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First Of All GTS-t Vspec,

Don't you thinkn that it is time to start toning down on the abuse of hicks. what he did was an act of peer pressure. im sure that when u were 19 you did a few silly things that resulted in bad happenings because of Peer Pressure. and yes i was on of those that said "Go on Ben U can do it mate!"

So really enuff is enuff. Also to bag someones family like that its just asking for a beating. (u have no right to call his father stu[id when u dont know him) which would look real good if u went to teach at uni with a couple of black eyes. So please just let sleeping dogs lie. his clutch is fixed its all over god dammit.

on a lighter note.

did ne one hear bout the guys in the commy who stole the number plate of a radar camera guys car and the procceded to do bog laps past the camera at 110 in a 70 zone.

lol commy drivers are good for something!

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Chill out man, Hicks and I are friends, therefore all my jokes are in fun and he takes them as such, and so should you. I have no problem with Hick's youthful displays of driving, i.e. burnout comps, but it does provide ample opportunity to get in a free dig.


I was watching the news last night, and in NSW they have taken money away from the Special Crimes division and given it to the traffic cops. Don't know about you but I think it is bullshit, I'd rather they were arresting real criminals, not those of us who are a little heavy on the accelerator.

See'ya :burnout:

Originally posted by GTS-t VSPEC


Chill out man, Hicks and I are friends, therefore all my jokes are in fun and he takes them as such, and so should you. I have no problem with Hick's youthful displays of driving, i.e. burnout comps, but it does provide ample opportunity to get in a free dig.


What i think Psiker's on about is the general bagging that goes on hey. It just looks like your constantly at hicks.... friends or not, this is a public/anonymous forum and if people dont know the full story (if your mates from way back when) how are they to know ?

I don't blame Psiker for trying to stick up for someone.



I can understand that fully Kym, and I have no beef with Psiker, but Hicks gives as good as he gets, and he's big enough to look after himself. I'm sorry if my bagging has offended anyone, but it's usually tit-for-tat and all in jest.

P.S. I love you Hicks:cheers:


Originally posted by Pva_Glue

I spoted few cops on and about area where I was travelling but I didnt get stopped...

anyone got done? or canary perhaps?



I know something u dont know:rolleyes: :D

Lets just say this: Speed cams are illegal on freeway now but handheld from overpasses are not and a radar detector wont pick them up (proven theory) i saw 3 ppl pulled over at the same time on mt henry plus 2 more by plain cars in south perth freeway.

Cracking down gets the point across so u cant blame em. 250 ppl in 30mins on the Polly pipe has gotta tell u sumfin.(police christmas party paid for)

Originally posted by Boostzor

I know something u dont know:rolleyes: :D  

Lets just say this: Speed cams are illegal on freeway now but handheld from overpasses are not and a radar detector wont pick them up (proven theory)  

Here's a review of some of the radar jammer products availible.


don't know how true this is.


Western Australia set for big changes

The West Australian Nov 9 2002.

Device ban to net speed trap evaders

RADAR detectors used by motorists to warn of nearby speed cameras and hand-held radars may soon be banned in WA, with a report on the issue being prepared for the State Government.

WA Office of Road Safety executive director Iain Cameron said yesterday research on the effect of bans in other States was being compiled and would soon be reviewed by the WA Road Safety Council. The council is the advisory body to the Government on road safety issues.

WA is the only Australian jurisdiction which has not banned the use of the detectors while driving.

Mr Cameron denied WA was dragging the chain on the issue, saying all road safety issues had to be assessed and prioritised, depending on their potential to reduce the road toll. Information on the effect of the bans in other States was not readily available and had to be tracked down.

The devices were outlawed in other States as part of the national road rules introduced in 2000 but the then-WA government was granted an exemption on the basis that it would carry out a policy review on the issue.

Moves are underway to reopen the issue and it appears it will only be a matter of time before these devices are banned following uniformity in all states!

I didn't think they could be placed actually in the tunnel. I thought they needed a certain type of background to calculate the speed, and the tunnel didn't work cause its all the same in there.

p.s. I love you too, v spec. :D :whackit:

I know that in the tunnel that goes under Sydney Harbour they can record your speed. It gets displayed on one of those overhead displays if u r going over the limit. They can also cut into your car radio and let you know if your speeding or of breakdowns etc. They send this info to the NSW Road Taffic Authority so if they can issue infringements. So if it can be done there they can do it here both tunnels look to be similiar (internally anyhow)

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