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I was just watching the British F3 and Saloon Cars on SBS, and was wondering, where does everyone watch their motorsport?

The SBS programs are great, about 80% racing /20% talking....unlike the CH10 V8 Supertaxis that are the opposite :cheers:

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Why cant there be a dedicated motorsport chanel? They could so easily fill ever hour of the week with motorsport from around the world. We miss out on so much here in australia.

Due to moving out of home and not having access to Foxtel anymore, basically all my motorsport viewing comes courtesy of Ch10 (and Speedweek on the odd occassion). I cannot stand the Ch10 commentators though - other than Neil Crompton, none of them have a clue what they're talking about most of the time.

No wonder I enjoy the WRC and F1 telecasts...no Leigh Diffey commentary :)

I watch my motorsport live :O

well, when I can. on tha teevee I watch them all unless speedweek is on the same time as RPM in which case I give preference to watching speedweek and taping RPM so I can fast forward through the ads and crap.

:werd: RIchard, speedweek and ch10 (rpm/supercars) have been going head to head and speedweek gets my viewing.

The commentators suck there too (Auger/Pilkington) but there is at least twice the amount of racing on SBS

yep sunday afternoons. you never know when they'll have good stuff though. some episodes will just be f1power boats and drag racing. other weeks you'll get the europe Porsche Cup (which is awesome racing), brit f3, aus f3, prod cars etc etc and it's like all your television dreams have come true. :(

the euro porsche cup redefines door handle to door handle. they really go at it. and all so close in terms of pace, but yet plenty of passing, plenty of hard core-get-the-f**k-out-of-my-way moves. it really turns me on.

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