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Or at least, when cars collide :rofl:

So I got rear ended today, woohoo, had the car a whole two months, and some guy in a beat up old ute isnt paying attention around a "turn left at any time", and just figures im going forward. Crash.

Link to pictures;


Basically the bonnet was pushed in, right in the middle, the boot still shuts fine, but the tail light in the middle isn't sitting quite flush with the bodywork anymore. There's also a big dent in the passanger side of the bumper. Apart from that, a few scrapes around the tail lights, and one tail light was cracked.

I'll assume the tail light is easy enough to replace, and most of the little scrapes can be sanded and re-sprayed, my question is, how serious do the two major dents look? A new rear bumper isn't a huge problem, I suppose it gives me an excuse to get a nice kit on it, but my main worry is the one in the boot, is that gonna be something that'll be able to be panel beaten back into shape? Something tells me I really don't want to have to source a new boot for an R34.

Anyone have any rough idea on cost for the whole thing? Also, any decent places in Brisbane (preferably southside) to go for quotes?

So yeah... good times, cheers for any advice/suggestions.

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Just had a look at photos but they are a bit close up to judge. the bumper may be able to fix with a heat gun and respray. As for the boot lid pretty hard to say without looking inside to see whats in the way but doubt it will be unfixable. as for repairers Moss st is your best bet, there are quite a few there to get quotes, I use Newlife Bodyworks on the left before lights of moss and kingstown.

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