friend who in from singapore to study. parents want to get her a car outright no finance, ooooo they were thinking rich asian kid, shoulda seen the drool coming from his mouth, even the dealer principal came over.

but ended up getting the car from a melville dealer who was very helpful.

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Chinese has a saying and direct translation says "Dog eye look down on people"...which can mean judging people from their looks...

I have seen it all, I get around in shorts and t-shirt when I can and it isn't till my business card comes out do they go oh shit I better pay attention, I needed 20 to 40 catalytic converters, bend's and flanges made up for Supra/Soarer turbo's at $250 to $300 each even in volume. I walked into a new shop to give him a chance and said this is what I want and do me a price up, he didn't know who was paying till last and after the service and price I got was so good I didn't bother going any were else.

I have known young guy's come in and ask about an expensive car at friends dealerships and was treated like he had the money in his hand but the dealer didn't know if he had the money or not, they were treated with respect and came back.

A week later one bought a R34 GTR.

If you are spending dollars or looking you should be treated with respect as they work on commission and I think it shouldn't matter who you are or what you wear.

homer2288 PM me the dealer as a mate is best friends with one of Toyota Australia WA's boss's and he will like to know as it is bad service when Toyota get a bad name on a Nissan forum and you go and buy a Honda.

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I work at a dealership in Ozzie Park, some of the sales people for the more expensive brand of car we sell are real tossers, though most of the less expensive brand/used car sales people are pretty cool.

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Chinese has a saying and direct translation says "Dog eye look down on people"...which can mean judging people from their looks...

I think it's actually more closer to the english expression "Pot calling the kettle black" ie. look at yourself before judging others. :(

a sad fact of the world is that you're most likely to be judged based on your color, the way you dress or your age...

never underestimate the power of a stereotype.

and yes...go for the Honda :headspin:

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Heard a story of a bloke who went into a Mitsubishi dealership, went up to one of the new EVO and said I want that one. He was an old bloke covered in dirty clothes, ripped jeans and generally smelt really bad. Went up to the counter and opened a bag with $70 odd thousand dollars inside and said he was going to pay for it in cash upfront. Thinking that the money was stolen the salesman went down and rang the police. The police arrived and it turned out that he ran a scrap yard. Someone who does a crap job but earns a crap load of money. The salesman was astonished, felt like a real asshole and was really sorry. The guy still actually bought the car lol. Stories of how you cant judge a book by its cover.

If I ever earn a lot of money when I'm older I'm going to walk into Barbagello's with $500,000 in cash, dressed in shorts and a singlet and say I want that Ferrari there. If he laughs at me I'll show him the money and say "Unlucky mate, Cya later." I actually went in there a couple of months ago and was looking around at the cars in the showroom and one of the salesman actually took me seriously which was surprising. They have probably gotten used to it by now.

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They never know how rich your parents are now and have finaly learnded that.

A mate worked on one guys two vehicles with one a C1500 Chevy truck that stank as it carted the horses and the other was a $300,000+ Lambo, he wore jeans t-shirt and no shoes driving both as well, sorry he had thongs on driving the Lambo.

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Being a sales person myself, these days you can not afford the luxury of judging a person by how and what they dress in... but you look and listen at the manner of how they speak and check for body language - people who are confident will walk up to someone and extend there hand in introducing themselves - these people are the ones to take notice of...

people who stand back and appear very quite you need to be more observant and be able to listen to what they are saying

people who come over in a rush and talk fast and excitedly are usually young people and you only have a 50/50 chance in them being serious buyers

But I think that many sales people these days who brush people off have been in the business for too long and certainly need to think about some other type of employment because even though the many young buyers that come in may well have the money usually are the hardest to sell to as they are more informed as to what is a great buy and are more prepared to shop around for the best dollar value were as your more mature buyers often do not have the time to spend to cruise around and find that great deal they are more willing to negotiate harder at 1 dealership than waste time looking for it at countless dealerships and then find that they are back at the first place looking at the first car they originally looked at and starting the negotiations process again

so the tip is if you are young walk over to the dealer in a professional manner and be very presice in what you are wanting and have a plan of attack on how it will be done and never ever tell them were you work or how much you earn because if you have done it correctly then you will already know what you can afford - by doing this it puts you on a more level playing field and in a position of power to better pricing

sorry for long post

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With the number of tradies etc who are making a killing nowdays, dealers can not afford to judge ANYONE who walks in the door, ie the father in law, went into BMW to buy a M3 after a hard day at work, wouldnt even give him the time of day.

Their loss, 2 weeks later he was driving a new m3, purchased from a different dealer.

I once went into a subaru dealer to get a price on a liberty GT, and the dealer told me "the brocure costs $30", yeh f$%k you mate. So I got the ford.

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sound similar to what i had when looking recentlt.

kyles and i were dressed semi casual. every yard ppl came over to talk to us. i'm the quiet type as some of u know.

first place guy came over listened, the car was ok for what it was but i wasn't going to buy the first thing i looked at.

2nd place the guy insisted the best buy for me was a laser i had already told him i didn't like. basically he was trying to get rid of me after listening to what i was after.

3rd great very laid back not pushy, listened sudjested cars that fit are needs and wants and we ended up buying off them.

4th didn't listen forgot kylie's name and called her something else. then after being told we aren't buying today he came out with the contract, lol way to pushy and didn't listen.

5th listened but decided to try and sell us something 10k more than we wanted to spend as he had nothing in the yard we wanted as he had already sold it during the week.

I think that experienced opened kylies eyes so to speak up about used car saleman lol

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Homer - i work for Big Rock ..... if you recieved shitty service from us PM me.

Im finding that most guys don't want to deal with a woman ..... you come out and go "Hi im lauren" and go to shake their hand and they look at you like you have some strange disease. Funny thing is I know more technical stuff about cars and worked with cars longer than most of the sales guys here .... but still people seem to prefer dealing with a guy.

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hmm sounds like u guys are pretty badly done by. When im bored ill often just call up and say "can i come and test drive a ******" then swing past and do it. Dont always call ahead though. Last time i had a day off went down in my boardies and thongs and took a spin in the rx8 not bad i reckon but needs more power.

I generally think they will bend over backward for you if they think they are going some place and its no harm to let them :)

If you dont want to tell them anything then dont "so what do you do?"

"ahh you know, work like a dog, drink to forget" then change the subject.

Not like im wasting anyones time as i am considering options but im never gonna walk away with a same day sale or same month for that matter :)

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Do what i did with my last car purchase,...i shopped around for dealers (rather than the car), and made up my mind from whom i would buy my car. In my case, i settled on a dealer (Paul - Autoworx) and then bought a car off him a month later. :headspin:

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Homer - i work for Big Rock ..... if you recieved shitty service from us PM me.


It dont matter if its big or small rock, i've lost interest in toyota's now since the eeediots gave me enough time to look into other vechicles.

I sat in the corolla ascent sport and felt disgusted with the choice of plastic they used. One word "CHEAP". Oh, and the best part is it cost about $26k on the road, next model up is the conquest which costs $28k on the road and both model does not have ABS as a standard feature. To tell u de truth, I dont see the value for this vehicle. Only thing that is good about it is the 100kw engine.

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