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Hi Guys, l have a noise which sounds like a worn belt , but unfortunately still there after changing all belts. Removedthe power steering belt, still there, Removed the water pump belt, still there, removed the alt drive belt, no noise. thought it was a noisy bearing in the alternator, replaced the bearings in the alternator and noise still there. The noise goes away within about 7 -10 seconds of start, don't hear it again.

Its pissing me off

Any ideas:(

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Hey guys, it is only at startup, mainly cold starts, its a squeal, like a belt noise, as i stated, it was still there after i slackened off the two outside belts, the fan and powersteering belt, it stopped when l slackened off the alternator belt. All belts are new, the bearings in the alt have been replaced.

Now to my line of thinking, all that is left is the balancer....

Can that make a squealling noise, can the outer turn on the inner???? They do have rubber on the inside right??

not happy Jan

Thanks DRDrift, will call ya...

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Yes, that squeal is generally indicative of a loose or slipping belt. Try tightening the belts back to their proper tension.

I think there's a spray or something also that you can use to stop it.

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I also had a few whirring noise on cold startup, even worse steering make horrible sound when turning... I thought my front steering assembly is about to go or even pwr steering pump abt to die, or some belt is getting loose...

Then I noticed.... power steering fluid a bit low. So I top it up then..... I never heard that sound since again, cold or hot don't matter anymore...

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Originally posted by jethead98

Calling in to see DrDrift on sat , will see what he thinks of it, keep ya posted:burnout:

Sorry dude, was pretty busy all weekend.... Any time this weeks fine.

0411 878 961

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When i had the beast dyno tuned, the chap from Race Pace drove his Gtr out of the shop for mine to go in, and guess what, his made the same sound.......

well, I had to ask....

Bloody Fan belt he Said...

Tighten it till it stops the noise......and then a bit more to allow for stretch, specially on a new belt......

All quiet again.........Nice

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