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Well if you're goin over some bumpy roads with a hard drive reading away, you're looking at best shortening the HDD's life substantially (I'm talkin about the standard ones used on PC's not the ones used in black boxes and standalone machinery they're a completely fdifferent piece of hardware and much much much more expensive)... at worst... instant sector damage by the head.

Usually when one dies it goes Click Burrrrrrrrrrr Click Buuurrrrrrrrrrr Click Burrrrrrrrrrr.... that's the head trying to find the first read position, and not being able to move up to the track because its been bumped.

I reckon MP3 CD players are much better on the long run, and much more economical.

And yes... the AIWA's still goin strong. Jus found out why one particular cd was skipping (none of my others do), coz it was a shitty quality CD... hehe another thing to watch out for on these things I guess.

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Maybe, but it wouldn't take long to buffer a whole MP3, so it would have to be really bad luck for it to buffer the wrong section of the disc because of a bump.

Besides, it will only go to the buffer in the situation where you go over a bump and it can't read for that split second, otherwise it would go straight from the CD. If you go over bumps when it is reading into the buffer and then go over more bumps at exactly the same moment in the song when you're playing it back, you most likely are driving off road and should be worried about your bodykit, not whether your song is skipping or not :P Basically, I don't think skipping would be much of an issue with MP3s.

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