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I found a good cheap boost controller for $22!!!

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hey um basically i am interested in purchasing 1 of these, but what should i get to determine how much boost im cranking..

I dont want to spend $80 just to get a lcd screen unit which tells me my current boost, just so i can adjust the boost on the controller. I assume the stock boost controller isnt good for this because it only cranks to 7 psi and ive heard that the majority of stockish 32 gts-t owners are running theirs at about 12 PSI.. 12 PSI is about right yeh?

Is there some kind of tool i can hook onto some where that will tell me how much boost im running to help me adjust it???


IT is a fantastic device..... It is called a boost guage. :sick: you can buy cheap pnumatic ones for less than $40.

If you dont want to spend that much you shouldn't really be playing with your boost :P

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Straight from the inlet manifold to the actuator, and i have teed of that for the boost guage. But it never used to spike, just now

do u have a big fmic? i have the same problem, and i think its due to the intake manifold being a good distance from the turbo, and the time it takes the wastegate to see "new" pressure.

say ur in first gear, and your boost is rising 2 psi every 0.1s. if it takes 0.1s for the air from the turbo to get to the intake manifold, then the intake (and hence wastegate) will see "max boost" 0.1s and hence 2 psi late (so 2 psi spike before wastegate opens).

it wouldnt have happened on stock setup as the wastegate would open gradually before max boost - and its something these boost controllers do well is at say 5psi, the wastegate still sees 0, and at 7 it sees 7, for example - it has far less time to start opening (and hence why spoolup is quicker). and it probably doesnt happen in 4th gear as the boost rises so slowly that in the 0.1s it may only spike a fraction of a psi. does this sound right?

solution (my guess): make boost source as close to turbo as possible, on the compressor housing if possible.

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Mine is connected via the std r32 way.. Directly to the comp cover.

I get half of a psi spike.

A friend of mine is running the same boost controller on the same motor/turbo setup and has exactly the same tinny little spike.

Both setups drop boost.

To prevent boost drop in my own and his case the only way around it is either an adjustable actuator OR good ebc. Not a manual ebc where you simply dial in a fixed gain and duty cycle. I consider a good ebc one where you dial in the boost you want and it will learn the duty cycle required at certian rpms in order to achieve the boost level you are after.

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when i first got mine it was fantastic ah. Did not spike what so ever and boosted up really fast. but after awhile i duno it started to stuff up and was spiking at 12psi when i only have it running 9. I have seen it go a little more so yer ive take it off and put my turboXS controller back on. Trial and error i guess.

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Cn some one please post a pic or a tutorial of installing one of these on a r32 gts-t rb20det? There is a installation with pics for r33 only, (i just read all 45 pages i think) thanks dudes and dudettes, i wana try this thingo out for myself.

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Does it matter what size of vacuum line we run to the boost controller?

Also when setting boost, what gear should we be adjusting it too?

I wanted to set my car to 10psi. I did that in 2nd gear and it reaches it fine but it only manages 7-8psi in 4th gear?

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bigger is slightly better, whatever size u have currently is probably fine

sure ur car isnt spiking to 10 in second? where did u get boost source from?

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I was told that 4-4.7MM diameter hose is best or it doesn't really matter?

It could possibly be spiking, I wonder how much it'd spike in 2nd gear if I set it to 10psi in 4th, lol.

My boost source is from the intercooler -> throttle body pipe.

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"Pop your bonnet and have a look at how the hose runs from the compressor cover to the actuator."

ermmm runs from the which when into the who what?

My car knowledge is OK as long as the car was made before 1980, and i got nothing on newer cars.

Pics pleaseeeee some one, and do u cut this hose and t-piece it or is it t-pieced already with some other gadget, or is this only 1 of the required lines or..

Sorry i know im useless, i know the basic way newer cars work but i got no first hand experience.

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u didnt get the instructions that came with it? do u know where ur wastegate is? trace the vacuum line from it. where does it go? it will either go directly to a boost source (any bit of piping between turbo compressor outlet and the throttle body), or indirectly via a boost solenoid

regardless of where it goes, u remove that line on the end opposite wastegate (leave it attached to wastegate side as is) and put that line on the side of the boost controller. then put a line from the bottom of the boost controller, to wherever the "boost source" that u traced to just above.

Edited by NewKleer
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ohh k thanks um i have ordered it but not yet receieved it i just wasnt sure if i should start saving to have it put in by a mechanic or start reading up on it and such. i understand exactly what your saying but the only problem is the whole wastegate thing. Ok i understand how it works and im assuming its an external wastegate and not an internal one, but, well whats it look like :O any pic would be sweet, as i said im useless when it comes to turbo'd cars.

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google image search was invented for brainless noobs


there u have the ideal setup - boost source from the compressor housing (closest to turbo possible), and u can see the wastegate on the right (the gold thing).

more precisely when wastegate has been mentioned, we're talking about the wastegate actuator, not the wastegate itself. coming out of the centre of the gold thing (wastegate actuator) ull see a rod going towards the exhaust side of turbo in order to open/close the gate.

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