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:flamed: I would bet that if you are a ANYONE driving a stock car in a normal way, you would not be hasseled by cops.

If you have a milo tin exhaust, 5000w of sub woofas and gather in the carpark of Macca's and cause trouble you are asking to be harrassed.

Be it Leb, Asian or skippy, you can be picked on, its just that minorities stick in groups and are more easily targeted.

If you do not want the police attention, do not attract it. :flamed:

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wouldnt it be great if sum1 made a show that was based only on showing how today tonight and aca are full of shiat.

everyone would watch it and the shows credibility would be gone!

10 should do it (copyright)

if channel 10 would like to pay me for this idea they are welcome


I watched a show on ABC called Media Watch? well they uncovered all the BS an 'editing' done by the aCa on a story they did on a Japanese guy who was a cannibal. Apparently ACA put a number of women in danger for exposing them to him without being told he was a psycho

If the show was on 10 then A LOT more people prolly would've seen it, I mean, the only reason I was tuned to ABC was because the remote died...

I think both cops and lebs need to be blamed .....if they knew they were on camera why didn't they act like decent guys....and if i was said something by the cop to provoke me to say him somethin back i would have said that again and again that because the cop said this to me i am sayin this and blah blah...so that they can't edit much....2G UP you can be right that media didn't show what cops said but i fully agree with Moanie too...they shouldn't have said anything to the cops like that.....how stupid was that guy who was aP plater and he said he do more then 80...i went last Fri night to rocks and the cop stoppped and did a full search on my car and didn't defect me ...and i am talking my car here which is full of stuff....but mind you i never ever got defected in my life because i am always nice to them...but every time i drive on weekend i get stopped and full search is done and neva eva got any defect ....i think they are just doing their job...just be nice to them and don't treat them like shit...I know they are doing lot of defects these days for no reason but then they only do it at the places where people actually are doing burnouts and shit......

Anyways guys just be sensible coz its your loss anyways if you don't act sensibly

im sorry but i think alot of your are missing the point that i was trying to make

stock or modified anyone even half lebanese looking gets picked on.

ive been picked on in the skyline in which situation i have blown up at the cop a number of times

only because i was polite (as i always am in the begining) i co-operated 110%

but it didnt make a difference

the worst time when i was told to take off my shoes and socks and searched me.

ive been picked on in my stock mercedes which was apparently reported stolen even though it was registered in my name

why would i report it stolen when its my car and im driving it?

wat puched my over the edge was the comment

"where did you get them money to buy a car like that" and "you cant own a car like that"

pissed me off and i nearly got arrested because i was abusing the jealous bastard

also in a stock BMW i used to own i was pulled over two streets away from my house

and the car, my cousin and myself were searched

this has hapened to all of my mates who have nice cars both stock and modified and not only on a single occasion but time and time again even to the point where the pricks wait in our streets for us to leave home and follow us then defect us or just make life a hassle.

ffs on supercruise last year Brian aka MR WRX was pulled over and defected and given 2 hours to get the car home

but two aussie guys who had XY GTs with blowers hanging out of the bonnet were allowed to go with out question

im sorry but i understand 100% how these guys feel and its all because of the cops they want us to work with them well then they have to start having some respect for the people who pay thier wages, the tax paying public whom they are meant to protect and serve not abuse and make their life a living hell. And they wonder why we see them as the enemy.

There is no argument that their are some wanker cops out there. Im sure there are also some racist cops just like their are some racist people. I know a few cops and the ones i know are all top blokes without a racist bone in their body, so its not like ALL cops are f*ckheads. I can tell you if i was a cop and a leb group like the one on ACA started up on me like that then the next time i pulled over a leb in a line i couldn't help but look for something to defect, its a vicious cycle. The fact is that the dude on ACA was acting like a dick and giving lebs and skyline drivers everywhere a bad name, i wanted the cop to take his badge and gun off and beat the shit out of the cheeky ****. I mean, give the dude some respect he's just doing his job for ****s sake.

A car full of lebos came along side and started hitting on the girls. When the girls told them to piss off they smacked the side of my car full of dents. When we stopped at the next lights 4 got out of their car and came at us with bars. We drove through the red light only for it to happen again at the next set of lights.

This is where you need a weapon that is preferably belt feed. :uzi:

How about we stop teaching people their rights in school, and insted teach them proper morals, and if it comes to it - how to act in society. Otherwise - we might just have to up the budget of the SWAT teams :sadam:



This is where you need a weapon that is preferably belt feed. :uzi:

How about we stop teaching people their rights in school, and insted teach them proper morals, and if it comes to it - how to act in society. Otherwise - we might just have to up the budget of the SWAT teams :sadam:



Yeah can't get my hands on anything belt fed at the moment. So i've been practicing speed loading my side by side scrub gun. Won't have the same problem with iron bars next time. This incedent happened just after that lebonese gang rape of that young girl too. My girl was a mess after our incident.

2GU, Are you saying that you have been pulled over for doing nothing ?

All I can say is that cops have better things to do than harrass people for nothing, usually they are doing something or have in the past and you are a good target.

Your cars license plates are most likely on the COPS system, as know to police and has warnings about abuse of police, etc. If you want to give cops grief (deserved or not) they do not forget. If you get a dickhead cop, it can be 100x worse for you as they may have an axe to grind with "the lebs" and will search, abuse and give you grief even if you did nothing to deserve it.

Police deserve our respect as they have the worse job in the world dealing with all aspects of the public. Having smart mouth people abusing them is not good for our community as it will erode our respect for their authority and will end in either a police state or anarchy.

Do not blame the police for your troubles, blame yourself and your peoples public lack of respect to police for the harrassment you are getting. The only way it will end is when the Lebs are seen to be better citizens and not criminals.

I don't know what the leb community goes through in terms of cop harrassment.. but won't you be the better man, if you keep your cool, treat the cop you are speaking to with respect? Won't that break the vicious cycle? If lebs keep disrespecting the cops, then they will get disrespect back... and vice versa...

even when faced with a cop thats on a power trip, the best way to get under their skin (and anyones for that matter) is to keep your cool... show them that they don't get to you.. that you are a law abiding citizen and that you want to co-orperate.... being a smart-ass will get you, and the rest of the car community, nowhere...

and if you do honestly believe that the cop(s) are going out of their way to harrass you... then get some badge numbers... report them... talking back is not going to change anything... but reporting it might... if there are enough complaints on one cop... someones bound to notice...

The biggest problem is pack mentality. Most of those guys are probably ok on their own, but in a pack they grow ten feet. The problem is simply that they do not respect the law. Love the laws or hate them, if they are not abided by you would not walk out of your front door.

I have to agree with Moanie.

To argue with a cop is not going to win the battle for you, right or wrong.

(I've never seen a football ref change his decision because the team argued with him.)

I have been pulled over in my Skyline a total of 3 times (not including RBT's). The first time was by a power tripping Hwy Patrol who went out of his way to stop me in bumper to bumper traffic and issue me with a court appearance for driving whilst suspended. As it turned out it cost me money for a solicitor to show the courts that the error was in the police computer system and I was not driving without a license.

The other 2 times was to check that I was the owner and not some thief, (which I appreciated). In all these cases, I always treated the officer with the same respect as I would like to be treated myself.

If you think by standing up for yourself means beating your chest, then expect to have the ape man in others come out and confront you.

2GU, Are you saying that you have been pulled over for doing nothing ?

All I can say is that cops have better things to do than harrass people for nothing, usually they are doing something or have in the past and you are a good target.


Your cars license plates are most likely on the COPS system, as know to police and has warnings about abuse of police, etc. If you want to give cops grief (deserved or not) they do not forget. If you get a dickhead cop, it can be 100x worse for you as they may have an axe to grind with "the lebs" and will search, abuse and give you grief even if you did nothing to deserve it.


Police deserve our respect as they have the worse job in the world dealing with all aspects of the public. Having smart mouth people abusing them is not good for our community as it will erode our respect for their authority and will end in either a police state or anarchy.

Do not blame the police for your troubles, blame yourself and your peoples public lack of respect to police for the harrassment you are getting. The only way it will end is when the Lebs are seen to be better citizens and not criminals.

i never had a problem with cops untill i got a nice car its simple as that

everytime ive been harrassed i've been cruising home and after making every effort to be nice to the clowns they still out shit on me

i dont have a criminal record or anything like that

i know you guys will find it hard to believe but there has never been a valid reason for them harrassing me.

but when my grandfather was having problems with his next door neighbour giving him death threats the cops didnt even show up and said there was nothing they could do. god forbid they get off thier asses and actually do some real work.

as for that guy going off at the copper tell him to take off his gun and badge wat did the cop say first to get the reaction???

none of us will ever know because its an ACA story and the cops are all so innocent.

ive been threatened be cops say that they are gonna drop me this and that and wat am i meant ot do run off and hide? no chance just because they are the "authorites" doesnt mean they can put shit on me.

2GU UP sounds like you're on the ball.

You have to agree those guys on the report were ****wits though right?

I mean, when cops deal with 10x of them, then see you with 2GU UP plates in a highly modified looking car then they will give you shit. Not saying it's right but you don't seem suprised. I'll pay that not everyone probably appreciates that. But it's not suprising since personally 9/10 I've spoken to lebs is when they're trying to roll me or pick a fight.

It's a bit of a vicious cycle but yea ACA would try and find the most wannabe hardcores outthere (as they did) and put em on tv for the prime time crowd to watch (ratings).

As for some coppers there's no being nice to them. When I owned my XW I was pulled over no joke every 2.3 weeks over a period of 8 months (yes I worked out the averages). Once by 8 officers in 6 cars (yes.. ALL of them stopped on the side of the road.. lol).

Still I was never a smart ass and most coppers were ok but you're right with that sort of car you get away with ALOT more defectable stuff than an import. I used to get all sorts like

"whys it so loud?"

"its a v8 and its cold"

"ahh ok"

With straight-through side ported dual exhausts on a 351... :rofl:

"whys it low?"



"you have wires coming from your tyres."

"oh really? yeah such a heavy car boy they go through tyres quick"

"ok fix them, come to the cop shop to see them and I won't give you a defect"

"ok thanks!"

So.. really.. you're just on the tick box

lebo - tick

import - tick

modified - tick

western suburbs - tick

custom plates - tick

dickhead copper - tick

talkback when pressured - tick

= harassed.

I dono, if I were you and you're getting harassed, get a tape recorder, keep it in your car. Record the conversation and act all nice, get their name and call up the LAC and lodge a complaint to their public standard compliance officer or whatever (the title is something like that).

i never had a problem with cops untill i got a nice car its simple as that

everytime ive been harrassed i've been cruising home and after making every effort to be nice to the clowns they still out shit on me

Hey Dude,

With your above comment....is your car modified, and if so is it modified within the boundaries of the law??? If it isnt then you have to expect to be harrassed by the law on occasion.

I drive an modified import too and have been pulled over various times to be breath tested/car check and have had various fines but nothing i can really say i didnt deserve, dont take me the wrong way, cops get it wrong too but you dont take it up with the officer take it to the next level.

Also, some cops are jerks, just like the some civillians are jerks too.

Thats my thoughts.

the guy did take it a bit too far

but i have been guilty of saying the same shit because they threatend me first.

stock mercedes and stock BMW so i dont see how it could be tageted as illegal

the skyline was loud as but i never got done for it, go figure

i got done for rims being too big even though they were legal

got done for some really odd shit that was standard on the car but apparently i did it to make it go faster lol

2GU UP: While i agree with part of what you have said, you have to realise that there is unfortunately a high number of people ethnic background that are part of the modified car scene we all love that act like complete dickheads 100% of the time. While I acknowledge that occasionally you get police officers go a little too far on power trips you need to have a think as to why they act this way in the first place. Police deal with morons every day that show no respect for police or anyone else they share the road with and the actions if this minority clearly cast a bad reputation over the rest of us who love the modified car scene, respect the police, respect other drivers and act sensibly on the road.

Let me share an example of this.

The last time I ventured for a drive to the rocks, which was a while ago now i witnessed possibly the worst behaviour i have ever seen - unfortunately all of these acts were displayed by groups of guys of "ethnic" appearance. As well as hearing groups of 10 or more guys swearing continuously, there were others yelling endless comments at every female that drove past ("Hey bitch" , "oi ****" etc), calling out pig anytime a patrol drove past, others doing burnouts, and then there was the clown in his VL that was driving along through the carpark, too busy yelling at girls to noticed the two girls reversing out of a spot in front of him. He rear ended the girls car, then got out and started abusing the two girls who were otherwise on their own. The two girls were absolutely terrified, got back in their car and this bloke who wasnt small, smashed what was left of his front bar off his car, took it in his hands and walked across and smashed it against the side of the girls car, then kicked the shit out of it while his other mates sat in the car and watched - I was disgusted.

Its people like this that ruin it for absolutely everyone out there trying to legitimately enjoy their passion for modified cars.

im sorry but i think alot of your are missing the point that i was trying to make

stock or modified anyone even half lebanese looking gets picked on.


yeh i'll put my hand up here. i've been called a leb/persian/etc many times.

i was in my old stockish R33 gtst, and i pulled up at the lights (i was going around 30-40km/h b4 i got to the lights (cos i had just pulled out of another street)), and there was a cop car in the right lane waiting to turn right. when i went past, they got in behind me and followed me for at least 3-4kms so i decided to do like 30-40km/h and eventually they just decided to go somewhere else. this was from auburnon to james ruse dr, so i wasnt really surprised. but i've never abused or been loud with the cops b4 and i still get followed.

i have leb friends and i KNOW they talk loud and act like smart asses. i've told them many times to just relax and be nice, but nup. their behaviour just invites cop attention to themselves and anyone who looks like an arab in a nice car.

the reputation has been made, so be prepared to pay the consequences.

yeah i get shit called out only from enthnic looking people (and i am not australian looking anyway!!) all the time in the city, and i live in the city so cant avoid some parts to get places...

sometimes they call out stuff that im ok with ("rip it up!!")

but more than often its stuff that i wouldnt mention here! and its always from groups of guys never one, they are all pussies because if they were so friken hard they be d**kheads on their own too and i never see that.

i always avoid the main cbd area or most of the time avoid the city altogether on fridays and saturdays now because its infested by d**kheads and cops, who are no doubt looking to defect

that said, i have always been polite to cops and they have been mostly polite to me at RBTs,

only been pulled over once randomly in recent times, cop seemed like a nice guy, but did look for defects (he looked in my front bar for an intercooler, which i have, and he didnt see :rofl::cheers: )

just avoid the well known trouble areas and you should be fine,

(and i am a p plater)

I don't know what the leb community goes through in terms of cop harrassment.. but won't you be the better man, if you keep your cool, treat the cop you are speaking to with respect? Won't that break the vicious cycle? If lebs keep disrespecting the cops, then they will get disrespect back... and vice versa...  

even when faced with a cop thats on a power trip, the best way to get under their skin (and anyones for that matter) is to keep your cool... show them that they don't get to you.. that you are a law abiding citizen and that you want to co-orperate.... being a smart-ass will get you, and the rest of the car community, nowhere...

and if you do honestly believe that the cop(s) are going out of their way to harrass you... then get some badge numbers... report them... talking back is not going to change anything... but reporting it might... if there are enough complaints on one cop... someones bound to notice...

Very well said Moanie :)

The cops let us riot at Brighton when we won the Euro, hotted up cars, burnouts, loud music, flares and all - NO ARRESTS.

But gone are the days of the much enjoyable car show on Sunday nights. Locked down. Why? Retaliations by certain ethnic minorities who line the side of the street with their trackie dacks, abusing cops, girls and us Greeks. The Rocks has now unfortunately gone the same way.

Have respect and you will be treated the same. If you have a short fuse or something to prove, stay home and don't screw it up for the rest of us.

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