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i was taught from my italian family is too stay away from the police and law as it stinks.... judging on how the court is handing out these punishment is a JOKE!!!!

well considering how corrupt most of the police in italy are.. no wonder :)

I think a few people are right about the perspective of the whole issue. From the story you would think the streets are awash with hoons, everybody is afraid to go outside to avoid a hoon, police are being targetted and almost being beaten up, thousands are dying out there, its costing society millions of dollars each year, and the streets are being taken over and nobody is safe :)

Fact of the matter is - how many have died in street racing incidents in the last couple of years? 10, 20? Even it was 100 people, it would be tiny compared to how many suicides? drug deaths? death from domestic violence? accidents with powertools? even deaths from bloody shark attacks probably!

I think everybody really needs to put the story into perspective really. Its not actually that important to the future well being of this country if a few people do a few skids, make knobs out of themselves, and get busted for it.. how many more deep seated issues are out there with no such coverage?

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the fact is they can make money off people doing skids and its easy to inforce... I have actaully sat on a panel to discuss illegal street racing in Canberra and was basically told, it easy to make revenue off sensationalising the car scene... To the police it is a gold mine as the wider community will always back them up (media beats this up even further), they are rarely questioned ( we are to scared to get done for more shit), and the fines are exuberant and dont usually need unnessassary proceedures like lengthy paper work, interviews, trials, and low police presence to inforce!!!

The reason they care more about drag racing and getting on our cases about cars is they make no money from suicide prevention or putting druggies behind bars, its simply one word my friends----


Plus normal people are stupid, they think drag racing kills!!!??? hahaha goin have another smoke or another beer!!!

the fact is they can make money off people doing skids and its easy to inforce... I have actaully sat on a panel to discuss illegal street racing in Canberra and was basically told, it easy to make revenue off sensationalising the car scene... To the police it is a gold mine as the wider community will always back them up (media beats this up even further), they are rarely questioned ( we are to scared to get done for more shit), and the fines are exuberant and dont usually need unnessassary proceedures like lengthy paper work, interviews, trials, and low police presence to inforce!!!

The reason they care more about drag racing and getting on our cases about cars is they make no money from suicide prevention or putting druggies behind bars, its simply one word my friends----


Plus normal people are stupid, they think drag racing kills!!!??? hahaha goin have another smoke or another beer!!!

So you were on some panel? I still call BS to 90% of that. Revenue my arse. If you think the cops are actually making money from all the pissing about with defects, then I think you're deluded.

I don't care whether drag racing kills or not. I care that some f#cking wankers think that its fine and ok to do it on the road!

How the fark are we going to fix these people? chemical castration.....lobotomy....I have no idea which wire is crossed in their heads.

The cops are doing something good by discouraging it, but its still the wrong thing. It should be discouraged by people realising its a dickheaded thing to do, not by them going "oh noes da pigz will defekt my sik car or impound my sweet whip y0, *** da pigz".

Ol' MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O, on that farm he had some cops, E-I-E-I-O, with a oink oink here and a oink oink there... :)

On a more serious note, they tried to connect the rocks shooting with the modified car community, and so far, i havent seen any kind of evidence to suggest this. Another example of yet media dragging a old story out for as long as possible.

The Lebanese guys were out of line in taunting the cops, whoops, cops. Sure its fun, but they're giving the police an reason to "harrass" them, and they have no one to blame but themselves. If you dont want cops wasting your time, just be respectful, "Yes sir, no sir", no point arguing, because it will only fusterate them even more, a so-called hoon, telling them how to do their job.

take care out there guys...


Yeh just saw it on the late news. A nothing story really, BUT

I cant believe the attitudes of some wankers out there. What do you think would happen to that punk if he mouthed off like that if the coppa wasnt in uniform...Cowards mouth off about taking away the badge and gun...stupid fools dont realise that the badge is the only thing stopping them from getting their asses kicked.

Thoxse guys being interviewed are absolute tools, and hey, of course we may all get hassled because of it...are you surprised when they are part of our scene.:)

Did it have anthing to do with the shooting...lol, great journalism. Do scumbag / crooks drive Astras and Corsairs, or Skylines/ WRXs. Its they way it is. All you can do is if your pulled over make it clear with your attitude your not an a55 clown:)


ACA did another one of their trademark stories on how hoons are the root of all evil tonight but this time they've gone to far, A Current Affair has tried to pin the blame for gangland style murders on modified car culture.

For those that missed it..


Was an absolute classic.

Feel free to send an email reply like I did [email protected]

why do people make out like street drags are something new?

ffs my father and my uncles used to do it 20 years ago no one gave a shit back then

so did almost every big name in the modified car industry

where do you think PAC started racing rotaries????

so why all the hype now???

get your ***ing hand off it for once and stop playing the innocent little angel

like you've never broken the road rules. We all play up on the road and theres no denying it.

dont put shit on the lebs blowing up either because unless your an ethinic and you have been out through the shit that most of us have you dont know why we are all so fired up and against the cops.

why should we call them sir???

they work for us . protect and serve the public remeber.

our taxes pay their wages

they should have respect for us if they want to recieve respect in return

There are shitloads more cars on the road, and swelling cities with denser housing etc.

knobs that do it in built-up areas and in traffic are causing bad publicity. Also there are heaps more young'uns with money to buy/mod turbo cars and we all know how mature the average 17yr old is (not to mention 27yr old). we also have to put up with the ever increasing trend of whacking an xhaust on whatever piece of shit someone is driving. this doesnt help the perception of speed either.

If i put an illegal mod on my car i run the risk of being pulled over and defected for it. We all know this. So why would you get upset if it happens ?

There is NO excuse for the way the dude on ACA behaved period.

Say yes sir, no sir cos the only way of saving your ass is if they change their mind cos they realise that your not like the many assholes they have to deal with eg the dude on ACA.

I respect police cos when it comes to the crunch cops will put their life on the line to save mine. When they pull over idiots on the road or dudes dragging its cos they don't want dangerous drivers putting other innocent people at risk.

why do people make out like street drags are something new?

ffs my father and my uncles used to do it 20 years ago no one gave a shit back then

so did almost every big name in the modified car industry

where do you think PAC started racing rotaries????

so why all the hype now???

Yeh it aint anything new, if your dad was caught he was still going to get into strife, and sure as hell wouldnt have blown up and started abusing the officer. Back in the day before Political correctness i would think your a chance of a hospital visit and having to eat thru a straw as they would have saw to the fact that your big mouth would have to be wired shut for a month or two...cliche maybe, but police have to dance to a different tune these days

get your ***ing hand off it for once and stop playing the innocent little angel like you've never broken the road rules. We all play up on the road and theres no denying it.


dont put shit on the lebs blowing up either because unless your an ethinic and you have been out through the shit that most of us have you dont know why we are all so fired up and against the cops.


why should we call them sir???

they work for us . protect and serve the public remeber.

our taxes pay their wages

they should have respect for us if they want to recieve respect in return  

LOL...ill put my driving record into evidence. Just because i own a modded Skyline doesnt make me a road warrioer. I enjoy a spirited drive, but leave the serious stuff for the track. Never been booked, and you wont believe me but i dont even race other cars. It just doesnt float my boat. How do i know that, well i have done it 3-5 times in my life, cant even recall the lst time i did it.

Thats beside the point...its got nothing to do with drag racing , modifying cars etc etc. My problem is with their attitude. If a bloke spoke to you like that, what would your first reaction be. You would try to ram the farktards head up his ass. Its free pass to talk sh1t like that to Police, especially in front of a camera, cause their hands are tied:(

As for being "leb"...man i went to Hoemebush Boys and grew up in Guildford. Doenst matter if you were Italian, Greek, The land of goat sphincter rings, Lebanese, Indian or Aussie, its always the individual that dictates if they are a farktard.

At any party that got broke up because of noise, booz hour of the morning etc did the Police see an 'ethnic' and finger them out. Never been in my mates Hondas or Nissans or Toyotas that got attention because they were 'ethnic'. Its been my experience that only the MC Gustos that talk sh1t when there is no need that cause themselves bother:)

That said if your minding your own business and getting bothered then thats wrong, ill make the point and say that just have a close look at what it is your doing as there could be members of the community who dont like it and are the reason why the police have to care. The whole Brighton is an example, local business, community doesnt like it, lol, especially ex-boxers who own restaraunts:)

LOL...Anyway difference in opinions :rofl:

So what if we pay taxes which pay their wages. You work for someone or own your own business, if someone came in and walked all over you and causing shit "because they're paying your wage", would you take it, smile and reply "yes sir, can I have some more?" I don't think so.

Plain and simple. That w@nker "take off your badge and gun" hero was out of line. Roy's right, that badge is the only thing stopping that guy from a few missing teeth.

that display from that guy was really disappointing, and the fact it was done with an r33 sitting in the background was even worse, i've been done speeding by the cops numerous times and whilst i'm not defending what i've done each and every time the cops have had a valid point, i was breaking the law !!!

how hard is it to just pull over, blow into the bloody breathalyser, and roll on..........put your pride or whatever you call it aside for a second, is standing up and hurling abuse really going to solve anything ???

these guys mothers should have been more specific when they said use words instead of fists

and if you are street racing or doing burnouts well you deserve to get caught and punished, having nearly been rammed by street racers the other night i fully understand why the cops wanna get rid of it, WSID is there for a reason, u guys even live in sydney, its much closer then us newcastle folk

Ok lads and ladies,

From the ACA website, this is the only "real" way to voice a complaint.


To make a complaint about a story that appeared on ACA, you must - in accordance with Australian Broadcasting Authority requirements and the Federation of Australian Commercial Television Stations Code of Practice - make it in writing to the Executive Producer of the program at P.O. Box 27, Willoughby NSW 2068. You should include your name, address and contact phone number. Complaints cannot be addressed by Channel Nine unless they are submitted in this way.

Would someone like to draft a response that we can all individually print out and sign and sent off to ACA?

I realise this may not accomplish much, but it pisses me off when stories like this happen, when at Xmas the QLD part of the club joined the B105 Radio Xmas hospital appeal and raised over $1000 for the Kiddies Hospital and the media, when invited to come along, "couldn't find the time to cover a non-ratings story".

Copper shoulda done the thing in shaft..

guy taps his finger

"ohhhh that's assault... " "i was in fear for my life"

I've been on the receiving end of shit from sick habibs and asshole cops and I'd honostly like to kneecap both.. but I've also been on the receiving end of some funny habibs and nice cops so you get all sorts.

Point of the matter is, stand up for yourself if you're being harassed. That's fine but these guys were asking for more, I thought the coppers did them a huge favour. They scream harassment when they're there taunting coppers.. I mean they've got shit for brains and somehow are the exception to darwinian evolution.

The problem is the whole sick habib/bogan mentality of being tough in front of your mates.. for some reason it's fully sick to talk shit to authority figures because somehow you've been oppressed and put down by society ... or something.. i mean **** this ain't south central ghetto these guys are like from brighton and stuff. "We're lebos we ride together we die together" rofl yea go all jump off a bridge you 2pac wannabes.

They have shit for brains lol - last time I was pulled over by a copper who was one of THE nicest coppers I've ever dealt with, I told him I was part of SAU and stuff and he was like ahh cool an enthusiast not a hoon... so there's still hope for us out there :rofl:

Now.. that all aside.. think of this for a scenario.

Superintendant Fred Bloggs goes to his media officer "hey bazza, we need to get some more support on this whole crackdown thing we're doin cos we need more numbers on the ledger"

Media officer bazza rings his contacts "hello .. ah yeah mr not-quite-journo, listen you remember those leads I gave you before? yeah well i need a favour. do some thing on these hoons we need to get pleb support"

Mr not-quite-journo "ahh yeah mediocrity, sure we peddle that shit, lets link it into the gun shooting and stuff, people are scared of that it's a great way to get the majority-tard crowd mum n dad type people as they're eating their dinner."

<$$$$$$$ goes to treasury/police, habibs get moved from the rocks to some other place>

dad to mum "Ahh isn't it great we live in this country where police are doing a great job to keep these scum off the road"

meanwhile, skyline owner "what's the problem officer? it's not even modified" "you the ****in problem bend over"

Ok so it's an oversimplification but it's the world we live in.

Doenst matter if you were Italian, Greek, The land of goat sphincter rings, Lebanese, Indian or Aussie, its always the individual that dictates if they are a farktard.  


and my thoughts:

I don't know what the leb community goes through in terms of cop harrassment.. but won't you be the better man, if you keep your cool, treat the cop you are speaking to with respect? Won't that break the vicious cycle? If lebs keep disrespecting the cops, then they will get disrespect back... and vice versa...

even when faced with a cop thats on a power trip, the best way to get under their skin (and anyones for that matter) is to keep your cool... show them that they don't get to you.. that you are a law abiding citizen and that you want to co-orperate.... being a smart-ass will get you, and the rest of the car community, nowhere...

and if you do honestly believe that the cop(s) are going out of their way to harrass you... then get some badge numbers... report them... talking back is not going to change anything... but reporting it might... if there are enough complaints on one cop... someones bound to notice...

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