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PS Comp: When the time comes... what will you drive?

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Inspired by grog and a conversation I had while watching Mad Max 2 - here is your Photoshop challenge:

When the apocolypse finally comes and society breaks down... what will you drive?

Here are the rules:

* The cities are contaminated, so you'll be living in the wasteland.

* There are still roads - but not always.

* Not everyone is as nice as you - your vehicle must be to fight, and also run at speeds of over 200km/h.

* All new and second-hand car dealers are available for looting.

* Military hardware can be found on wrecked vehicles - but none of these vehicles are sufficiently intact to form a base. Hummers are available commercially though.

* You are pretty handy with a plasma cutter and welder - but standard engineering principles apply (can't fit that M1A1 tank turret to a Prius). Whilst your vehicle doesn't need to conform to ADR, the mods must be inherrently believeable.

* Anything can be converted to a monster truck. Cars can't fly.

* Fuel is scarce - but not unavailable. Your vehicle needs to carry enough to be capable of traveling over 1200km on its supply... so yeah, a 5.0L supercharged V8 with drop-tanks is still OK :cheers:

I'll let this run for a while - and once we have a few entries, will open up the submissions for voting.

Winner will get all 3x Mad Max DVDs (non original - but with covers).

Sound reasonable?

Let the apocolypse begin! :cheers:


get a fat, old 4wd and whack up a full body outer brace frame thing, put in the biggest motor i can find, put on extra tanks, bigger tyres, and mount a 7.62 mg on the roof- interstate 76 style :cheers: who cares about style, theres no one to impress!


dont let it fool you, its got a jet engine on the back,

armour plating could run over mines and take missile hits

machine guns in the headligts and door handles, and a fully sick leather interior bro

and it drives like herbie which leaves you time to have a nap while your fighting enemeies

I havent actually done any photoshop to this car so exclude this from the challege but if the apocalyspe did come I will be driving this baby,

except with a few custom modifications,

my shark car will be amphibious so I can hunt any left over whales and sell the blubber.

The size is important, as shown in the picture it is capable of swallowing a human.

Afterburner provides a quick escape or offence.

This car was in carmageddon so some of you may know about some of the included modifications, the ability to drop mines is standard, but some interesting others are.

1)the "electro bastard ray" basically its a tesla coil mounted in the vechile, and when anything living comes within a certain radius it sends a high energy electric spark, either incapacitating them temporarily, or with more power, vapourising them.

Good for riots and crowds.

2) oppenent repulsifier. basically a huge compressed spring mounted on the side of the car, If a "fully sick bro" pulled up next to you at the lights, instead of racing his rice cooker, you just press a button and send him sideways through 3 buildings. technical constraints means that the spring will be a "one-shot" so it can only be used once.

Also capable of sending humans over the horizon.

I mean seriously, If you saw this shit coming towards you, you'de get out of the way fast.

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