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geez, so much pissing and moaning in this thread!

2GUUP - if you think are so oppressed here, why don't you go live somewhere else? (not meaning it to sound harsh, just a legitimate question, as you obviously don't like it here)

Here's a different perspective: i wouldn't mind joining the police force, and if i came across someone with your attitude, or the attitude of the guys on that clip, in the course of my duties, i would probably throw the book at you/them as well, as the attitude that has displayed in the clip/thread is appalling.

I have nothing against any race/creed/colour, and i don't discriminate. But, sorry! If you're acting like a complete tool, you deserve to have your ass reamed, no matter where you're from.

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geez, so much pissing and moaning in this thread!


2GUUP - if you think are so oppressed here, why don't you go live somewhere else? (not meaning it to sound harsh, just a legitimate question, as you obviously don't like it here)


Here's a different perspective: i wouldn't mind joining the police force, and if i came across someone with your attitude, or the attitude of the guys on that clip, in the course of my duties, i would probably throw the book at you/them as well, as the attitude that has displayed in the clip/thread is appalling.


I have nothing against any race/creed/colour, and i don't discriminate. But, sorry! If you're acting like a complete tool, you deserve to have your ass reamed, no matter where you're from.

I fully agree

AzzurrA - look dont get me wrong i do love where i live and the life style i have here but the law has let me down time and time again and i cant justify their reasons for it. but in sayng that if i could sell off all my assets and move to europe i would but it would be too hard on my family

my father and i have toyed with the idea for year but its just too much of a shit fight for my mother and my brother adn grand parents etc.

i would love to have a cop throw the book at me after i retaliate for them putting me though shit

i learnt from my past mistakes and now record every conversation i have with the police.

its funy how as soon as they are being recorded they arent so ****ey

even when they are asked for their badge number they run off with their tail between their legs

ill tell you right now im not a crim who looks for trouble

i dont make enemies i try to be mates with everyone even cops but not anymore not after the way they have treated me

Thats a shame...really. But top be fair, do you have any friends or relations in not so above board endeavoours. Like i said i have a friend that was the flavour of the month because of a friend, and his association with them.

Also, look at it this way. Say im an Ausie, i liove in Macquarie Fileds, and at 20 im driving a Mecedes. Its got nothing to do with being an Aussie, or living in Macquarie Fields. Its the combination of age, car and suburd. NBoe cars are mobile things, funny that. So can be driven anywhere so its nstill not such a huge leap of faith to be curious how a young person affords such a nice car. Essentially you from money, you are in debt up to your ears, or you work damn hard and have little social life.

Either way, it draws the attention of Police, as it is plain suspicious. Agree with it or not. If it wasnt seen as suspicious and investigated further then they wouldnt be seen as dong their jobs, and young corrks would be free to drive around in stolen cars, or with pockets full of drugs/stolen goods.

There is a right and wrong way for the POlice to approach it. ANd it seems its the wrong way in your instance. But its possible you have been black listed. And thinking about wit hall the emotion removed there could be a simple reason for it.

Anyway, you have bad experiences with Police in general. If you work in a Patrol like Flemington or Bankstown, then its possible that the occasional Police officer is afflicted with the same mindset as the occasional member of the local community.

Thats about it for me, no ones opinion is going to change based on anything they read here...we are all creatures of our past...but surely a bit of understanding will go a long way to mending and holes in the commuity's relationshoip with local police.

That's it Roy spot on as usual.

One other thing if I may add 2GU on that note - if you're serious about not being harassed you should launch a request for info on you and your car rego under the freedom of information act. I think there's like a small admin fee like $10-20 involved and they have to send you every single thing they have on you.

Maybe you're listed as a POI because a copper got some attitude from you or something. Either way if you've done nothing wrong you can also ask them to remove/clear all that information and also report getting pulled over and feeling targetted unfairly with the ethics officer (or whatever they're called) that handle complaints in your LAC.

I had an acqaintence who bought a local drug dealers car, he didn't know he'd inherit all the trouble but he used to get pulled all the time and searched etc. He found out what happened and went to the cop shop and started to pull all the stuff.. anyways, they cleared his record on the car etc and he wasn't bothered after that. This was some custom interior chromy wheeled s13 with the rear seats removed for subs and neons... so ... yeah pretty attention seeking (and crap imo).

Worth a shot but Roy's on the money.

Anyone thats stupid enough to think that all car enthusiests are like those guys on aca shouldnt be making laws or tv shows affecting all car lovers.

What a load of shit, showing the worst people they could find for a given subject and saying this is whats getting out of control all over australia.

There are always the minority that are stupider, more dangerous and just plain dickheads in any field/hobby/subject etc

when will they do a show on what REAL car lovers are like and get upto

I agree with Neosaber, its old people in Australia (read: baby boomers etc) who make up a signifgant percentage of the population.

These old, crusty, hypocritical bastards are the ones making the laws and making the big decisions in the media studios. It makes me sick.

Thats a shame...really. But top be fair, do you have any friends or relations in not so above board endeavoours. Like i said i have a friend that was the flavour of the month because of a friend, and his association with them.

no i dont have any mates like that.

my family all work hard either in offices or in the family business

and so do my mates most of which have office jobs.

i dont live in a dodgy area either

ACA has been making up, sensationalising and exagerating stories for years. Its what they do, usually it'll be a battler that people can relate to having a hard time from some heartless government department. I work for a govt department that has been the subject of one of these "reports" and can tell you the way the stories are shown, and what really happens while they are reasearching is different.

I was asked to be interviewed (via phone). I told them no, no comment, they would need to ask the right people (media branch). Then they ambushed me out the front of my office while going home. Then they found where I lived and sent a different person (attractive lady) over to try again.

So ACA is not innocent at all.


Stereotypes exist because your brain, like the rest of you, wants to be lazy. Its easier to label a person as soon as you see them (looser, nerd or a racist term) rather than getting to know them and making an evaluation on a case by case basis. It would be safe to beleive that if a police person has had a lot of bad experiances with a certain group, his/her attitude will extend to all members of the group. So, by going off, yelling or showing disrespect to the police you are making the label for the group you represent worse. (be it hoon, male, female, black white or whatever)

It unfortunate, but "yes sir, no sir, 3 bags full sir" is the only way to deal with police, you may not feel that you should have to, and you may resent them for pulling you over and carrying on.... but they can. Its the law, and its just that simple. If you don't like it, don't drive anymore. I've been walking to work for the last few months and have not been pulled over once on my way. If you think its not fair, or you really are direspected take thier number, follow the right course like you'd want someone to do for you. Our system is not perfect, but who are we to decide when justice should be issued. If everyone did that, there would be chaos..

I'm not suggesting all the police do a great job, but there are some who do, I think the odd a#$hole policeman has ruined their reputation just like the behavious of a few d$%khead modded car owers ruin ours.

no i dont have any mates like that.

my family all work hard either in offices or in the family business

and so do my mates most of which have office jobs.

i dont live in a dodgy area either

Well thats farked...and i dont know you, or your circumstances, but if its as bad as you are makign out (your not being abit sensitive to having being pulled over) then i would do as someonestolecc said and go see them.

Simply walk up and say

"hi, im just wondering who i can speak to regarding whether there has been a misunderstanding or someting. I feel that i have been pulled over a few times and each time there seemed to be an agenda other then a simple traffic stop/licence check...if thats the case id like to resovle those other issues, if thats possible."

If they say no issue then be on your merry way, and next time you have some agro, just keep your cool, take note of the guys name (dont ask unless you have to as it may be seemed as confrontational) and time, circumstance, and the next day go see the same Constable/Sergeant that you spoke to at the station.

Expalin to them its happened again and you dont understand the attention. Keep cool, if you have been clean each time...there is no way they will continue to give a rats ass about you, unless something that can be perceived as being dodgy is happening/transpiring.

MInd you i believ in the tooth fairy, but be reasonabel and i cant see how they have any choice but to be resonable in return.... or it could be a case of FAB (Farked at Birth) and sadly the victim of some misguided attention, does happen from time to time:(

just watched the video..of course thatd be right. good old aca, finding an issue that really doesnt mean anything and blowing it way out of proportion.

i hate aca and i hate ray martin. he could be shot and itd just be 'meh'. i hope all of the aca crew, or any sensationalist propaganda media group can die a long and paionful death. forget about hating the cops, hate the media! there the ones causing the problems!

i HATE aca!

i HATE ray martin!


ps 2gu up chill! were not trying to offend you!

I agree with Neosaber, its old people in Australia (read: baby boomers etc) who make up a signifgant percentage of the population.  

These old, crusty, hypocritical bastards are the ones making the laws and making the big decisions in the media studios. It makes me sick.

Thank you for your opinion


a baby boomer.

I am possibly one of the most vocal when it comes to governments and their attempts to ream motorists. But if there is one thing I can't tolerate it's screwed up little tools who think the world owes them a life, and who have absolutely no respect for anyone or anything. If I had been that policeman, the little lebo wog tool would be behind bars right now. No-one has the right to treat ANYONE with that degree of disrespect.

blind_elk: this may be true, but how many of your peers and associates that you know if in your age group share the same opinion as you? I mustnt be hanging out with the right baby boomers.

Do you deny the fact that its your generation that is making these laws?

The world wouldnt exist without generalisations, so please dont take mine personally.


I don’t know why you guys are getting worked over that ACA report

i mean its expected of them (media).

I am from the Middle East and do get pulled over for no reason and get picked on from the police doesn’t matter if im in my car or walking.

Once a officer asked me how could i afford my car and what i did for living.

Another officer asked me what my family does for living and what am i doing driving in the north shore area when i live in Mt Druitt. “You’re a bit far from home”

I use to get pulled over in my mums magna (loved the over drive button).


I’m not asking for a tissue or a violin to be played my family and i have survived a WAR and minority discrimination (nothing like the discrimination here in Australia)

Now that’s why i think Australia is the best country in the world.

But a few coward cops aren’t going stop me from loving this country.

We all can not comment on that incident because we don’t know what the full story is. Sure will we have had incidents from a group of minorities and that shows in some of the posts in this thread from pure frustration. But when we start to be stereotype then we go down on the same level as ACA.

I am very suspicious that the cops weren’t saying anything and were well behaved, they knew the camera’s were on them.

Anyone to suggest that cops need more power or are too lenient is a fool.

Another thing is if we the enthusiasts can not agree with each other then truly we will all become the victims, doesn’t matter of any race, age, location or religion.

Ps 2gu up I think you may relate to this!!!!

“The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority."

Anyone thats stupid enough to think that all car enthusiests are like those guys on aca shouldnt be making laws or tv shows affecting all car lovers.

What a load of shit, showing the worst people they could find for a given subject and saying this is whats getting out of control all over australia.

There are always the minority that are stupider, more dangerous and just plain dickheads in any field/hobby/subject etc  

when will they do a show on what REAL car lovers are like and get upto

Well, i think they'll do one when someone goes to ACA and says do a section on this - and show the public what REAL car enthusiasts are like. Hard working, incredibly proud of their rides and most of all playing it like everyone else does.

Why doesnt someone just ring them up and tell them they want to do a seciton on it. Get a group of skyliners from here or where ever, and go for it!

I think the public will be eye opened at how down to earth and 'non dickheadish' most of us are...


Well, i think they'll do one when someone goes to ACA and says do a section on this - and show the public what REAL car enthusiasts are like. Hard working, incredibly proud of their rides and most of all playing it like everyone else does.

Why doesnt someone just ring them up and tell them they want to do a seciton on it. Get a group of skyliners from here or where ever, and go for it!

I think the public will be eye opened at how down to earth and 'non dickheadish' most of us are...


:werd: as nice as that would be, face it, its not gonna happen. they cant go backwards on what they said, then theyll get people up them (then again, whats new?)

iits a good concept but in the end, it wont bring in the ratings. :)

why do people make out like street drags are something new?

ffs my father and my uncles used to do it 20 years ago no one gave a shit back then

so did almost every big name in the modified car industry

where do you think PAC started racing rotaries????

so why all the hype now???


get your ***ing hand off it for once and stop playing the innocent little angel

like you've never broken the road rules. We all play up on the road and theres no denying it.


dont put shit on the lebs blowing up either because unless your an ethinic and you have been out through the shit that most of us have you dont know why we are all so fired up and against the cops.


why should we call them sir???

they work for us . protect and serve the public remeber.

our taxes pay their wages

 they should have respect for us if they want to recieve respect in return


Although I'm not an ethnic,I can simpathise whole heartedly. I am a white middle class aussie from country nsw and I have been harrassed by the police like you wouldn't beleive, ever since I got my P's and my first car, a V8 commodore (about 9 years ago now) I have been harrassed relentlisly by the police, I have been both verbally and physically abused by them, and had them bring false charges against me several times (which I took to court and won, luckily). I couldn't even drive to work in the morning with out being pulled over and given a hard time by the police, and why? because I was a P-plater in a V8!!!

Now could someone please remind me again why I should respect these cops!!!

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