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Burnout Squad Gone CraZy!!!

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Maybe u dont have a previous record with the police but how do u know that the guy who owned it before you didnt get busted a few times?

AND another thing. WTF is a 17 year old doing in a skyline???? Wouldnt it be better off for you to buy a smaller cheaper car???

I am the first person to own the car in australia because i got it imported and i don't really see the problem with me being 17 I treat my car well and don't be a smartarse in it but i will just have to wait till july when i go to court to see how much longer i loose my car for.

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I am the first person to own the car in australia because i got it imported and i don't really see the problem with me being 17 I treat my car well and don't be a smartarse in it but i will just have to wait till july when i go to court to see how much longer i loose my car for.

You like the car and treat it with respect, age doesnt matter in my opinion. Hell I was only 19 when I got mine.

With all above said and done, hope it goes good for you and you get it back soon.

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Dude are you serious?? Was the taxi stop even full???  

What a load.

Nah man, it was FULLY empty.. and im talking a 2second stop...... Any excuse to pick on me...

With everything else in this thread... Tis true.... who ever smelt it delt it.. you did it, you were driving, YOUR responsible.. so take it.. "Take it like a man" if your gonna do something stupid, your gonna have to suffer the consequenses...

You go out drinkng all night... The next day your gonna feel it...

You go out doin burnouts.... on the spot/the next day your gonna feel it.

Its part of life...

Sorry to hear your car got taken.... But hey Shit happens.

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Yeah, I admit that - when I've been caught in the past I have been greatful the penalties were not so harsh. They really are now though, and that means we should all go to more track days to flog our cars :thumbsup:

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The intelligence shown in this post doesnt really require a response...

However I'm the first to admit I bite easy.

The last two times you have piped up with a post you have been completely negative and completely discounted the other persons opinion/description/explanation. The bloke obviously posted up here to get the word out and grab peoples advise and opinions. I have no problems with you having your opinion and we live in a beautiful land that allows you to express it however you see fit. Just dont expect to make any friends out of it.

I dont know you mate and I aint about to make an opinion of you over the internet, but perhaps when a young SAU member leans on the club a little after having lost his car maybe we could lean back a little with some positive feedback and advice???

"A cup of shut the fcuk up" and "Your a homo" are very funny but constructive???

Oh I wasnt taking a stab at you btw I was simply defending the young bloke as nobody else was. I'm sorry if you took it like that.

Dude, if you're going to take a stab at me, at least spell my name right, i mean, it's not hard, it's right next to all my posts.

And just for that, you get a:


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i think the obvious way to end this, is by agreeing that you should both shut the fu*k up and by coming to an understanding that neither of you are gayer than the other, and that you are both equally gay...............except Ewen is gayer.

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Maybe u dont have a previous record with the police but how do u know that the guy who owned it before you didnt get busted a few times?  

AND another thing. WTF is a 17 year old doing in a skyline???? Wouldnt it be better off for you to buy a smaller cheaper car???  

I am the first person to own the car in australia because i got it imported and i don't really see the problem with me being 17 I treat my car well and don't be a smartarse in it but i will just have to wait till july when i go to court to see how much longer i loose my car for.

It's nothing to do with the car being seized before, it's all about the driver. If you've had a car confiscated once for 48 hours, then get busted driving like a nut in a friend's car, your friend's car gets seized for 3 months!!

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hey hey guys the hole thing is not about wether or not you did it its about joe blow who hates

your car and ringing the cops and telling them, that you were doing burnouts even if you did nothing, the idea of this is ****ing wrong it is discrimatory. Fair enough the cops catch you in the act or you sit in front of someones house and blow your tyres off the rims, but for ppl to just ring in and say you have done sometihing you have not pisses me off to all ends.

So if one of you guys takes off from the lights in the rain and you accidnetly spin the wheels because of the aqua plane or oil on the road and you loose your baby (to the cops inpound lot) dont cry when some old fart dobs you in for doing burnouts................

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(be prepared to be abused by the moral higher ground now champ)

hey hey guys the hole thing is not about wether or not you did it its about joe blow who hates  

your car and ringing the cops and telling them, that you were doing burnouts even if you did nothing, the idea of this is ****ing wrong it is discrimatory.  Fair enough the cops catch you in the act or you sit in front of someones house and blow your tyres off the rims, but for ppl to just ring in and say you have done sometihing you have not pisses me off to all ends.

So if one of you guys takes off from the lights in the rain and you accidnetly spin the wheels because of the aqua plane or oil on the road and you loose your baby (to the cops inpound lot) dont cry when some old fart dobs you in for doing burnouts................

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Hey stevie thanks for sticking up for me but i am not trying to have a cry or anything i just wanted ppls advice and let it be known that it can happen coz i had no idea they could do that and i have never had any car taken for 48 hours this is the first time my car or any car i have driven has been taken.

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I know mate thats what I was trying to say! I'm sure you didnt post this up expecting to cop a blasting from other members! I'm fully aware that any one of us could be next and it doesnt actually take anything to provoke it. I've been told straight out that when it comes to "operation hoon" anything goes at the moment. Impounding and whatever else they feel will get the msg across that they are doing something about "young hoons"

Hey stevie thanks for sticking up for me but i am not trying to have a cry or anything i just wanted ppls advice and let it be known that it can happen coz i had no idea they could do that and i have never had any car taken for 48 hours this is the first time my car or any car i have driven has been taken.
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i heard someone reported you for driving with an illegal mod....something along the lines of a milk carton wedged inside your front wheel? have the police taken your car yet?  :aroused:

nope see i did a double whamie and talked them into well go look out side


bye bye

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Well i didn't actually say to the cops yer i did the burnout they just said we are taking your car and there isn't anything i can do because they have enough evidence to take it so really it didn't matter if i admitted guilt coz they will prove it in court. Oh well its all good i will get it back and i will just appreciate it way more!

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Well i didn't actually say to the cops yer i did the burnout they just said we are taking your car and there isn't anything i can do because they have enough evidence to take it so really it didn't matter if i admitted guilt coz they will prove it in court. Oh well its all good i will get it back and i will just appreciate it way more!

I know all this is crazy and im glad its not me going through it but i would never have given them the keys and or driven to the impound. hell they would have to pry my gtr's key from my lifeless hands. hehe plus they would have to catch me!!! :bananaman haha. damn i would put up a fight if i was in your shoes.

would have got it home locked it in the garrage and say take it now! plus i would want to see all the evidence up front and there proof it was me... Innocent until PROVEN guilty. i have noticed when cops are confronted with people who know there stuff they usually wont bother, obviously your polite to them but if you say you want to see first hand why my car is being taken and how does it link to my car, take down there names and badge numbers and sargent on duty at the time. and say your not handing over your car they cant forcefully take the keys off you and or make you drive anywhere say your going home first (to collect some stuff..who cares) if anything!! park it in the garrage and say you would now like to see the court order that alows you to come onto my property and take my car.

same with anything!! if i get pulled over speeding i ask to see my speed.. i have gotten off plenty of times because they never got my speed they just asumed i was speeding, and ive had plenty of mates get caught when the cop has said i think you were speeding back there and my mates have gone ok ive been busted when the cop prolly never had his speed just saw him in the distance looked like he was. they just hope you make it easy for them and go yeah i was. i have even had cops jam the radar gun in my face saying you were doing this... before i got to say anything i was like... yeah fair enough good job officer... hehe but when asking them to see "the evidence" dont sound smart just sound serious like you genuinely want to know why this is happening and if they cant produce it then why are they saying you did something.... just stuff ive picked up when growing up... half my family were and are still in the police force aunties uncles etc.

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every dickhead in their v8 does a burnout on their way from a major club across the road from my house at all hours of the day and night.. do I give a shit .. no..

most people have done a little burnout or taken off hard, so pft.. sounds like a stupid law.

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Haha man i wish i had all you guys there backing me up coming out with all the law talk its just i had never heard of this law before so i had no idea what to do and now i get all this great advice i will use it for next time though for sure.

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