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NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! the police would act that way if the camera wasnt on,

they would b under arrest in a second!!!

the police just acted like that so they would seem that they are the victims,

like that small shot of footage at brighton near the tower, the blokes there didnt do anything wrong, so why is the police there? ive been there plenty times most of the time no one does anything stupid.

for example if there was a large family having a picnic in a park police turn up and tell them to leave, this would be considered harrasment so y is parking in a lil area where there is no houses around consider a problem and people asked to leave?

its true the blokes on camera were acting like idiots, but in real life where the police would of forced him on the ground, stepped on his head and thrown him in jail, this would of been considered overkill and the police is the bad guy

in the end there no point in us disscusing an obviously BOGUS report.

so lets not work ourselfs up over nothing

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forgot to mention what really pissed me off is that dude they were talking to about the noise etc

is that his opinion was "we have MILLIONAIRES eldery etc..."

so becuase their rich your not allowed to use the public roads after a certain time

they can go F#$% themselves

Those rich ****s can get a Hot viet beef injection up da butt!

Its bad as those ****s who knew Lunar Park was there first with all the noisy rides but then they moved in and demanded it to be shut down. Morons.

Hot Viet **** in their rich butts!!!

forgot to mention what really pissed me off is that dude they were talking to about the noise etc

is that his opinion was "we have MILLIONAIRES eldery etc..."

so becuase their  rich your not allowed to use the public roads after a certain time

they can go F#$% themselves

You really have no idea do you?

If I lived around the rocks area and had to put up with the sort of noise that the residents do, I would be pissed as well.

Think about it before you come out with comments like "they can go **** themselves"

How about we hang around outside your place, ripping burnouts at all hours, yelling and shouting, driving like reckless morons and harrassing every passer by.

i have a great idea!,

everyone seems to meet further down from the sandstone arch.

now tell me where the closest house is to there?

is there houses there? no

they are at least 100metres min away,

if it was my house and they were 100m away i wouldnt care.

and dont exagerate, there is no burnouts till early hours etc

all there is is people driving past with the odd loud car.

if someone lives near a highway do they ask that no-one drive on it?

if no one is breaking any laws, there is no problem.

i have a great idea!,  

everyone seems to meet further down from the sandstone arch.

now tell me where the closest house is to there?

is there houses there? no

they are at least 100metres min away,

if it was my house and they were 100m away i wouldnt care.

and dont exagerate, there is no burnouts till early hours etc

all there is is people driving past with the odd loud car.

if someone lives near a highway do they ask that no-one drive on it?

if no one is breaking any laws, there is no problem.


You are completely wrong, sorry

The council has had to redo the roads that run down from the rocks around the hickson road with speed humps and other obstacles to try and STOP the tard drivers, burnout masters and carpark drag experts - furthermore, there are residential dwellings down both sides of the road from the bridge right down to the large area where these people congregate, and on hickson road.

Noise travels, and the retarded driving continues.

The type of idiots we are discussing here abuse residents, police, anyone that objects to their behaviour. I have witnessed it all down there, assault, verbal abuse, burnouts, - the whole box and dice. The people that live and work down there deal with this 5hit week in week out, of course they are sick of it.

Make excuses for these sort of antics or attempt to defend it, and you have blinders on.

I watched "Fat Pizza" the movie last night... Funny stuff...

There is a scene where their driving down th road and there is a sign on the side saying

"The Police are now targeting the Lebs".... LOL This is what you saying hey 2GO


You are completely wrong, sorry

The council has had to redo the roads that run down from the rocks around the hickson road with speed humps and other obstacles to try and STOP the tard drivers, burnout masters and carpark drag experts - furthermore,  there are residential dwellings down both sides of the road from the bridge right down to the large area where these people congregate, and on hickson road.

Noise travels, and the retarded driving continues.

where people park on one side there is a massive wall on the other there is a factory ground.

i can tell you for a fact the noise isnt travelling that far, speaking from expirience and that fact that ive studied vibration and measurement control, i know.


i know this doesnt change the fact that there are wankers driving like morons around the area.

soloution= a free WSID funded by our smart government who worries about the rest of the world instead of whats happening in their own country.


You really have no idea do you?

If I lived around the rocks area and had to put up with the sort of noise that the residents do, I would be pissed as well.

Think about it before you come out with comments like "they can go **** themselves"

How about we hang around outside your place, ripping burnouts at all hours, yelling and shouting, driving like reckless morons and harrassing every passer by.

100% agree with you Blitz. I had retards outside my house in StIves doing burnouts and carrying on.

Now im a nice guy and I understand what I was like when I was young. I let it go on for about 10mins. Then I went out and VERY politely told them to move on to somewhere non-residential. 10mins after that I had to decide whether to take matters into my own hands or call the cops. Well I did neither as my neighbour had already called the cops.

As the coppers turns up, these guys drove past screaming "we will get you Narc".

These guys were middle eastern and im sorry 2G but it wasnt the first time that ive had a hard time from them. Ive already been arrested twice already from getting into fights with them, once when they insulted my mother and once when they hassled my little sisters. Both of these times I was able to prove that I was not at fault.

I dont know you 2G and all things considered you sound like a decent guy but what you have to realise is that MANY Australians feel threatened by the behaviour of certain middle eastern people. Of course part of what u have experienced is racism but hey I understand that, I myself am Asian and I have seen racist attitudes plenty of times.

What I have come to realise though is that racism isnt always one sided. Asians are partly to blame for racist attitudes towards them. Its true that quite often we dont assimilate well with other races, we can be quite rude when dealing with people (especially customers this can come across as being arrogant or aloof), we quite often do not learn the right manners (cutting queues, slurping noodles in restaurants, clearing throats in restaurants, shouting loudly, staring at people) and quite often we dont learn to speak English properly or at all.

As an Asian I understand that part of the way people treat me is because of dealings with other Asians. I may not like the way they treat me but I realise that the ONLY way to stop this is to re-educate them by showing them that not ALL asians are like this. There is no point being angry or getting upset it wont get you anywhere. The fact is YOU are an example of your race, you can either act like the stereotype or show others how good middle eastern people can be.

At the moment I am building a new house and my builder and all his workers are all middle eastern. For the last 6months I have talked to them and spent a lot of time with them. During this time I have learnt that Middle Eastern people have very similiar morals and ethics to my race and have discovered that they are not at all what I thought they were actually like. It only took 1 man (the builder) to re-educate me and to teach me that I have no reason to dislike middle eastern people.

Its sad now when I see the young habibs doing burnouts and acting like d*ckheads in the city. They are just reinforcing the bad image that middle eastern people have and making it harder for the good ones that do work and try to live life peacefully in this country they decided to call home.

2G you cant always BLAME the police or society in the way they treat you. Just try to understand why they do and if you dont like it then re-educate them, set an example.

this thread is changing from people acting like morons in the rocks to people discriminating againts middle eastern's

2 very different things

and cwest, if i had people doing that stuff in front of my house and harrasing my family i would get my trustee hunting sling shot and put some holes in some cars

this thread is changing from people acting like morons in the rocks to people discriminating againts middle eastern's  

2 very different things

and cwest, if i had people doing that stuff in front of my house and harrasing my family i would get my trustee hunting sling shot and put some holes in some cars

I know, just wanted to tell 2G that he seemed like a nice bloke and that he should keep acting like a nice bloke. Anyway in that ACA report it was clearly the lebs that got the most camera time.

Actually I am happy that I didnt overeact over that burn outs up the front driveway. It would be pointless, I would of got into a fight they would have come back yadda yadda yadda there would have been no end. The police came did their thing, game over no one got hurt.

Painless really, except my neighbours came over the next day to talk about the "arab menace" in our suburb :Oops: . That ACA report didnt help either you should of heard the comments my neighbours were making on Tuesday. I tell you this, it didnt help my Lebanese builder, he was spewing when he saw that report saying it was the parents fault for not keeping an eye or their kids. It was kinda sad, he told me it was bad enough having to get business in the area without having these "punk kids" (his words) making it worse for everybody else.

I mean dont they realise that they are making it worse and worse for themselves and those they love.


I can't beleive that story.

ACA has been making up, sensationalising and exagerating stories for years. Its what they do, usually it'll be a battler that people can relate to having a hard time from some heartless government department. I work for a govt department that has been the subject of one of these "reports" and can tell you the way the stories are shown, and what really happens while they are reasearching is different.

I was asked to be interviewed (via phone). I told them no, no comment, they would need to ask the right people (media branch). Then they ambushed me out the front of my office while going home. Then they found where I lived and sent a different person (attractive lady) over to try again.

So ACA is not innocent at all.


Stereotypes exist because your brain, like the rest of you, wants to be lazy. Its easier to label a person as soon as you see them (looser, nerd or a racist term) rather than getting to know them and making an evaluation on a case by case basis. It would be safe to beleive that if a police person has had a lot of bad experiances with a certain group, his/her attitude will extend to all members of the group. So, by going off, yelling or showing disrespect to the police you are making the label for the group you represent worse. (be it hoon, male, female, black white or whatever)

It unfortunate, but "yes sir, no sir, 3 bags full sir" is the only way to deal with police, you may not feel that you should have to, and you may resent them for pulling you over and carrying on.... but they can. Its the law, and its just that simple. If you don't like it, don't drive anymore. I've been walking to work for the last few months and have not been pulled over once on my way. :) If you think its not fair, or you really are direspected take thier number, follow the right course like you'd want someone to do for you. Our system is not perfect, but who are we to decide when justice should be issued. If everyone did that, there would be chaos..

I'm not suggesting all the police do a great job, but there are some who do, I think the odd a#$hole policeman has ruined their reputation just like the behavious of a few d$%khead modded car owers ruin ours.

as for the lebanese people being discriminated against, well, i have nothing against them personally, but you have to admitt, allot of the younger ones act like complete idiots. Allot of them instantly act like they have a VIP pass into a girl's pants, and they act like they are kings.

Anyway, i was seeing my girlfriend off in hurstville, as she was getting on a bus, so i gave these two guys a dirty look, and they looked normal after it. Anyway, apparently they were harrassing her on the bus saying "they wanna lick her out" and things like that. And a few nights ago, three guys "oh middle easter appearance" followed her to her street. It's the way that those people act that really brings a dark cloud over the rest of the people. I personally know some very good lebonese people, and it sh*ts me when others instantly ruin their reputation by the way they act in general.

On another occasion, i was walking through hurstville with an asian mate of mine, and a group of 4 or 5 middle eastern teenagers started making racist remarks. My asian friend is known to get stirred up VERY easily (he weighs like 75kg and is around 180cm tall, and he took on another mate of mine who is around 190cm tall and weighs like 125kg, and plays pro gridiron), so yea, i just told him to ignore it and basically had to tell him they weren't speaking to him, just to avoid a fight.

Anyway, as for the hoons, they should pull their heads out and stop trying to take on the police. The police are just doing their jobs and trying to stop people racing on public roads, especially ones where there is actually traffic flowing.

and 2GU UP, i suppose skylines just attract attention from police. I alwas used to think that police were cut cos they couldn't keep up with imports, but yea. Best thing is, don't be a smart ass to them about it, just play smart and know your rights, and that should put them back in their seat. If you feel you were treated unfairly, and im sure you were on a few occasions, make a complaint to the ombadsman.

Either way, with that story, it didn't help car enthusiasts when idiots said things like "catch me if you can" and what not, and were actually offering a challenge to the police.

Anyway, there might be some wanker policemen out there, who let the power get to their heads, but you also have to think about all the pressures they have associated with their job, so atleast try and cut them SOME slack.

soloution= a free WSID funded by our smart government who worries about the rest of the world instead of whats happening in their own country.



when i wrote off my last car, the cop goes "u should take it to the track man, it's safer there'. and i said "ye but its really expensive going there all the time".

he agreed and advised me to go out to the country roads because he practices there. :)

he seemed pretty cool.. but wanker cops are as wankery as u can get :)

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